It doesn't feel like Iowa is 50-19 in the last 69 games.

What frustrates the fanbase is being told "you should be satisfied with 8 or 9 wins because it could always be worse".....even though there was a much better possibility of actually winning 2 or 3 more if not for various things that never seem to change/get fixed................year after year after year.

Lincoln Riley, or hell any team. It’s just not blatantly one thing, it’s many!
What is your definition of pulse?
Michigan, PSU, and Ohio State would fit that category. Ok, maybe more than a pulse but championship contending teams. I mean, Iowa will end up with a pretty good record despite how they play.
The wins are nice, to be sure. Always happy to get one, no matter who the opponent is.

I think what frustrates a lot of fans, is looking back on the past few years and thinking "if only".......
If only what? That we had an offense to compliment the defense? Sure, I get it, but lets be realistic here. Against the elites, when we have lost to Michigan in 21, Michigan and OSU in 22, and PSU in 23, our defense was beaten just as badly as our offense. I am not making excuses for our offense, because I think it sucks, but, don't romanticize our defense as holding down the fort against those elite teams because they gave up like 42, 27, 54 and 31 in those 4 games. That is what we are talking about here right, the elite teams? Because all I read on here is that there is no credit given for beating the trash in the west.

The same thing can be said of KF in that you cannot diminish him for having such a crappy offense and then simultaneously not give him credit for having a great defense. It is either all or nothing. At the end of the day I think KF wins more games than he probably should and is arguably more successful than any other coach given the same limitations, and that is taking the good with the bad.
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What is there record against teams that finished in top 30 during that stretch ?

Don’t care what there were ranked at time they played.

Beating garbage teams shouldn’t impress anybody unless you were a doormat team.
There, their, they’re
Here are the results since 2017

Includes 2020, which is not really a normal season for obvious reasons

Record 56-24 Winning % 70.0

Opponents Record 490-426 Winning % 53.5 Excluded UNI and SD State as FCS

Record of Teams Iowa beat 283-337 Winning % 45.6
Record of Teams Iowa lost to 207-89 Winning % 70.0

Record against Teams that finished ranked in the final AP Poll
Ohio State 2017
Minnesota 2019

4 losses to teams that finished with a record under .500

5 wins over teams that finished with 9 + wins
Minnesota 3
Ohio State
North Texas
Here are the results since 2017

Includes 2020, which is not really a normal season for obvious reasons

Record 56-24 Winning % 70.0

Opponents Record 490-426 Winning % 53.5 Excluded UNI and SD State as FCS

Record of Teams Iowa beat 283-337 Winning % 45.6
Record of Teams Iowa lost to 207-89 Winning % 70.0

Record against Teams that finished ranked in the final AP Poll
Ohio State 2017
Minnesota 2019

4 losses to teams that finished with a record under .500

5 wins over teams that finished with 9 + wins
Minnesota 3
Ohio State
North Texas
Thanks for the breakdown. Considering the strength (or lack thereof) of opponents, not particularly impressive. It begs the question how our record over that period of time would have been with competent offensive leadership.
Record against Teams that finished ranked in the final AP Poll
Good Bye Reaction GIF
Michigan, PSU, and Ohio State would fit that category. Ok, maybe more than a pulse but championship contending teams. I mean, Iowa will end up with a pretty good record despite how they play.
Ok this is actually my point. You say Iowa doesn't beat programs like PSU, Ohio St and Mich enough. My question is other than Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Oklahoma and a few others who does? I'm not trying to be a jerk at all and respect your input.
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I'm glad we can consistently beat bad Big Ten programs like Minnesota, Nebraska, Northwestern, Indiana, and Rutgers. But there was a ridiculous statistic that someone on the Hawkeye writing beat pulled up about how we've been absolutely annihilated by actual good teams, the point difference was astronomical. These are the wins that matter, that allow us to go to the next level, and we almost always lose them.
Ok this is actually my point. You say Iowa doesn't beat programs like PSU, Ohio St and Mich enough. My question is other than Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Oklahoma and a few others who does? I'm not trying to be a jerk at all and respect your input.
I'm not asking them to beat them regularly (although it would be nice), I'm just asking them to be competitive. They haven't done that for 3 years.
Here are the results since 2017

