Iowa No Longer a Swing State

But isn’t Trump the one with “the record” here? But then Al Capone was very popular on the south side of Chicago, back in the day too.
Are you talking about bogus new york felonies? You must be one of the cultists I referenced above lol here's a clue for you, the average American is pussed at the obvious abuse of the justice system by the left. It's not an accident that trump fundraising and polling surged afterwards. You played yourselves just like you did with Roe v Wade.
This is such bullshit and a total copout. It also demonstrates how brainwashed and stupid people in Iowa have become.

I left Iowa back in 2008 as a moderate Republican, so I won’t speak to Iowa Democrats. But I do know the Iowa I once knew would have never been duped by such an obvious lifelong grifter and absolute piece of shit like Trump.

So stop bullshitting yourself with this asinine belief that Iowans have to default to Trump because Biden is just so awful. Bullshit. I’m no fan of Biden and think he’s too old to run, but Trump is in the same age group and is a lying, cheating, grifting, raping, perverted, narcissistic, unhinged, insane, incompetent, total ****ing lunatic. And now a felon, and rightfully so.

So you can stick your moronic, self-righteous drivel about Trump being the lesser of two evils all the way up your dumb, redneck ass. Trump is up big in Iowa because decent, educated folks have left the state in droves while ignorant, unsophisticated white trash—also known as white evangelicals—have stuck around and apparently turned the state into a shithole that has even Mississippi blushing.

That’s the reality. Period.

I disagree, but for other reasons that I have personally witnessed.

My father is a lifelong republican, gun enthusiast and generally skeptical of government. He has always pulled the lever for the GOP, but he hates Trump, doesn't understand why people would vote for him. I don't know how he'll vote in Nov, I suspect he just won't vote for POTUS.

My father-in-law, a devout catholic, serves on the board of a pro-life charity and socially conservative also can't stand Trump, doesn't understand the evangelical support behind him and I am fairly sure will not vote for him or POTUS this November.

While helping at a local American Legion event I had to work next 2 guys I am sure are very GOP and go to a local church together. They were talking about immigrants and the problems they caused, but what surprised me is that neither of them like Trump either. They said that he will take us to war and didn't like a lot of his views. With them I am less if sure how that translates when they go to vote in November.

All that said, this 20 point lead by Trump in Iowa confuses me, because if he was a normal conservative candidate, these people I mentioned above would give him their vote without question.
I grew up in small town/rural Iowa as well. There were always bigoted people but they generally didn’t feel well-received in polite company.

Yes, cable news has absolutely brainwashed people—especially simple-minded folks from Iowa who have been exposed to almost no diversity of thought.
In polite company. But let's get honest. You hang out at the fire or have beers in someone's garage and the racism and bigotry flows freely.
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I guess it drives liberals nuts that their stupid weaponization of the courts did not work. Question is: will they replace biden? it's getting too late.

Watch how the June debate goes,.. The only reason Dems would have agreed to this pre-convention debate would be to test Biden's abilities,.. If Joe drops the ball there will be a pinch hitter.
Watch how the June debate goes,.. The only reason Dems would have agreed to this pre-convention debate would be to test Biden's abilities,.. If Joe drops the ball there will be a pinch hitter.
I am guessing they will get that special coke out of peru that they found and had flown in for the state of the union address
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I've literally never had that happen around a fire. I've lived in three states and never had that happen especially in iowa.
I have. The racism I saw in high school was insanely high. Unfiltered racism. And nobody could come out. If you showed up to prom with your boyfriend both of you were getting your ass kicked that night.
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In polite company. But let's get honest. You hang out at the fire or have beers in someone's garage and the racism and bigotry flows freely.

Again if you are white, Christian, and straight, it's a great state. Everybody probably doesn't feel welcome in general.

Even the Hispanics I knew had to tow (toe?) The line. The town I grew up in laid into Hispanics even more than black people. Probably because our town only had a couple of black families.

It's not Iowa Huey.. I think you just grew up with assholes.
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This has more to say about Biden than it does Trump. If democrats would run something other than a potato head, that number would be much smaller. Biden has been such a disaster and this number speaks to that.

Has nothing to do with racism or whatever other excuse the left wants to label it. Your telling me that the same state who voted for Obama twice is also racist. Dumb
This is all bullshit. Or a lie. You can choose.
I guess it drives liberals nuts that their stupid weaponization of the courts did not work. Question is: will they replace biden? it's getting too late.

I don't get why the courts have been weaponized just because they continually don't side with the convicted criminal and rapist you happen to want to be your leader. Is it possible he just really is a crook?

