Iowa school district shuttering...

You seem mad. I’ve been right on this, and families love this program. Teachers don’t…
Nice try. Most Iowans don’t like it. Families in poverty can’t really partake because the private schools raise tuition. It does nothing for students with special needs. Again, we tell you this over and over but you don’t care because Regina benefits from this theft of taxpayer dollars. For the record there are families who take advantage of this and COME BACK to public schools because they found out private wasn’t better.
Again....this is the FIRST domino, more to come.
I take no joy in accurately predicting this would happen. But the actions of the Mississippi North legislative body led to this point.

The Reynolds defenders are out in full force.
Cary Elwes Disney Plus GIF by Disney+
White families that don't want their kids going to school with too many minorities love this. Everyone else sees it as what it is, an attempt to resegregate the schools.
He won’t admit this far more benefits white people with money than minorities in poverty. Or white kids in poverty for that matter.
Coincidently, I see where DSM Christian Achool announced plans to build a new campus about a mile from there present campus in a couple of years….about the same time Kim’s vouchers become eligible fir all comers…no longer “income based”….Now tell me about welfare for the rich. Or is this just “coincidence”?
So they are expanding to allow more students to come to their school. What is the problem? Y'all said that the private schools wouldn't allow more students in and just take the money. Now someone is expanding to allow more students in and you're bitching. Make up your mind.
You people on the left haven't been correct on anything in 75 years so please don't try and kid yourself now.:rolleyes:
You are voting for a rapist and felon. American Nazis vote with you. White supremacists vote with you. But yeah, it’s the Democrats. 🙄
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Florida ranked #1 in education and Utah #2.

Those blue or red states?
Those are the overall education ratings. Florida is ranked #1 in higher education, but #10 in PK-12. Utah is ranked #5 in higher education and #6 in PK-12. Since this thread is about PK-12 education lets look at which states rank highest in that category:

#1 Massachusetts (blue)
#2 New Jersey (blue)
#3 Connecticut (blue)
#4 New Hampshire (purple)
#5 New York (blue)

So they are expanding to allow more students to come to their school. What is the problem? Y'all said that the private schools wouldn't allow more students in and just take the money. Now someone is expanding to allow more students in and you're bitching. Make up your mind.
You missed his point. If they want to add more students from all backgrounds that’s great…but that isn’t going to happen. They want more desirable students.
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In your eyes, Reynolds can do no right. OCD.
I tend to take the POV that someone stopped AT LEAST TWICE for drunk driving might not be the best decision maker.
And this is a fact, not conjecture.

Imagine the icebreaker at the yearly Xmas party for the ISP..."Hey guys, there's only a couple of us that can say we arrested the Iowa Governor"!
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Meh, who cares. Most small town Iowa isn’t worth the cost of the pavement it takes to get there. The people who live and vote there aren’t going to help themselves. Shit happens.
Meh, who cares. Most small town Iowa isn’t worth the cost of the pavement it takes to get there. The people who live and vote there aren’t going to help themselves. Shit happens. housing in rural Iowa makes it a GREAT place to live.
At least that's what the Dim Kim defenders tell us.
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Again....this is the FIRST domino, more to come.
I take no joy in accurately predicting this would happen. But the actions of the Mississippi North legislative body led to this point.

The Reynolds defenders are out in full force.
This was going to happen regardless and needs to happen.
There are differences. Mergers usually involve utilizing your staff and buildings as part of the new consolidated school district.

Sometimes but not always. Sometimes the smaller district merges with a larger one and the smaller district has little to no room for bargaining. Sometimes the larger district with include the smaller school in their name. Sometimes they won't. Sometimes the larger district retains the mascot and colors. Sometimes they redo the colors and mascot.

And as someone already pointed out, a closure can sometimes be beneficial as it creates a situation where the district is carved up, thus reducing travel time to their new school.
Sometimes but not always. Sometimes the smaller district merges with a larger one and the smaller district has little to no room for bargaining. Sometimes the larger district with include the smaller school in their name. Sometimes they won't. Sometimes the larger district retains the mascot and colors. Sometimes they redo the colors and mascot.

And as someone already pointed out, a closure can sometimes be beneficial as it creates a situation where the district is carved up, thus reducing travel time to their new school.
I wasn't saying one situation was better than the other, but usually it's a little easier for the community to accept if their "district" has some input/contribution to the new consolidated district. Often it begins by allowing the community to keep an elementary school building, however, those elementary students typically end up at a central location a few years later.
That's your defense???
If this happened with Tom Viksack you clowns would be exploding.
Not really, I would realize that schools that have <40 people in the high school are probably not equipped to teach students as well as larger schools and would move on with my day. Much like I have for the last 30+ years as this occured.
Your grandpappy probably was complaining when all of the kids in the old one-room had to be bussed to the big school with multiple teachers, one (or more) for each grade.

You should go to page 14-22 of this document and pour one out for all of the schools that no longer exist.

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Coincidently, I see where DSM Christian Achool announced plans to build a new campus about a mile from there present campus in a couple of years….about the same time Kim’s vouchers become eligible fir all comers…no longer “income based”….Now tell me about welfare for the rich. Or is this just “coincidence”?

a “rogue teacher” isn’t going to last long I wouldn’t think. But there are unhappy bastards in all phases of life I suppose.
Getting your own tax money back for your children's education is not welfare, it's getting some of your own tax money back for the education of your kids. Giving money to those you haven't earned it, now that is welfare. Open a dictionary once in a while.
Did you miss the part where it's stated that this State hasn't had a district disbanded in over a decade?
Or did you just skip that FACT?
You do realize you've ignored that >50% of the students in the district decided to open enroll to somewhere else. Only 2 children moved to a private school.
For the ESA and private schools to be the blame, you actually need to have people leaving to attend those private schools.

While the district’s certified enrollment number is 163.9 students for the 2023-24 school year, 86.9 students have open enrolled out of the district and those state supplemental aid dollars follow the students to their new district. Thirty-three students have open enrolled into Oreint-Macksburg and only two students from the district are enrolled in Iowa’s new private school tuition voucher program.

Seems like some more digging may be needed if blame is to be attributed to private school money.
The libs on this board are just finger pointers with never any real data to back up their claims.
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Hey don't worry, the Republicans are sure trying.
Republicans are the known as the education party, so I expect them to do whatever is legally necessary to give Iowa school children the best educational opportunities. I applaud our Governor and her partners in the Iowa Legislature for rescuing our children from the failing public school system in Iowa.