Read the posts again.Well, I am simply replying to the post where you called the other guy a DB for claiming there are in fact a lot more ISU fans in the metro now. It is only about 4 posts above. You seem to now be agreeing with it?
Look, I have no idea what the percentage breakdown is. It may very well be 65/35 as you suggest. The point is there's a lot more people driving around with ISU plates and sporting their ISU gear in the Des Moines metro now. I don't know if these people were always ISU fans or if they graduated from ISU within the last 30 years and settled in the DSM area, or what... but at any rate, it appears now you agree.
He’s saying there’s more Clowns in the metro than Hawk fans.
I’m saying there’s not.
The correct answer is, there’s not.