Iowa City Police officer on camera hitting handcuffed woman

(Most) Cops are losers. There are few true gems but very few. I've said this a number of times but the worst people from high school want to become and do become cops. When that gene pool is that shallow, expect this on a recurrent basis. The MENSA candidates from high school don't want to become the police.
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Same girl??????????
Amazing what a little makeup can do, eh?
(Most) Cops are losers. There are few true gems but very few. I've said this a number of times but the worst people from high school want to become and do become cops. When that gene pool is that shallow, expect this on a recurrent basis. The MENSA candidates from high school don't want to become the police.
An uncomfortable truth, but quite a bit of truth here.

Although I'd add this caveat --- a not insignificant portion of police I've worked/interacted with (both as a media member and within city government) DO view the job as public service and entered into it as a vocation with a calling (much as people do with medicine or law or journalism or nursing, etc.) And THOSE men and women make awesome cops, fantastic community representatives and are typically the first ones promoted up the chain of command.

That, however, has a downside, as many of them are now at desk/inside jobs, leaving the less motivated, less community oriented, less thoughtful and harder-edged officers out on the front lines. And out there, they are being lied to constantly, treated shabbily and dealing most often with the dregs of society. And all that just hardens them more and makes them more prone to violence, etc.

Not many easy solutions to that problem.
I can't tell from that video what exactly happened in that fracas, but it is definitely possible for someone in handcuffs writhing around like to get to the belt/taser of the officer.

Now then...could they have gotten it out of the holster and discharged it??? That seems unlikely, but there is still a threat there. you want know how someone can avoid getting manhandled/punched while getting arrested? Don't fight the cops like that. You are truly creating a life and death scenario and I for one will always give the cops the benefit of the doubt when the perp is out of control and actively resisting arrest.

Certainly she was way past the point of listening to any verbal commands to knock it off. For those that think the cop went overboard...what EXACTLY do you propose a LEO should do in that situation? Even handcuffed, she was totally out of control and dangerous.
Well he could have just shut the door after lifting her up and placing her inside.
Watch the video --- there was no need for him to lean in and start pounding.
To be fair...the video isn't clear enough for any of us to say exactly what happened. Did she get a hand on the taser while being put into the back seat? If so, then Officer Friendly had every right to "dissuade" her. Did he wham her out of frustration? Then he should be disciplined, etc.

I just don't see where we can be sure of any given scenario in that video.
Not questioning you in particular, Morrison, although we don't agree on much, but when someone says ACAB, do they really believe that all law enforcement is bad? I'm honestly naive in this movement and need to read up on it. I would welcome a 101 for a dummy like me that explains what it means when someone says that. On the surface I think it's absurd but I'm guessing it's much more complex and means more than what I know.
This video illustrates a major problem in police culture. Several other LEOs watched it, didn't attempt to intervene, and acted like everything was BAU after the fact. In a good culture, when one officer loses their cool, others would immediately step in, pull him back, remind him to get control of his emotions, and be professional. And then the police reports would reflect what actually happened. For all the teachers busted for sexytimes with students, you never learn that any other teachers had any knowledge of what was happening unless they were the one reporting it. Part of the problem with policing is that it will attract individuals who like the idea of wielding their power/authority over others. But this makes it so much more important that attempts are made to identify these individuals and tell them to find a different line of work, and that there is significant training in teaching officers when and how to intervene when a fellow officer is behaving unprofessionally.
This video illustrates a major problem in police culture. Several other LEOs watched it, didn't attempt to intervene, and acted like everything was BAU after the fact. In a good culture, when one officer loses their cool, others would immediately step in, pull him back, remind him to get control of his emotions, and be professional. And then the police reports would reflect what actually happened. For all the teachers busted for sexytimes with students, you never learn that any other teachers had any knowledge of what was happening unless they were the one reporting it. Part of the problem with policing is that it will attract individuals who like the idea of wielding their power/authority over others. But this makes it so much more important that attempts are made to identify these individuals and tell them to find a different line of work, and that there is significant training in teaching officers when and how to intervene when a fellow officer is behaving unprofessionally.
Which is exactly why I question the validity of what seems to be taking place in the video. It’s not a good video to begin with, and the female officer is definitely not disturbed at all by what may or may not have happened as she comes back around the rear of the vehicle.

Of course, if body cam footage shows what everybody here seems to think it shows, then there is no excuse for that type of behavior.
Which is exactly why I question the validity of what seems to be taking place in the video. It’s not a good video to begin with, and the female officer is definitely not disturbed at all by what may or may not have happened as she comes back around the rear of the vehicle.

Of course, if body cam footage shows what everybody here seems to think it shows, then there is no excuse for that type of behavior.
ICPD has been smacking drunk 20-and-teen somethings around for literally decades. Of course there is a BAU reaction from the other officers, as it is literally BAU.
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I was actually asking if that's what it meant?

Those that use that are ridiculous. Not all cops are bad. Cops are people, just like people here. Most are good, a few are not.

Its that way in every profession and society.
It’s more like all rapists are bad. Yea even the one who rescues a child
By all accounts this young woman is well known with the police and has been in and out of rehab; hope this is the wake up call/rock bottom she so desperately needs.

These incidents always seem to have people rushing to judgment before the whole story, and video footage are released. You can clearly hear the officer say, "and that's a felony charge for trying to disarm an officer."

You play with fire you are going to get burned. Her mug shot doesn't show any visable bruises or cuts. The first video certainly didn't look good for the officer, but the mug shot and chest cam tell a different story.
And just like that, a bunch of you haters look like fecking idiots. Shocker.

That video didn’t show the punches. The body cam was from a different officer who was on the other side of the car.
And, afterwards you can hear bystanders yell, ‘why are you punching that girl?!’

She was handcuffed within 10 seconds of them approaching her.
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That video didn’t show the punches. The body cam was from a different officer who was on the other side of the car.
And, afterwards you can hear bystanders yell, ‘why are you punching that girl?!’

She was handcuffed within 10 seconds of them approaching her.
I thought they showed the entire time she was in the backseat. Second half of it
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That video didn’t show the punches. The body cam was from a different officer who was on the other side of the car.
And, afterwards you can hear bystanders yell, ‘why are you punching that girl?!’

She was handcuffed within 10 seconds of them approaching her.
You didn't watch the whole video. It clearly showed the punches to her back in the police car video.
10:15 he sprays her face point blank with pepper spray.
10:30 he lands about 5 punches to the back of her head.
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