That said, if you don't like "weaponization of the courts" I am sure you were against the "lock her up" chants and are against all the talk from Bannon and Trump about retribution for his guilty convictions.
I don't get why the courts have been weaponized just because they continually don't side with the convicted criminal and rapist you happen to want to be your leader. Is it possible he just really is a crook?

That said, if you don't like "weaponization of the courts" I am sure you were against the "lock her up" chants and are against all the talk from Bannon and Trump about retribution for his guilty convictions.
this explains it all. hillary and biden and dems will never get locked up. R's like bannon shall be. thanks for the great definition.
Rural Iowa is the definition of group think. You can only be straight, Christian, and white. Or at least act straight, Christian, and white if you're not. Deviate from that and they have a major problem.
Do you always just make shit up??? I grew up in a tiny rural area and i know a few non straight people from little towns around there. Considering the towns are less than 300 people, I guess the ratio is actually pretty high.
A lot of Hispanics around there as well.
Nice try though.
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Iowa nice is no more. Iowa wants the biggest asshole in the country to 'lead' them.
I think Trump could care less about the STOP EMINENT DOMAIN ABUSE truck trailers/poorly worded signs either. He just new sees golf courses.
the way these polls are going, if trump takes Pennsylvania and minnesota and AZ and nevada, and they say he's making a run at NY and NM... he's in. Iowa probably not really an issue. dems need to worry about the other big ten states. so far wisconsin is is somewhat of a race.
the way these polls are going, if trump takes Pennsylvania and minnesota and AZ and nevada, and they say he's making a run at NY and NM... he's in. Iowa probably not really an issue. dems need to worry about the other big ten states. so far wisconsin is is somewhat of a race.
Personally, I think it all comes to pa. If Trump wins PA, it will be over. If Biden wins PA, he'll likely win as Trump will need to win one of MI or WI, which I don't think he'll do. Worse yet, there is an eminently plausible scenario of a 269-269 tie.
I grew up in small town/rural Iowa as well. There were always bigoted people but they generally didn’t feel well-received in polite company.

Yes, cable news has absolutely brainwashed people—especially simple-minded folks from Iowa who have been exposed to almost no diversity of thought.
Obviously I didn’t grow up in a small town but there is a big trend in “echo-chamber” thought going on at the moment. A hardening of “silo” factions.
Small towns or big city cultural communities.
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In polite company. But let's get honest. You hang out at the fire or have beers in someone's garage and the racism and bigotry flows freely.
Yes, exactly. That’s my point. It would seem polite company has gotten smaller and smaller in Iowa.

Look at this board. Quite a few don’t even hide their racism or homophobia anymore, especially when the WNBA gets brought up. (Women’s basketball triggering so many middle-aged white guys is an entirely separate topic and a total ****ing mystery).

A few weeks ago, when I was in the midst of a pissing match with the mods, I pretty much copied verbatim the racist and homophobic tropes idiots like @RicoSuave102954 and HawkeyeHitman frequently use (I finally got HawkeyeHitman permanently banned I think). I got quite a few likes for those posts.

In short, it’s become en vogue over the last eight years to flaunt being racist and homophobic. That is a drastic change from when I came of age in Iowa. Sad to see.
The citizenry has resoundingly rejected Iowa Democrat's thoughts, policies, divisiveness and approach. This angers them. Instead of looking inwardly and finding ways to improve upon themselves, they become angry and combative to others.
it's happening nationwide , thanks be to the lord gawd almighty
I disagree, but for other reasons that I have personally witnessed.

My father is a lifelong republican, gun enthusiast and generally skeptical of government. He has always pulled the lever for the GOP, but he hates Trump, doesn't understand why people would vote for him. I don't know how he'll vote in Nov, I suspect he just won't vote for POTUS.

My father-in-law, a devout catholic, serves on the board of a pro-life charity and socially conservative also can't stand Trump, doesn't understand the evangelical support behind him and I am fairly sure will not vote for him or POTUS this November.

While helping at a local American Legion event I had to work next 2 guys I am sure are very GOP and go to a local church together. They were talking about immigrants and the problems they caused, but what surprised me is that neither of them like Trump either. They said that he will take us to war and didn't like a lot of his views. With them I am less if sure how that translates when they go to vote in November.

All that said, this 20 point lead by Trump in Iowa confuses me, because if he was a normal conservative candidate, these people I mentioned above would give him their vote without question.
This was a great post and enjoyable to read. Thank you for sharing.
Personally, I think it all comes to pa. If Trump wins PA, it will be over. If Biden wins PA, he'll likely win as Trump will need to win one of MI or WI, which I don't think he'll do. Worse yet, there is an eminently plausible scenario of a 269-269 tie.
I keep hoping the polls are off like usual and Biden can flip a state somewhere, like North Carolina or Florida.

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