Just remember folks, its the democrats that think we need to keep everything locked down.

Why would people with zero background on pandemics and epidemiology be good at "making their own decisions"?

What an elitist position to take, particularly after the supposed experts phucked this whole thing up so badly,.. There is no one better equipped to make a personal decision than the individual in question...
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We didn't "shut down society".

And the only schools that went remote, did so to protect their own teachers.

Remote learning is better than no learning, which is where you end up, if too many of your staff become ill or die.
To protect the teachers. HAHAHAHAHAHA

The Los Angeles Public School Union leveraged school reopenings for non-pandemic and partisan goals, such as charter school moratoriums, defunding the police, and rent abatement.

Even after Congress provided more than $204 billion in new federal funds to K–12 public education, many major school districts were slow to fully reopen. The pandemic revealed the distinct advantage public school teachers unions have at the bargaining table.

Just six weeks after the first schools closed in spring 2020, the AFT demanded (in addition to masks, personal protective gear, and other health precautions) that Congress provide $750 billion in new federal funds for state and local education spending. The union wanted to suspend teacher evaluations, reduce class sizes, get funding for new non-teaching staff, and eliminate student evaluations during the pandemic. In other words: more money and no accountability. Understandably, Congress balked at these demands; teachers’ unions, however, refused to budge.

After local officials complied with union demands to prioritize public school teachers for vaccination, the union moved the goalposts. “We think all students need to be vaccinated before in-person instruction resumes full time,” Fairfax Education Association President Kimberly Adams said. In Chicago this year, well after vaccines and boosters were widely available, the Chicago Teachers Union went on strike for five business days, forcing 340,000 children to remain at home.
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How is relying on people with actual expertise, "elitist"? Is your car mechanic an "elitist", because he knows how to fix your car and you don't?

I accept input from my mechanic, but I decide what work he performs,.. No individual should be required to blindly follow medical directives handed down by others,.. My body, my choice,.. remember?
But're allowing that elitist mechanic to tell you what he recommends?

Not weird,.. In my scenario you were the elitist for inferring that I should blindly accept every recommendation provided by my mechanic,... Suck it, elitist.
Not weird,.. In my scenario you were the elitist for inferring that I should blindly accept every recommendation provided by my mechanic

Of course not. But if you go to 10 mechanics, and they all tell you the same thing, it is "elitist" to say it's something you should probably do?

Because that was the case with Covid recommendations.
Of course not. But if you go to 10 mechanics, and they all tell you the same thing, is it "elitist" to say it's something you should probably do? Because that was the case with Covid recommendations.

Yes, my car, my choice,.. remember elitist.
Do you really want to go down that road? Let's look at your track record.

Go for it.

I posted the graphs of the cases and deaths numbers in the first weeks of the pandemic. They were spot-on, until the very end of March when distancing and shutting down mass-gathering events slowed the spread.

I told you Ivermectin was worthless; it's worthless.
I told you HCQ was worthless; it's worthless
I posted on some of the early clinical trials work for drugs that are now commonly recommended.

Meanwhile, you claimed vaccines "don't work", when they clearly do.
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Of course not. But if you go to 10 mechanics, and they all tell you the same thing, it is "elitist" to say it's something you should probably do?

Because that was the case with Covid recommendations.
Bull fuvking shit. The only time there was 100% concensus was when the opposing views FROM DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS were silenced. You don't get to revise history.
Anyone who truly cares to understand what went on for 2 plus years regarding covid reporting and communication needs to review the twitter files investigation. And keep in mind it's just one sliver of exposure.
And so many were wrong.

Do you really want to go down that road? Let's look at your track record.
Duke Medical School just announced their trial, which has been going on for awhile. I guess they could have saved some money and just asked Joes Place what the result will be.

Meanwhile, here's a link to a compilation of various studies -

Because it's been made political, if it does turn out that ivermectin is effective under some circumstances, the left will simply dismiss or ignore the evidence, just as they've done with other things that don't support their narrative.

First of all, Ivermectin is being used in various other places in the world as a treatment. Just like with every other Covid treatment, results vary, and depend greatly on timing. I posted a link with a comprehensive list of studies, with mixed results. I don't cherry pick like you do. I don't immediately dismiss results that disagree with my position, mostly because I don't take hard and fast positions that I might have to defend later.

You've been wrong way more than right. Stop doubling down. Stop moving the goalpost. You really only have a handful of people who believe you.

'member these gems? ^^^

I informed you many months ago, that Ivermectin was understood to "work" in areas that had endemic parasitic infections - only because it killed off those parasites and made Covid less lethal to the folks infected with them.

