It’s a cult

at least the girl is laughing
Yeah. I mean look at the guy in lawn chair too beta to even stand up. I am starting to wonder if a prerequisite for being a Proud Boy is Type II diabetes judging from the three guys on camera.
Knowing that they are unvaccinated and unmasking everywhere, I would say there is a 5 percent chance we will see tweets that this dude is in hospital with COVID-19 in 6 weeks
Reminds me of the clip of women praying and speaking in tongues outside an Arizona county elections board, because they were convinced that it would change the results for Trump.

Edit: it was Nevada.

For all of the shit Florida gets the Northwest of this country has an exuberant amount of crazies and gets away with it because it has nice trees and donuts with bacon on them.
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For all of the shit Florida gets the Northwest of this country has an exuberant amount of crazies and gets away with it because it has nice trees and donuts with bacon on them.
Nah, nobody takes anyone west of the Rockies seriously about anything. They should, but they don't. The football teams have been complaining about it for years. ;)
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I’m still embarrassed I used to be an evangelical. A lot of them are insane.
In a way, I admire their resolve. In a very small, unique way... that is. It's interesting how people can be so devoted and intensely committed to something. I mean, they're just trying to find their way, but it also has a sort of desperation vibe to it. I dunno how to explain it.
In a way, I admire their resolve. In a very small, unique way... that is. It's interesting how people can be so devoted and intensely committed to something. I mean, they're just trying to find their way, but it also has a sort of desperation vibe to it. I dunno how to explain it.
I shared with @alaskanseminole my story of being pressured into speaking in tongues. It’s insane.

True, many mean well, but many are also insane, obtuse, and far removed from reality to the point of being dangerous. Look at the Trump years and now.
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I shared with @alaskanseminole my story of being pressured into speaking in tongues. It’s insane.

True, many mean well, but many are also insane, obtuse, and far removed from reality to the point of being dangerous. Look at the Trump years and now.
It's definitely an obsession and it can be blind allegiance, too.

I've never heard of being "pressured" into speaking in tongues! I mean, I can pretend to do it, and probably fool a lot of people, but I'm faking it. Maybe they are, too! I always thought it was some trance-like state... self-induced. I really don't know. I dated a girl in high school who had parents and family in some southern Pentecostal denomination. They were ALWAYS in church! And, it would last for like 3-4 hours at a time. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday... church, church, church.

One time they had some kind of "healer" show up. I was there for that. They also had a guy that carried the offering plate on one side of the aisles. He had a limp from one of his legs being slightly shorter. The guy went up to the "healer" and they all gathered around him and started their whole praying and howling shtick. Anyway, the healer starts yelling "I see it growing! I can SEE IT GROWING! Praise GOD!" The dude limped back as always. "It will take him time to get used to it!" Yeah, right. The rest of his life-time.
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It's definitely an obsession and it can be blind allegiance, too.

I've never heard of being "pressured" into speaking in tongues! I mean, I can pretend to do it, and probably fool a lot of people, but I'm faking it. Maybe they are, too! I always thought it was some trance-like state... self-induced. I really don't know. I dated a girl in high school who had parents and family in some southern Pentecostal denomination. They were ALWAYS in church! And, it would last for like 3-4 hours at a time. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday... church, church, church.

One time they had some kind of "healer" show up. I was there for that. They also had a guy that carried the offering plate on one side of the aisles. He had a limp from one of his legs being slightly shorter. The guy went up to the "healer" and they all gathered around him and started their whole praying and howling shtick. Anyway, the healer starts yelling "I see it growing! I can SEE IT GROWING! Praise GOD!" The dude limped back as always. "It will take him time to get used to it!" Yeah, right. The rest of his life-time.
I was hoping for a floor show like that.
Benny Hinn is the gift that keeps on giving. I've seen some amazing, spiritual things before--not a lot, but enough to solidify my faith. None of them involved showmanship, theatrics or anything spewing from the Hinn stage.
For all of the shit Florida gets the Northwest of this country has an exuberant amount of crazies and gets away with it because it has nice trees and donuts with bacon on them.
Hey, we have a Duck Donuts near our home and they have...


I would literally kill you dead @FAUlty Gator , to have that donut. Nothing personal against you, this donut is just that good!
Looks like this may have to become a daily update thread.
For Sunday, September 5, 2021:

I really don’t understand the point of photoshopping Trump on to Rocky, Rambo, wrestlers, etc. Like someone tweeted: “It’s very telling that you have to manipulate pictures of Donald to make him look remotely healthy or cool.”

But hey, ”Trump 2024” at least acknowledges he lost in 2020. Baby steps.
I really don’t understand the point of photoshopping Trump on to Rocky, Rambo, wrestlers, etc. Like someone tweeted: “It’s very telling that you have to manipulate pictures of Donald to make him look remotely healthy or cool.”

But hey, ”Trump 2024” at least acknowledges he lost in 2020. Baby steps.
It’s crazy stuff. Imagine doing this for ANY famous person you liked, let alone a politician. Spending money and driving around with that stuff on your van. There is a section of numpties across this land who view Trump family with Christ like reverence.
I really don’t understand the point of photoshopping Trump on to Rocky, Rambo, wrestlers, etc. Like someone tweeted: “It’s very telling that you have to manipulate pictures of Donald to make him look remotely healthy or cool.”

But hey, ”Trump 2024” at least acknowledges he lost in 2020. Baby steps.

It's the physical version of "don't listen to his words, listen to what he means".
Not creepy at all that he’s praying for a school-aged girl to find a righteous husband to “watch over her”. Love the smirk on the girl’s face when he goes there.
She really was holding back when he was praying for boys to love all over her.

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