Includes 2020, which is not really a normal season for obvious reasons

Record 56-24 Winning % 70.0

Opponents Record 490-426 Winning % 53.5 Excluded UNI and SD State as FCS

Record of Teams Iowa beat 283-337 Winning % 45.6
Record of Teams Iowa lost to 207-89 Winning % 70.0

Record against Teams that finished ranked in the final AP Poll
Ohio State 2017
Minnesota 2019

4 losses to teams that finished with a record under .500

5 wins over teams that finished with 9 + wins
Minnesota 3
Ohio State
North Texas
Thanks for the input. Pretty sure USC and Miss St both dropped from the Top 25 because they lost a bowl game to Iowa. I consider those quality wins, not that it helps all that much.

2-14 is definitely bad vs final ranked opponents.
I made this point about folks like you just the other day. When we beat those teams, fans like you Pooh Pooh it…

As I’ve now said likely 5 times on here this weekend. It’s a sad way to live….

I’m glad I’m wired differently.
It's great that you claim to know how to enjoy life, but are you wired differently? Well, let's take a moment to see.

You're one of those people who like to portray themselves as different from the other fans in that you claim that you don't spend all your time bitching on a message board about other fans, and that instead, you (who has six kids no less) enjoy all that life has to offer. Sadly, the observations don't support this fantasy.

You seem to think that because of this perceived difference, that your views therefore carry more weight than others', which gives off a hint of narcissism.

In addition, the facade that you enjoy life just doesn't fit with the reality that you bitch incessantly on this message board and do not hesitate to sling insults at everyone (which contradicts your stated difference between you and the rest of the posters... that being that you claim to despise all the negativity coming from others).

Which leads into the third observation that, unlike the vast majority of posters on this board, you seem to be totally incapable or unwilling to engage in any civil discussion.

Instead of being a person who enjoys life as you pretend to be, you come across as a very bitter person who feels the need to distinguish yourself from everyone else by trying to bitch from a different angle, by bitching about the bitching.

So, yes you are wired differently, because you appear to have the need to feel that you are a fringe bitcher. But maybe that DOES make you special, after all.
When you really break down the strength of schedule compared to other p5 teams it’s not as impressive as it seems…
I looked at some strength of schedule info and excluded to covid year as we had both Michigan and Missouri cancel on us. Since 2015 Iowa 33.9 of 130, Not great as their are 65 power 5 teams but average. Looked at Kentucky as we have played them twice and they have a good winning record. They were at 48.3, as like many SEC teams they play 9 power 5 teams 8 in conference and 1 OOC. I also looked at Oklahoma St another team with a good record under Gundy and they were at 39.4.

The teams that play in their conference championship games helps their SOS as does the teams making the play-offs.

The two most difficult schedules of the three teams were 2017 by Iowa #3 in the nation playing #5 OSU, #7 Wisc, #8 PSU, #15 MSU and #17 NW and then 2021 when we were #13th.

And look at Oklahoma St's schedule this year, they do not play Texas and play all 4 of the group of 5 teams added to the Big 12 on top of their typical soft pre season. Almost all Big 12 teams have quite week schedules this year. And as we know ours gets more difficult next year.
What frustrates the fanbase is being told "you should be satisfied with 8 or 9 wins because it could always be worse".....even though there was a much better possibility of actually winning 2 or 3 more if not for various things that never seem to change/get fixed................year after year after year.
This. Same old song & dance.

Instead of correcting what needs to be corrected to be a great team, the answer is always 'that's football'.
Anemic offense, lopsided losses to OSU,PSU and Mich, some other frustrating losses, negative press, "the contract stipulation", unhappy fans, the lawsuit/s. A lack of signature wins.
You said all this very well. That really good record comes the great defenses and special teams as well as some pretty lame play by the Big 10 West teams and the other non-top teams in the Big 10. The record feeds on winning almost all non-conf games.

