iowa has played no good teams beside Iowa St.

I found a later version but it does not yet include Saturday's result. It shows Wisconsin, Northwestern and Nebraska as the only teams tougher than Iowa State on the Iowa schedule, adjusted for home or road. This is prior to Wisconsin & Nebraska losses and ISU win.

Kansas, Northern Iowa and Texas are the only weaker teams on ISU's schedule. Iowa would be ahead of both Texas Tech and Toledo, except those are road games and Iowa was at home.

If you look at ISU's probability of future wins on ESPN's site, only Texas is greater than 50%. Barely. Iowa is favored in all their games by a fairly wide margin, other than Northwestern and Nebraska. I'm surprised Nebraska is still shown as a loss, but it is on the road.
I want a link or website with this "factual information" bc ISU is outside of the top 100 bc well it is ISU.....just type the website if u don't know how to link
What's your point with this psyclone? It looks like you want to say something. You're quoting a statistical system with notoriously low predictive validity and worse reliability. No one is going to remember this when u guys keep losing this year. Good teams find a way to win. Iowa has that right now and its the reason people around the country think of this as a Hawkeye state even in down years. You will not see that change in your lifetime. If an obscure stat system eases the pain for you, consider that it might be less productive than just getting better at football.
What's your point with this psyclone? It looks like you want to say something. You're quoting a statistical system with notoriously low predictive validity and worse reliability. No one is going to remember this when u guys keep losing this year. Good teams find a way to win. Iowa has that right now and its the reason people around the country think of this as a Hawkeye state even in down years. You will not see that change in your lifetime. If an obscure stat system eases the pain for you, consider that it might be less productive than just getting better at football.
The original post was that Iowa has played no good teams other than Iowa State. I decided to let the computer ratings provide a data point not colored by bias. The reader is free to disagree with this unbiased view. We all know the computer gets better with more data and it is early in the season. I've followed up with a couple updates which show it is indeed changing. And it will continue to change.
The program is post-scriptive. It's not reliable as a test for strength of schedule or to determine current team difficulty because it relies on data after the measure (game). At best, its a running narrative. Post data isn't biased. Assigning present meaning to a post scriptive measure certainly is.
The original post was that Iowa has played no good teams other than Iowa State. I decided to let the computer ratings provide a data point not colored by bias. The reader is free to disagree with this unbiased view. We all know the computer gets better with more data and it is early in the season. I've followed up with a couple updates which show it is indeed changing. And it will continue to change. be used only when clone fans say so. Ignored at all other times and when they really don't like it they make up their own.
The original post was that Iowa has played no good teams other than Iowa State. I decided to let the computer ratings provide a data point not colored by bias. The reader is free to disagree with this unbiased view. We all know the computer gets better with more data and it is early in the season. I've followed up with a couple updates which show it is indeed changing. And it will continue to change.

need to stop huffing spray paint if you really think ISU better than Pitt.

go away
That is strange. I was at the game Saturday in Madison and there was a kid wearing Iowa state garb cheering for Wisconsin sitting right behind me with a bunch of whisky fans. Very strange.

Not really. For any other fan base it would be very strange but I have seen the very same thing from ISU fans in the past. It shocked me a little at first but now I realize how obsessed some of them are at hating Iowa
These are originally Sagarin rankings, but are adjusted for home or away schedule. It's true if you just look at neutral sites they look different, but this was a discussion about schedule difficulty.

You fail to state exactly who is 'adjusting' the original Sagarin rankings.

It is questionable that Sagarin is 'adjusting' as his set of rankings already provides at least four set of various metrics along with factors that can be utilized to adjust each of those metrics. To state that, with adjustment, isu is more/less difficult than any other team already shown to be better via Sagarin measurement would mean that those unbiased computers/algorithms are contradicting information produced by the very same computers/algorithms. That would indicate bias is present in some form.

Besides, there is plenty of other 'unbiased' published data available that clearly shows Jack Trice Stadium in Ames, Iowa to be one of the least difficult venues to play/win a game.
I haven't expressed my opinion on ISU vs Pitt at all.

As an alum of the U of Iowa, I feel perfectly comfortable staying here.

the fact that you reference anything or skew any computer data that suggests ISU is tougher than Pitt is why no one can take you seriously.

you're better off with your fellows over on cyclonedelusional.
Pitt would abuse ISU.

