Judge Nap: "Giuliani knows Mueller has evidence of criminal conspiracy"


HR Legend
Jan 19, 2004
And he's slow dripping it to friendly media to soften the blow.

Giuliani may be overly histrionic, but he is not stupid -- though his legacy as a prosecutor and mayor is unraveling. My guess is he knows that Mueller has much evidence of a criminal conspiracy to receive something of value (the Hillary Clinton emails) between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence and subtly is trying to tie Trump personally to it. Such a conspiracy would be a felony and produce criminal charges against all who were a part to the agreement. Giuliani also fears that Mueller will use the Trump-Cohen conversation as evidence of obstruction of justice by the president.

So why is Giuliani revealing all this to the media? Here's why. He is following an age-old trial lawyer practice. If the government has evidence harmful to your client, it is easier for the public and the jury to accept the harmful evidence if defense counsel reveals it first, drop by drop, rather than permit the government to release it all at once like an anvil falling into a pond.

Giuliani has told friends that from time to time during his negotiations with Mueller on Trump's potential interview by Mueller and his team, Mueller has shown a few of his cards. Stated differently, Giuliani probably knows some of the damning evidence Mueller has on his client and has chosen to leak it out slowly and even goofily to friendly audiences so that once Mueller unloads his findings, the shock will have been dulled.

Giuliani has also told friends that he has a client who is not paying him and who does not take his advice. Does any of this look good for Trump?
