I've been exposed...

As an update, we have tested negative on both the rapid and PCR tests so we're good at this point unless we're a crazy outlier on the timeframe. Also, everyone he was in contact with has tested negative. He tested positive on both the rapid and PCR tests... He has some chest and nasal congestion symptoms and a little fever but he says he feels the "fever" in his eyeballs and his nut sack. His temp on a thermometer isn't high.
I think “feel the fever in my nutsack” is more a pick up line than a Covid symptom.
There was a earlier reference to a birthday or Christmas gift I was going to ask about but now with this sack talk I want nothing of it. Congrats on not catching the china flu OP.
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Where did the bad man touch you? Do you need a safe space? China flu. Deal with it.
95% of the new U.S. cases after May 1st are the Benedict Donald Flu... thats when much of the world had it somewhat tamed and the U.S. just kept trucking along. Because of Trump pressuring to slow down tests and not wear masks.
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He now says his taste and smell are way off... taste more so than smell.
95% of the new U.S. cases after May 1st are the Benedict Donald Flu... thats when much of the world had it somewhat tamed and the U.S. just kept trucking along. Because of Trump pressuring to slow down tests and not wear masks.
Where did you come up with the 95%. Is your friend part of the 5 or the 95?
Thanks Riley I get it. I asked someone to point out where I had called someone stupid and you found a post from 2.5 years ago. You got me man, I'm a fraud. Just make sure you are holding yourself to those standards.
You mean the standard not to lie or try to cover my tracks with a new moniker or if I were to do that, not being smart enough to even change my profile picture? You can be sure I will exceed those low standards.
You mean the standard not to lie or try to cover my tracks with a new moniker or if I were to do that, not being smart enough to even change my profile picture? You can be sure I will exceed those low standards.
I dont know what you just said kid but you special.
I see you’re fully manipulated by his stolen KGB tactics to rebrand the blame for his failures elsewhere. Guess I’ll have to deal with it.
I dont think trump is above Flaw or doesn't deserve some responsibility in this but I laugh at how this has turned from a virus that was known to have originated in a wet market of China to somehow 100% trumps fault.
Yes. Delegating responsibility to multiple parties is the sure sign of someone that is triggered. I must say I do appreciate finding the one with my avatar in it though.
I don’t give a damn what you’re arguing in this thread, you triggered.

And show your appreciation with a like, you dork.
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