Is Goldie the most hated poster on here?

@goldmom isn’t even close to the most hated. She’s wrong about most everything political, but hated? No.

I don’t hate anyone on the board and would have a drink with about 99.9% of the posters.

Except @Moral - that dude is shady.

Tim And Eric Flirting GIF
I think the original post is warranted, in that when people go in on Goldie, they go low very quickly with the personal stuff. Shows the misogynic tendencies and ignorance of the posters she gets to, they always come back with the same shit, but I don't think she cares one bit.
I think the original post is warranted, in that when people go in on Goldie, they go low very quickly with the personal stuff. Shows the misogynic tendencies and ignorance of the posters she gets to, they always come back with the same shit, but I don't think she cares one bit.
That's what I'm saying man, the level of vitriol people jump to with her is lightning quick.
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I see alot of you taking shots at posters "ryan" is notorious, God forbid Northern ever be seen in public with his wife, chis/huey/Joe are annoying but I think most people just tune them out. Goldie, pisses people off. When she responds you dudes will go for the throat. I'm not here to defend her, she can defend herself, but she is under a few of your skins for sure.
Is this a mid-year pulse taking for WPOTY 2024?
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That's what I'm saying man, the level of vitriol people jump to with her is lightning quick.
Many of the posters are trolls and maybe even bots who stir up trouble and are active against anyone who can do more than spell their own name.
Personal attacks are their stock in trade and
a sure giveaway. Gotta grow a thick hide and just push back. As Mom said “consider the source”.
I agree. I never thought GM was disliked around here. She seems harmless. I don't even get why people ignore someone. If there is a particular poster I dislike I just keep scrolling. I guess I have thick skin compared to some of you translucent skin folks in here.
Well some folks oversaturate the board. It’s good to read stuff from others from time to time.
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There's nothing more threatening to a liberal than a conservative that makes sense.

Goldie is like kryptonite.

A conservative that makes "sense" is usually a person in intellectual need that generates odor.
I really don't understand the original post. What the hell was the cause of that? Did he ask Goldmom out and she turned him down?

Inquiring minds want to know.
There was a couple threads yesterday where she was going back and forth and within minutes of each it went "to 11".

I will not be shooting my shot at Goldie, currently I believe she has 4 offers on the table however.

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