Iowa City Police officer on camera hitting handcuffed woman

Is he really beating her?
@Pinehawk I'm curious and it's largely unrelated to this thread, but you appear to have a very strong dislike for law enforcement. Is that based on the ICPD or some other event or a culmination of events? You obviously can tell me to mind my own business but knowing the same people we do, found it interesting.

And from just viewing the video on my phone, I can't make out much. It appears the officer is throwing punches but I honestly can't make anything out definitively. Must be much more clear on a larger screen? I'm in no way sticking up for what seems to be a very very very bad and unethical decision or reaction that the officer made.
@Pinehawk I'm curious and it's largely unrelated to this thread, but you appear to have a very strong dislike for law enforcement. Is that based on the ICPD or some other event or a culmination of events? You obviously can tell me to mind my own business but knowing the same people we do, found it interesting.

And from just viewing the video on my phone, I can't make out much. It appears the officer is throwing punches but I honestly can't make anything out definitively. Must be much more clear on a larger screen? I'm in no way sticking up for what seems to be a very very very bad and unethical decision or reaction that the officer made.
Exactly why I asked the question….you really can’t tell from a phone…
Exactly why I asked the question….you really can’t tell from a phone…
The lift into the back seat seemed like she was a ragdoll but then something appeared to happen. Just hate the rush to judgement society. Thought maybe I missed something totally obvious that everyone else was seeing. Thanks.
Cops don’t get the benefit of doubt. They can literally kill a man, get it filmed on camera, and get away with it.

Not questioning you in particular, Morrison, although we don't agree on much, but when someone says ACAB, do they really believe that all law enforcement is bad? I'm honestly naive in this movement and need to read up on it. I would welcome a 101 for a dummy like me that explains what it means when someone says that. On the surface I think it's absurd but I'm guessing it's much more complex and means more than what I know.
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Not questioning you in particular, Morrison, although we don't agree on much, but when someone says ACAB, do they really believe that all law enforcement is bad? I'm honestly naive in this movement and need to read up on it. I would welcome a 101 for a dummy like me that explains what it means when someone says that. On the surface I think it's absurd but I'm guessing it's much more complex and means more than what I know.
Count me in… I said earlier in the week….acronyms suck!
Count me in… I said earlier in the week….acronyms suck!
Had no idea what it meant when it first came about. Had to ask my college age son. Which evolved into an interesting convo with him noting he couldn't have gotten into med school soon enough given the volatility with the undergrad pop at iowa. It's all cyclical I suppose.
Had no idea what it meant when it first came about. Had to ask my college age son. Which evolved into an interesting convo with him noting he couldn't have gotten into med school soon enough given the volatility with the undergrad pop at iowa. It's all cyclical I suppose.
All Cops Are Bad? ACAB
So when someone says that, I take it they think all cops are bad. Even the cop that saves a child from an abusive father. How do you interpret?
I was actually asking if that's what it meant?

Those that use that are ridiculous. Not all cops are bad. Cops are people, just like people here. Most are good, a few are not.

Its that way in every profession and society.
If that is her mugshot from the arrest she doesn't look like she got punched several times by a 225 pound dude while defenseless. Could be a previous mugshot though. She was definitely resisting. It's really hard to tell what actually happened but I am guessing she kicked him after she got thrown in the back seat.
It’s really easy to say that. It’s something else to spend a lot of your time dealing with shitbags who are drunk, high or altogether crazy. Some of you hoping that we progress towards “perfect” cops are going to die disappointed.
Beating a handcuffed woman in the back of a police car may be a little distance from perfect.
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I’ve been very pissed at a woman. Been hit by a woman…. Never swung on one.
I’ve been a paramedic for well over 30 years. I’ve only had to stop myself from hitting a patient one time and it was a woman. I gave her too much naloxone and she woke up hard. She had a dual intoxication with meth and she was weighing out. We were trying to restrain her and she reached up and bit my right tricep hard enough that I had to have stitches. The pain was incredible. I stopped my fist halfway to her face.
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Plus...there were only three cops arresting her.

Guess the odds weren't in their favor.

Damn cell phone video. Years ago, no one would have seen this.

Have you ever considered being a cop? All that war experience you got in the Ukraine should have you prepped for anything and everything.

Same girl??????????
It’s really easy to say that. It’s something else to spend a lot of your time dealing with shitbags who are drunk, high or altogether crazy. Some of you hoping that we progress towards “perfect” cops are going to die disappointed.
No one expects perfect but all cops need to remember their surroundings and someone nearby has a phone taping it. I would have had no problem with the cop stepping back and using his taser but throwing punches goes over the line.
No one expects perfect but all cops need to remember their surroundings and someone nearby has a phone taping it. I would have had no problem with the cop stepping back and using his taser but throwing punches goes over the line.

My question is: were those punches, was he blocking kicks, or something else?