You PSU posters on here (with a few exceptions) really don't understand, do you? It's hard to believe that you're really so obtuse. The BWI board is for PSU fans to discuss whatever, and what you post is of no concern to me and most all Iowa fans. Likewise, the HR board is for Iowa fans to post whatever they wish, and it should be of no concern to you.
I have no business posting something on BWI that I know would be trolling or would instigate something -- if I did, then I should expect harsh replies from PSU fans (and I'd probably be banned from your board, though the HR moderators are unlikely to do so here when you post trolling or incendiary remarks). this open internet age it is hard to regulate bad behavior - people feel that they can do whatever they want, anonymously, with little consequence. The behavior of PSU fans on this board is reflective of U.S. society at large, with a large percentage of individuals being inconsiderate and disrespectful of others. That is exactly what your behavior is here. We leave you alone, please leave us alone!!