jo Can't Drop Out! 16 States Will Not Allow a Name Change on Their Ballots This Close to Election Day Unless There's a Death!


HR Heisman
Jul 15, 2023
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The IQ of these DemoKlans is hilarious. Completely against a primary decided by the people to nominate another candidate (RFK, NewScum, DipWit, Kackles, etc.) as this was as obvious as the TDS that flows on this platform.

DemoKlan overlords told them this is our will not for you to decide and the sheep followed to the ballot boxes to check the box like good little sheep.

So now because DemoKlans are going to lose they want to throw out the nominated candidate by delegate majority and voted by DemoKlan citizens.

But now DemoKlans don’t have to let the people decide or choose they can put who they want in place fvck the peoples love.

Hmmm democracy is on the ballot
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If true I call bullshit. No conventions yet.....they aren't even the official candidates yet.

If some states have already printed their ballot....tough shit for them.
The laws are oldβ€”before internet, so the cutoffs don’t keep up with the technology. Think….
Also, DemoKlans don’t even trust the sheep they herd. They have to tell you the agenda so you’ll get in line.

The dude makes several valid points and is exactly what I have been saying for 8 months. They are actually the β€œthreat to democracy”. Evidently a lot of people are waking up to this, based on this WaPo poll …

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