The last 69 games goes back about 6 full seasons I would guess and Brian/Kirk's offenses were rather decent thru 2020. It is these last 2 1/2 years where the offense just cratered into a huge hole of mush.
It's not completely fair to only look at final rankings, since teams that beat Iowa are more likely to be ranked, and those that Iowa beat might get knocked out of the rankings. For example, Iowa won the Outback and Holiday bowls against teams ranked at the time; Mississippi State and USC. Those teams would have remained ranked had Iowa lost to them.
It's not completely fair to only look at final rankings, since teams that beat Iowa are more likely to be ranked, and those that Iowa beat might get knocked out of the rankings. For example, Iowa won the Outback and Holiday bowls against teams ranked at the time; Mississippi State and USC. Those teams would have remained ranked had Iowa lost to them.
Which is why I said top 30 at end of the year.
If only what? That we had an offense to compliment the defense? Sure, I get it, but lets be realistic here. Against the elites, when we have lost to Michigan in 21, Michigan and OSU in 22, and PSU in 23, our defense was beaten just as badly as our offense. I am not making excuses for our offense, because I think it sucks, but, don't romanticize our defense as holding down the fort against those elite teams because they gave up like 42, 27, 54 and 31 in those 4 games. That is what we are talking about here right, the elite teams? Because all I read on here is that there is no credit given for beating the trash in the west.

The same thing can be said of KF in that you cannot diminish him for having such a crappy offense and then simultaneously not give him credit for having a great defense. It is either all or nothing. At the end of the day I think KF wins more games than he probably should and is arguably more successful than any other coach given the same limitations, and that is taking the good with the bad.
I'm not talking about consistently beating the elites. You do realize the Hawks lost to terrible ISU and Nebraska teams last year....right? And 9-6 to Illinois? The offense cost the Hawks at least 2 wins, AND an appearance in the BTCG.

And the offense (unless it improves), could do the same this year. It would be a shame if Hawks fans have to look back on yet another season and say "if only we had a decent offense" after wasting an incredibly easy schedule in the worst division in P5 football.
It's great that you claim to know how to enjoy life, but are you wired differently? Well, let's take a moment to see.

You're one of those people who like to portray themselves as different from the other fans in that you claim that you don't spend all your time bitching on a message board about other fans, and that instead, you (who has six kids no less) enjoy all that life has to offer. Sadly, the observations don't support this fantasy.

You seem to think that because of this perceived difference, that your views therefore carry more weight than others', which gives off a hint of narcissism.

In addition, the facade that you enjoy life just doesn't fit with the reality that you bitch incessantly on this message board and do not hesitate to sling insults at everyone (which contradicts your stated difference between you and the rest of the posters... that being that you claim to despise all the negativity coming from others).

Which leads into the third observation that, unlike the vast majority of posters on this board, you seem to be totally incapable or unwilling to engage in any civil discussion.

Instead of being a person who enjoys life as you pretend to be, you come across as a very bitter person who feels the need to distinguish yourself from everyone else by trying to bitch from a different angle, by bitching about the bitching.

So, yes you are wired differently, because you appear to have the need to feel that you are a fringe bitcher. But maybe that DOES make you special, after all.
Nailed it! Good post!
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Thanks for the input. Pretty sure USC and Miss St both dropped from the Top 25 because they lost a bowl game to Iowa. I consider those quality wins, not that it helps all that much.

