Iowa school district shuttering...

Same here...I taught for 24 years. Never met one teacher pushing any type of agenda.

I have met plenty of English teachers that pushed that going to a college for a degree in English was a better degree than business management. Same school, business teachers pushed the opposite.

They all could get for passionate.

(I am in the camp that that four years of critical thinking helps you more than four years of accounting and studying textbook ways to manage people)
Since you started the whataboutism, if Vilsack were the one with two DUIs, you wouldn’t give two shits and would support everything he said and did.
I like my Governor to not be a convicted felon, which she would have been if her buddy, the judge, hadn't accepted a plea to a lesser charge. And it would have made her ineligible to run for elected office.

Vilsack was a good Governor. Reynolds is an insufferable bitch.
Small school districts in Iowa have been closing and consolidating for 50 years. Why is this a different?
What does OABCIG stand for?
Getting your own tax money back for your children's education is not welfare, it's getting some of your own tax money back for the education of your kids. Giving money to those you haven't earned it, now that is welfare. Open a dictionary once in a while.
Do the families with kids with special needs get this money? How about minorities in poverty? We explain this shit to you guys repeatedly but you absolutely refuse to learn it. Your tax dollars are basically going towards well to do white families to pay their kids’ college tuition. YET, you have a shit fit about paying off student loans for a 23 year old. It is a grift of OUR tax dollars that goes to families who don’t need it…and you’re fine with it. Incredible.
Nice try. Most Iowans don’t like it. Families in poverty can’t really partake because the private schools raise tuition. It does nothing for students with special needs. Again, we tell you this over and over but you don’t care because Regina benefits from this theft of taxpayer dollars. For the record there are families who take advantage of this and COME BACK to public schools because they found out private wasn’t better.
Bro, no kid is coming back unless they couldn’t handle fvcking rules, structure and learning. You’re a clown and a delusional idiot if you don’t get this. Your job won’t be a job in two years. I don’t need a fag to teach my kids kickball.
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Btw, when people try to say that it’s just rich white kids using the school choice program, that is completely wrong.
At least at the school I know, the initial group of 80+ new students who transferred in were predominantly minorities.

Which I can’t wait to see these same posters hypocritically complaining in a couple years how unfair it is for private schools to have all these new minority students.
You are voting for a rapist and felon. American Nazis vote with you. White supremacists vote with you. But yeah, it’s the Democrats. 🙄
You are such a drama queen; you regularly display the emotional patterns of a pregnant woman mad that her husband bought a single container of chocolate AND vanilla ice cream instead of a tub of each like you wanted.
Do the families with kids with special needs get this money? How about minorities in poverty? We explain this shit to you guys repeatedly but you absolutely refuse to learn it. Your tax dollars are basically going towards well to do white families to pay their kids’ college tuition. YET, you have a shit fit about paying off student loans for a 23 year old. It is a grift of OUR tax dollars that goes to families who don’t need it…and you’re fine with it. Incredible.
Please explain how paying off student loans for wealthy college graduates who went to schools he/she couldn't afford and possibly got a degree with a useless major, is not taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich. But I suppose that reverse Robin Hood act is fine because it was implemented by a leftist president.
Please explain how paying off student loans for wealthy college graduates who went to schools he/she couldn't afford and possibly got a degree with a useless major, is not taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich. But I suppose that reverse Robin Hood act is fine because it was implemented by a leftist president.

Why is MAGA so fvcking stupid?
It's quite telling that as liberal posters like @MitchLL blame the voucher program they refuse to address the numbers pointed out in post 232. They glossed right over it.

Some of you liberals in this thread are not serious people.

You do realize you've ignored that >50% of the students in the district decided to open enroll to somewhere else. Only 2 children moved to a private school.
For the ESA and private schools to be the blame, you actually need to have people leaving to attend those private schools.
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Republicans are the known as the education party, so I expect them to do whatever is legally necessary to give Iowa school children the best educational opportunities. I applaud our Governor and her partners in the Iowa Legislature for rescuing our children from the failing public school system in Iowa.
Or to be more accurate, for kowtowing to the Betsy DeVos Darkside that's trying to Make money off of every school system out there, education be damned. but you keep supporting that. good job.
Same here...I taught for 24 years. Never met one teacher pushing any type of agenda.
My granddaughter's 4th grade teacher in a small Iowa Town held a mock election before the last gubernatorial election. In it she said who would you support Kim Reynolds who loves babies or DeJean who wants to kill babies? No she wasn't pushing any political agenda was she? Typical old lady Republican. What a sham.
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Other end of this the GMG school district. They are going to vote on an almost $12 million bond issue to build a new school where over half of their total enrollment is from students open enrolling into the district (most from Marshalltown).

244 students of their total 447 are from open enrollments into district.
Other end of this the GMG school district. They are going to vote on an almost $12 million bond issue to build a new school where over half of their total enrollment is from students open enrolling into the district (most from Marshalltown).

244 students of their total 447 are from open enrollments into district.
What does GMG stand for? I'm not familiar with the district.
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You need a drink. This was an obvious whataboutism to respond to Mitch’s whataboutism.
My comment was not a "whataboutism".

The Iowa Governor is the main player in this cluster@%&$.
BTW...The supposed State budget surplus that she thinks will fund the voucher charity program will soon have a HUGE dent taken out of it when the Iowa/ISU gambling victims get their settlement, at the expense of Iowa taxpayers.
My comment was not a "whataboutism".

The Iowa Governor is the main player in this cluster@%&$.
BTW...The supposed State budget surplus that she thinks will fund the voucher charity program will soon have a HUGE dent taken out of it when the Iowa/ISU gambling victims get their settlement, at the expense of Iowa taxpayers.

Another post by Mitch while still ignoring the fact that only two students at Orient-Macksburg received a school voucher.
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