Iowa City Police officer on camera hitting handcuffed woman

That video didn’t show the punches. The body cam was from a different officer who was on the other side of the car.
And, afterwards you can hear bystanders yell, ‘why are you punching that girl?!’

She was handcuffed within 10 seconds of them approaching her.
False. The punches were shown, on the second half of the video, from the in car cam. For fighting that hard and grabbing a weapon...she got off easy peasy.
The cop smacks her in the back 4 or 5 times about 10 seconds into the video after the video below starts. (linked it to mid video) I'm imagining a lot of people thought he was wailing on her with his fists. That was not the case. Could he have not thumped her? Sure. Was it a major transgression? No.

This is why you shouldn't form strong opinions until you have good evidence, kids.

Internet guy observation:

I used to bitch about the cops and felt kind of unique in doing so.... back in the day.

Now everybody does it, and lots of them do a terrible job with their criticism. Basically jump to conclusions constantly. Now I find myself defending police more than criticizing.

The police have issues, for sure. But a good portion of the criticism I see on the internet anymore is just junk.
Neither will the cops. But, she‘ll face 10+ years in prison for her physical actions. While you shrug off a cop punching a handcuffed, highly inebriated college girl, who is having a breakdown.
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Same girl??????????
Definitely same girl, seeing her tattoos in the video. 22 years old with 3 OWI’s already.
I don't see her making 30 at this rate. Too bad. She hasn't totally wrecked herself, yet. I guess she has a shot at turning things around. I didn't watch the entire video, but I kept thinking she'd piss herself.
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Definitely same girl, seeing her tattoos in the video. 22 years old with 3 OWI’s already.
Would buy her a few drinks and see where the night goes...
I don't think that tattoo on her right arm is very accurate. Life seems to be taking her for a ride.
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He hit her in the arm and shoulder….

Correct, he punched the arm that was being used to grab at his service belt. He must have felt her tugging on it.

The handcuffs werent like metal ones in the movies, they are more like restraints and she had one of her hands/arms clearly in front of her body in the back of the cab. She had some leeway to use her hands.

This completely ignores where she hit the first arresting officer 5 seconds into the interaction. Which is clear cut felony assault on a peace officer. It went down hill from there.

You couldn’t pay me enough money to deal with drunk assholes like this chick.
Same shirt she was wearing during the arrest!
I am guessing she took the picture and posted it when the night was young and full of promise. Then she got hammered. Too bad, like I said. She could be marginally cute. I hate to lower it to just that, but, she's a mess when she drinks. If she dries out she has a chance, and she stops being a drain on us taxpayers.
I certainly don't think all cops are bad. But I can understand some folks on here that feel that way that lived in Iowa City late 90's early 2000s. There was some shady stuff going on.

But, I want to thank @Hawkman98 for his service. He seems very rational, reasonable, and willing to do the right thing.
I try to be. I’m not one of those thin blue line covering for shitty cops kind of guy. We should lead by example and need to do more to gain respect of the public. Times are changing and we have to have a open mind to change as well. I enjoy trying to give some honest opinions on here and maybe present some facts on LE issues that most might not understand.
Obviously drunk as hell, but 3-4 cops on scene and it gets this out of control?

She MAYBE weighs 120lbs.

You could tell early on that the cops were well aware this video would hit the interwebz. Too many of their remarks seemed orchestrated.
She now faces several charges including assaulting an officer. Court records show Brown has a history of fighting with police.

In 2018 she pleaded guilty to interference with official acts for resisting arrest and hitting a squad car. Later that year, she assaulted a staff member at Mercy Iowa City and resisted arrest, pleading guilty again to interference with official acts.

In 2019, she pleaded guilty to OWI and interference with official acts for refusing police commands and needing to be pulled from the vehicle.

Then this past March, she was charged with assault for allegedly trying to bite a security guard at UIHC and punching a staff member before she had to be sedated. A hearing in that case is set for July.
So she tried to take the officer's Taser and then bit another deputy at the county jail. Yeah, she's a peach...

She kicked and grabbed for his tazer, she is lucky he didn't taze her at the very least.
According to the police report which was written by the officers involved. Should that be taken as the gospel truth?
She deserved everything she got and probably more. Again, if you STFU, get in the car, take a ride downtown, and spend the night in the drunk tank none of this would have happened. With as much experience as s he has, she should have known better......

Crooked cops are the worst of the worst, but these guys/gal did absolutely nothing wrong.....They gave her multiple chances and even listened to her drunk rambling - once she starts resisting, kicking the car, pulling at officers arms/tasers/etc nice time is over.......
She deserved this. The officers were listening to her side and being appropriate until she decided not to be. Once you start grabbing at officers and grabbing towards guns/tazers, all bets are off.
If her hands are cuffed behind her, how did she grab for their guns and/or tasers?
If her hands are cuffed behind her, how did she grab for their guns and/or tasers?

Go to the ten minute mark of this video. You see her right arm / hand grasping for his belt and whatever is on it (e.g. taser, gun, etc.). Hell, the restraints are so loose she gets her hands out in front of her when she goes in the car the first time. This isn't some cuffed up tight behind the back situation. She reaches fully behind her and gets hold of his belt and then he says "Let go of me, let go of me!" She doesn't, he smacks her in the back four times and she lets go. If anything, they need to consider tighter restraints that allow less movement...but then inevitably somebody would complain because they got hurt from too tight of restraints.

I've got very little love for the ICPD but they showed a lot of restraint with this psycho. She deserves whatever is coming to her.