2-14 is definitely bad vs final ranked opponents.
Yeah, that is the challenge with the Top 25 record, if Iowa wins, the team might drop out. There were a few teams that were in the receiving votes section. USC and Miss State are good examples. But, if Iowa had lost, then there would be more losses to final ranked opponents.
Here are the results since 2017

Includes 2020, which is not really a normal season for obvious reasons

Record 56-24 Winning % 70.0

Opponents Record 490-426 Winning % 53.5 Excluded UNI and SD State as FCS

Record of Teams Iowa beat 283-337 Winning % 45.6
Record of Teams Iowa lost to 207-89 Winning % 70.0

Record against Teams that finished ranked in the final AP Poll
Ohio State 2017
Minnesota 2019

4 losses to teams that finished with a record under .500

5 wins over teams that finished with 9 + wins
Minnesota 3
Ohio State
North Texas
I think the analysis above is very telling and reflects well the frustration that so many fans have. The Iowa "strategy" of strong defense and special teams combined with a *pedestrian* offense will get you wins, especially versus the B10 West and preseason MAC teams...but just doesn't give them a real fighting chance to beat the very good teams that they face.

** Sorry to insult all of the pedestrians in the world. :)
But then you'd have the same problem exists; there are teams that would have finished in the top 30 had they beaten Iowa, but finished outside the top 30 because Iowa beat them.
Looking at the results, the teams that might have finished in the Top 25 if they beat Iowa instead of losing

Iowa State 2018
Miss State 2018
USC 2019
Minnesota 2021
Minnesota 2022
Purdue 2022

Look at Top 20 to take out those teams, maybe USC and Miss State would have moved to the Top 20

2-14 against the Top 20, possibly 3-4 teams finished in the Top 20 due to their win against Iowa

That 2017 schedule was a tough one. 5 teams finished in the Top 20
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But then you'd have the same problem exists; there are teams that would have finished in the top 30 had they beaten Iowa, but finished outside the top 30 because Iowa beat them.
I would say had they beat Iowa, those in top 30 might in top 25, so I give credit to those wins. I really don’t care about the top 30

Draw the line anywhere you want. To beat the trash of the big ten doesn’t impress me, that’s my point. North Dakota State in the past decade could beat a lot of Big 10 teams, especially if you had to play at Fargo.

None of really it matters soon, when the playoff field goes to 12 and you are in Big Ten or SEC it’s playoff of nothing. Using some slide rule to pretend the Jerk Water Bowl = a great season won’t cut it with a larger percentage of fans.
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The last 69 games goes back about 6 full seasons I would guess and Brian/Kirk's offenses were rather decent thru 2020. It is these last 2 1/2 years where the offense just cratered into a huge hole of mush.
Compared to the the last 3 seasons I guess offenses ranked in the 90's and one at 88 (covid year) seem "pretty decent" but they were shit offenses too
Compared to the the last 3 seasons I guess offenses ranked in the 90's and one at 88 (covid year) seem "pretty decent" but they were shit offenses too
I really wouldnt call 2019 and 2020 shit offenses. In 2020, after they settled down the offensive line from the first two games they just smashed opponents.

2019 was a bit up and down scoring wise but still they were smashing the poorer non-cons like they should and were routinely scoring in the mid-20s which is average for Kirk teams. Kirk's best offenses only averaged about 31 points a game.
Anemic offense, lopsided losses to OSU, PSU and Mich, some other frustrating losses, negative press, "the contract stipulation", unhappy fans, the lawsuit/s. A lack of signature wins. Gambling.

IMHO the one and only reason both Ferentzs are still coaching at Iowa is that record, no matter how it happened or what could have been. I'm not saying the U of Iowa is right or wrong in not making any coaching changes. Just calling like I see it.

I get it and I think most of us get it, even the upset fans get it. For the record, I'm as frustrated as the next fan at the lack of offensive execution. I hadn't done the W/L math over this span before and frankly am a little surprised. If you go back to the 38 games before these 69 you find another 26 wins.
It doesn't feel like it ? I have enjoyed each and everyone of those 50 wins. Maybe hold someone's hand or have them give you a swift kick in the nads. That may help you " feel it " more intensely. Go Hawks !
It doesn't feel like it ? I have enjoyed each and everyone of those 50 wins. Maybe hold someone's hand or have them give you a swift kick in the nads. That may help you " feel it " more intensely. Go Hawks !

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