I keep waiting for some Clown fan to change this to a basketball thread. Isn't that what they do when they lose to Iowa in football?
the fact that you reference anything or skew any computer data that suggests ISU is tougher than Pitt is why no one can take you seriously.

you're better off with your fellows over on cyclonedelusional.
I haven't skewed any data. But I will admit after listing the schedules that show the road games as the toughest on both teams schedules, it makes one wonder if the home/road adjustment is overweighted.
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Kansas State, TT, and Toledo are all behind Iowa on Sargarin? How are they considered harder on your schedule? I'm still missing something psyclone?
Kansas State, TT, and Toledo are all behind Iowa on Sargarin? How are they considered harder on your schedule? I'm still missing something psyclone?
TT, KSU, Toledo are road games, hawks were a home game.
Saragin's advantage for home field is 2.74. I would argue that when you talk about away and home team "power". You should only get a 1.37 point bump as a home team. 2.74 is a difference, points power should be taken away from the away team. Subtracting 2.74 from the away team and adding 2.74 to the home team would create a difference of 5.48.

Using Sagarin... he calculated ISU's difficulty correctly... should go in the following order:

ISU's schedule - toughest to easiest as of 10/8
@ BAYLOR power: 92.68
@ OKLAHOMA power: 90.71
TCU power: 87
@ WEST VIRVIGNIA power: 86.03
@ KANSAS STATE power: 83.73
IOWA power: 81.37
OKLAHOMA STATE power: 81.01
@ TOLEDO power: 80.17
@ TEXAS TECH power: poop
TEXAS power: more poop
NORTHERN IOWA power: steaming pile of poop
KANSAS power: your mom

Stupidity lead to a subtle jab at the fighting Ferentzs. Check your math and more importantly check your mom
OF COURSE your road games are more difficult. Bragging that ISU is a "more difficult game" is cutesy way of trying to make them look better than they really are.
They cannot make ISU football look good. They do have the ability to brag about beating us unfortunately!
These are originally Sagarin rankings, but are adjusted for home or away schedule. It's true if you just look at neutral sites they look different, but this was a discussion about schedule difficulty.
TYPE IN THE WEBSITE YOU GOT THIS INFORMATION FROM OR LINK IT?!?!?! There is not a publication that would still be in business if they are really this this stupid. SO ONCE AGAIN WHERE DID THIS COME keep stating it is adjusted saragin, did you do the adjusting all by yourself?
TYPE IN THE WEBSITE YOU GOT THIS INFORMATION FROM OR LINK IT?!?!?! There is not a publication that would still be in business if they are really this this stupid. SO ONCE AGAIN WHERE DID THIS COME keep stating it is adjusted saragin, did you do the adjusting all by yourself?

Yep now clone fans are making up their own "adjusted" SOS. They will do everything in their power to cling to isu doesn't suck they just play a difficult schedule myth.

What is next, pimping how great isu can sell $20 tickets?
Yep now clone fans are making up their own "adjusted" SOS. They will do everything in their power to cling to isu doesn't suck they just play a difficult schedule myth.

What is next, pimping how great isu can sell $20 tickets?
I mean I do respect ISU fans for staying loyal because I mean how difficult would that be to do. I just do not understand how in the world ISU fans can really believe they are superior to Iowa athletically is beyond me. In iowa there are 4 major sports. Football, wrestling, basketball, and baseball for men. We can throw in vollyball, womens hoops and softball just to even it up a bit (Title IV)
1) Football: No contest, ISU is a bottom 5 D1 P5 team currently and historically..we have a single player with as many or more bowl wins than the entire programs history....pretty easy answer here
2) Mens Hoops: Historically this is not even close either, Iowa dominates historically. Since 1980 it is pretty comparable and for sake of argument lets say it is a wash.
3) Wrestling: No contest, Iowa Wrestling is #1 program in the country historically and is top 3 every year currently
4) Baseball: No team for ISU so pretty easy one here
5) Womans bball: Give slight edge to ISU here, but Iowa is a top 25 program too
6) Vollyball: ISU has a great program, however, the BigTen is by far the best VB conference in the Nation and Iowa just beat ISU this year for 1st time in a while (could use the ISU football argument on this one in which we play tougher schedule and beat you head to head blah blah blah, but will not and give edge to ISU hands down here)
Maybe ISU is good at some other non revenue sport that I (and most could care less about) but Iowa has several successful non rev teams as well (Golf, field hockey, gals soccer, track, etc) but once again who cares...Football is #1, Wrestling and Bball #2, and then Baseball #3 as far as importance in the state
The latest update now shows 3 teams better than ISU on Iowa's schedule - @Northwestern, @ Wisconsin and @ Nebraska in that order.