Your Duke study (just as I'd predicted) found NO benefit.
Here’s the kind of misinformation that @Joes Place and the CDC were spreading all over at the time. It wasn’t true. Whether intentional or a mistake, it was a lie.

Posted in other threads, but figured this should be front and center.

Unless CDC has posted data in error, the demographics site indicates a 6% Case Fatality Rate for those 0-4 years old.

It seems this is now only being understood, based on a late-developing syndrome in children that occurs weeks after they've contracted and "cleared" Covid19. This is known as MIS-C, and it was thought to be "rare", but if CDCs data are accurate, it's a lot less "rare" than was perceived.

Again, it's pre-school-aged children.

How many kids who will be going back to school have a sibling that is 0-4 years old?
And could possibly have 1-in-16 odds of getting MIS-C and dying from it?

These are pre-vaccine kinds of numbers, if CDCs demographics data are correct.

The 0-4 age group is indeed odd; one can merely speculate that CDC grouped them that way, because that's where the case fatalities are.

We'll have to wait for CDC to issue a formal correction, or formal statement, I suppose.
But, given these data are currently accurate, shouldn't every news station be downplaying the "old people disease" propaganda?

It's literally from CDC's site. I cannot make it any clearer for you than that.

Either these children are dying directly from Covid-19 (in very large numbers, overnight), or CDC has now re-categorized MIS-C as "Covid deaths" and is updating their data from the past 2-3 months).

What do you think is most likely here?
Here’s the kind of misinformation that @Joes Place and the CDC were spreading all over at the time. It wasn’t true. Whether intentional or a mistake, it was a lie.

I posted the info CDC had on their site. Which was not accurate.
Go complain to their folks for not properly updating their public data; when they corrected it, I corrected what I'd posted.
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I posted the info CDC had on their site. Which was not accurate.
Go complain to their folks for not properly updating their public data; when they corrected it, I corrected what I'd posted.
So the CDC was putting out misinformation and you were just trumpeting it?
And, you don’t see how manipulative and wrong that was?
The CDC put out information they had at the time; early in the pandemic, there were not coherent data systems set up to handle everything coming in.

This happens during crises.

They corrected it, in fairly short order.
And anyone who questioned it was called a looney conspiracy theorist and silenced on social media. Everyone knew the data, particularly on adolescents, was bs yet yet people like you peddled it for as long as possible. You're just another left wing shill who used junk science and manipulated data as cover.

Only people coming out with looney conspiracy theories, like America's Frontline Doctors who grifted thousands of people out of millions of dollars for useless ivermectin prescriptions were correctly called out.
You are a liar

Only people coming out with looney conspiracy theories, like America's Frontline Doctors who grifted thousands of people out of millions of dollars for useless ivermectin prescriptions were correctly called out.
Yep, that's it. No one but ivermectin docs were shut down. I really hope by now everyone sees how full of shit you are. You truly are a spreader of misinformation.
Pretty sure Djokovic knew the rules like every other player. This is 100% on him. And I'm a fan.
Lol yeah the scientifically proven "Pfizer entry fee". Do us a favor save the trust the science bullshit next time please.
Yeah. Okay.

It doesn't matter if he agreed with it. Those are the rules and everyone playing complied. He did not. His decision entirely. The consequences faced are also his responsibility entirely.
The point is everyone INCLUDING THE SCIENCE, now knows "the rules" are wrong and pointless. Well everyone except the bought and paid for pfizer DC politicians.
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IT DOESN'T MATTER RYAN! You don't get to pick the rules you follow and those you don't. 100% on the Joker.
This entire thread is about the absurdity and dishonesty associated with the covid response so yeah you're missing the point. The Ryan deal is lame too, mods verifie in the Ryan d I'm not whoever tf he is so you're really just doubling down on dumb.
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I'll have to get a ruling from @TC Nole OX on whether you fall on the chimp chart.

He is an original member of the chimp meme. I know Mike Z said that he isn't NCH5 but he consistently gives off NCH5 vibes. I will go with the many posts I have seen and say that DV and NCH5 are one in the same.
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The CDC put out information they had at the time; early in the pandemic, there were not coherent data systems set up to handle everything coming in.

This happens during crises.

They corrected it, in fairly short order.
You are how a political party is able to put Jewish people into camps. All it took was just looking into things for yourself to know you were being mislead the entire time.

BTW, got a buddy having heart surgery because of the vaccine (says the doctor) who when telling me about it broke down because he thinks he won’t be able to watch his kids grow up. Had to take it or he would lose his job.

When they said you could pull your mask down between bites and drinks is when we should have all removed any trust these people had from us.

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