Is the GOP a Cult?

The GOP does exhibit cultish behaviors. The Dem party however had adopted several Luciferian tenents in their platform.

No, they have not exhibited the level of "cultish" behavior the GOP has.

GOP minions are completely "programmable". They'll fall in line w/o even bothering to assess whether something makes any sense or not. And that's now true of sitting Congresspersons on the right. And in the Supreme Court (where they cited Fox misinformation in their rulings)
No, they have not exhibited the level of "cultish" behavior the GOP has.

GOP minions are completely "programmable". They'll fall in line w/o even bothering to assess whether something makes any sense or not. And that's now true of sitting Congresspersons on the right. And in the Supreme Court (where they cited Fox misinformation in their rulings)
Somethin somethin false prophets n shit. BUT THE DEMZ!!!
All political parties have a little bit cult in them ... the GOP has too much of that right now.
All political parties have a little bit cult in them

Usually, the majority keeps that fringe element at bay.

It has fully engulfed the GOP right now. And any of them who stand up to it are booted.
Look at the present platform, where they are threatening to "investigate and jail" any of their own party (and all Dems) involved in the 1/6 commission. And they're now setting up to "pardon" all involved in that.

This is NOT what a healthy political party in a democracy looks like.
More than the Dems cult of Covid?

Dems are not:

  • Eating horse paste
  • Paying $100-200 to a fake doctor group to get a prescription for horse paste
  • Drinking their own urine
  • Ingesting aquarium chemicals
  • Needlessly dying because they won't get a free vaccine

GOPers are doing all of these things. And they're literally programmed to do the opposite of anything the Dems recommend doing (which is continually consistent with the science put out). Breitbart has even accused the Dems of "tricking" conservatives into dying from Covid by recommending them to get vaccinated "because they know we'll do just the opposite".
Appealing to science while calling Ivermectin "horse paste". Shew, that's courageous.

It's an accurate depiction of what many "conservatives" have used.
And it has created major problems for veterinary clinics and farmers needing it for their animals.
People wouldn't have had to use horse ivermectin if the "scientists" hadn't lied about the efficacy of ivermectin as a preventative and/or treatment.
People wouldn't have had to use horse ivermectin if the "scientists" hadn't lied about the efficacy of ivermectin as a preventative and/or treatment.

  • They "had to use it"?
  • Their first issue was listening to "so called scientists", rather than actual ones
Usually, the majority keeps that fringe element at bay.

It has fully engulfed the GOP right now. And any of them who stand up to it are booted.
Look at the present platform, where they are threatening to "investigate and jail" any of their own party (and all Dems) involved in the 1/6 commission. And they're now setting up to "pardon" all involved in that.

This is NOT what a healthy political party in a democracy looks like.
The Democratic Party is not as cultish as the GOP. But the far left is completely off it’s rocker.
So you're still holding to the disproven assumption that Ivermectin and HCQ aren't effective treatments? DARPA disagrees.

DARPA has no stance on it. You're referring to "memos" not based in fact.
Mainstream medicine has identified NO benefit from either.
The "far left" isn't controlling the party, like the wingnuts on the right.
The far left most certainly creates the accepted tone and language for the rest of the party. Biden refused to answer how many sexes there are. Everyone tells you their pronouns. They won’t even say men can’t have babies in fear of being called transphobes. They damned sure live in fear of the far left.
What about antifa, BLM? You have a really short memory don't you? In your very little unused mind only those traditional Americans are bad. The Marxists can do no wrong.

Antifa. Someone please show me an antifa. A single antifa. There are trillions apparently.

Just 1.

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Fair point. But they no longer share that ideology. The Republicans now have that engrained in their body politique.
That is some Marxist revisionist history there, Robert Byrd was the President Pro Tempore of the Senate (4th in line to the Presidency) served until 2010 AS A DEMOCRAT! A former member of the KKK eulogized by Biden at his funeral. The democrat party is steeped in racism.