In the latest data there are now 4 teams worse than Iowa on the ISU schedule.

Once again note that these are adjusted for where the games are played, which make a big difference. In the case of the ISU schedule, the only home game ahead of Iowa is TCU. That's understandable. All ISU road games are currently ahead of Iowa on the computer difficulty ranking. Texas Tech is just ahead of Iowa, so if Iowa State can upset Tech on the road, Iowa will move up on the list.

When you look at the degree of difficult of both schedules, all away games rank higher than all home games with once exception for each team. TCU at Ames breaks the pattern in the ISU schedule. Pitt at Iowa City slips ahead of the game at Indiana, breaking the pattern in the Iowa schedule. If Indiana could have closed the deal on Ohio State, all road games would have been tougher than all home games.

Iowa's schedule - toughest to easiest as of 10/8

ISU's schedule - toughest to easiest as of 10/8

It looks like what you're doing here is adjusting these games for home and away, which is reasonable to do, but to say that Iowa is the 7th worst team on ISU's schedule is misleading. If these were neutral site games, Iowa would probably be the 5th hardest team on the schedule. While ISU would drop to about 6th hardest on Iowa's schedule. This is mainly because so far, ISU is actually having a decent year compared to where they usually are (57th in Sagarin), however, that number may begin to plummet when they continually get blown out by Baylor, TCU etc. And it helps that so far, Minnesota and Maryland are having terrible seasons.
Usually come October all ISU fans have to brag about is their attendance for first game or two usually consisting of a game vs in state teams, undergrad enrollment and strength of schedule.
Saragin's advantage for home field is 2.74. I would argue that when you talk about away and home team "power". You should only get a 1.37 point bump as a home team. 2.74 is a difference, points power should be taken away from the away team. Subtracting 2.74 from the away team and adding 2.74 to the home team would create a difference of 5.48.

Using Sagarin... he calculated ISU's difficulty correctly... should go in the following order:

ISU's schedule - toughest to easiest as of 10/8
@ BAYLOR power: 92.68
@ OKLAHOMA power: 90.71
TCU power: 87
@ WEST VIRVIGNIA power: 86.03
@ KANSAS STATE power: 83.73
IOWA power: 81.37
OKLAHOMA STATE power: 81.01
@ TOLEDO power: 80.17
@ TEXAS TECH power: poop
TEXAS power: more poop
NORTHERN IOWA power: steaming pile of poop
KANSAS power: your mom

Stupidity lead to a subtle jab at the fighting Ferentzs. Check your math and more importantly check your mom
It wasn't my math. I don't know what adjustment they used. But the math should alter the numbers by 2.74 (assuming that is indeed Sagarin's home field advantage), since you are holding ISU constant and you are looking at the difficulty as seen by ISU.

This is not intended and has no validity in comparing one team to another on ISU's schedule. For example on your list above Iowa would jump ahead of Kansas State if the home & away adjustment were removed. But that's not what we are talking about. We are talking about which game is harder for ISU to win. The road game at Kansas State is currently viewed as more difficult than the home game with Iowa. That could very well be true.
It looks like what you're doing here is adjusting these games for home and away, which is reasonable to do, but to say that Iowa is the 7th worst team on ISU's schedule is misleading. If these were neutral site games, Iowa would probably be the 5th hardest team on the schedule. While ISU would drop to about 6th hardest on Iowa's schedule.
You get it. The order doesn't imply a higher team on the list is better than a lower team (per the computer). It only shows what teams are the most difficult from ISU's perspective when looking at the ISU schedule, or from Iowa's perspective when looking at the Iowa schedule.

I have an ISU username and logo. I realize that causes an immediate reaction among many readers on this board. Their blood pressure goes up, steam comes out their ears, their eyes are a blaze of fire and their brain freezes up, no matter what I have to say. This board is not unique in that regard.
You get it. The order doesn't imply a higher team on the list is better than a lower team (per the computer). It only shows what teams are the most difficult from ISU's perspective when looking at the ISU schedule, or from Iowa's perspective when looking at the Iowa schedule.

I have an ISU username and logo. I realize that causes an immediate reaction among many readers on this board. Their blood pressure goes up, steam comes out their ears, their eyes are a blaze of fire and their brain freezes up, no matter what I have to say. This board is not unique in that regard.

Yep clone fans love their SOS excuse for why they can't win football games. Another year same excuse.
TYPE IN THE WEBSITE YOU GOT THIS INFORMATION FROM OR LINK IT?!?!?! There is not a publication that would still be in business if they are really this this stupid. SO ONCE AGAIN WHERE DID THIS COME keep stating it is adjusted saragin, did you do the adjusting all by yourself?
No I didn't do the calculations. I got the information from guy that provides it to a subscription site. If he wanted to provide the information to this free site, that's up to the content owner and that isn't me.
No I didn't do the calculations. I got the information from guy that provides it to a subscription site. If he wanted to provide the information to this free site, that's up to the content owner and that isn't me.
OK so what is the website in which he gets this subscription....because this is sounding more and more like BS and just another Clone fan acting like a Clown Fan
No I didn't do the calculations. I got the information from guy that provides it to a subscription site. If he wanted to provide the information to this free site, that's up to the content owner and that isn't me.

OK so what is the website in which he gets this subscription....because this is sounding more and more like BS and just another Clone fan acting like a Clown Fan

Despite the fact you have reading comprehension problems, you wouldn't accept the data whether it was provided to you or not. I don't care if you believe what I posted is credible or not. So you just go ahead and believe it's crap and move along to something more worthy of your time.
Despite the fact you have reading comprehension problems, you wouldn't accept the data whether it was provided to you or not. I don't care if you believe what I posted is credible or not. So you just go ahead and believe it's crap and move along to something more worthy of your time.
Why don't you just provide the website or information to prove that your information is credible, whether I agree with this website that gathered this data is irrelevant....what I am questioning is whether this website actually exists...or if in fact you just came up with this information yourself to better serve you biased ISU agenda on a Hawkeye fan website (which is a whole other issue). The fact that you keep tip toeing past this request is beginning to really prove my point that this "data" is just made up
Why don't you just provide the website or information to prove that your information is credible, whether I agree with this website that gathered this data is irrelevant....what I am questioning is whether this website actually exists...or if in fact you just came up with this information yourself to better serve you biased ISU agenda on a Hawkeye fan website (which is a whole other issue). The fact that you keep tip toeing past this request is beginning to really prove my point that this "data" is just made up
I would prefer you just believe that I made it all up.
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I would prefer you just believe that I made it all up. pretty much are full of crap? Littering our page with clown propaganda is one thing, but making shit up is unacceptable.....however, I also understand that is the only way a clown fan can even make a claim
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It wasn't my math. I don't know what adjustment they used. But the math should alter the numbers by 2.74 (assuming that is indeed Sagarin's home field advantage), since you are holding ISU constant and you are looking at the difficulty as seen by ISU.

This is not intended and has no validity in comparing one team to another on ISU's schedule. For example on your list above Iowa would jump ahead of Kansas State if the home & away adjustment were removed. But that's not what we are talking about. We are talking about which game is harder for ISU to win. The road game at Kansas State is currently viewed as more difficult than the home game with Iowa. That could very well be true.
Not according to the Ray Hagar, Butt Pirate Extraordinaire, tweet. "Iowa might be 5-0 but have not played any good teams except Iowa State and the refs cheated Cyclones out of that sure victory"

According to current rankings both Wisconsin and Pittsburgh are more highly rated and Illinois State is probably comparable.

Currently, no one ISU has played is considered better than Iowa. The only teams on their schedule that seem to be clearly ahead of Iowa are Oklahoma, TCU, and Baylor. OSU, WVU and maybe KSU and Toledo might be thought of as comparable.
Iowa is clearly better than TCU. TCU beat terrible Minny by 6, and terrible Tech by 3. Pitt & Wiscy are both better than those turds. TCU could easily have 3 losses by the end of November.

Who has baylor beat that makes them deserving of being in the top 20?

SOS is all nonsense at this point, projected or otherwise. TCU squeaking by Minny proves they suck, and baylor being chickensht to play anyone proves they are puss ies. ISU trolls will still say Iowa is the 10th best team on their schedule even if the Hawks make it to the CCG.

Stop feeding them.
The data is meaningless out of context. No inferences can be drawn from it. A first year statistician would detect this. I'm getting concerned psyclone believes his representation of someone else's work means something the analyst didn't intend.