Justice Alito's home flew flag upside down after Trump's 'Stop the Steal' claims, report says

It’s so strange how the conservative justices wives are all nut jobs, but certainly the justices themselves are sober jurists weighing all matters in good faith.
I guess I can only speak for myself and my wife…but during our work careers (which were in very different fields), we didn’t talk about our jobs with each other much at home.
I guess I can only speak for myself and my wife…but during our work careers (which were in very different fields), we didn’t talk about our jobs with each much at home.
So when you asked your wife about her day, she never said, "Oh, I supported a coup for a couple of hours." I mean ofc she never said anything this absurd. Yet here we are. Alito wants us all to believe that this very thing happened.
So when you asked your wife about her day, she never said, "Oh, I supported a coup for a couple of hours." I mean ofc she never said anything this absurd. Yet here we are. Alito wants us all to believe that this very thing happened.
It's the same argument as Thomas' wife. Somehow, these two couples have stayed married for god knows how long and they never discuss politics/work.
LOL that anyone believes it was the wife instigating this. Just pathetic. Alito's a liar, and this attempt at an excuse is just more evidence as to what a lying liar he is.
So does he lie about everything? Isn’t that what a “lying liar” does?
If you say it - it must be true? 😳

I was just echoing your desire to jump down a rabbit hole and assign blame to some deep state cabal under the “organized left”.

See how silly my conspiracy theory sounds? Now go back and re-read what you proposed.

You are desperately trying to come up with a theory as to why Alito receives so much scorn and abuse.

Perhaps the simplest explanation is that he’s a POS and lives his personal and professional life being aggrieved and trying to own the libs? Not everything is a conspiracy, darling - or a smear campaign to besmirch his fine character.

His character largely speaks for itself.
Also, who hangs their flag upside down in support of a coup that killed 5 cops, but only for a few hours? Like did she only support the coup from the hours of 10-2 then say, "I think I've made my point." How dumb does Alito think we are?
OMG Huey. It was not related to the riot on 1/6.
Seriously go google “brain food” and immediately adjust your diet. I hope it helps.
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I was just echoing your desire to jump down a rabbit hole and assign blame to some deep state cabal under the “organized left”.

See how silly my conspiracy theory sounds? Now go back and re-read what you proposed.

You are desperately trying to come up with a theory as to why Alito receives so much scorn and abuse.

Perhaps the simplest explanation is that he’s a POS and lives his personal and professional life being aggrieved and trying to own the libs? Not everything is a conspiracy, darling, or a smear campaign to besmirch his character.

His character largely speaks for itself.
I’m not desperate by any means…but the fanatics who’ve had it out for him since he happened to write the majority opinion on RvW are absolutely desperate.
Tell me…what makes you an expert on his character?
I see no need to “defend” anything - but I’m not a MAGA.
The almost four year old incident is something between Mrs. Alito and a next door neighbor who put up signs using vulgar language and pointed it at their house. She (ill advisedly IMO) finally got fed up and flew the flag in that way and Justice Alito has repeatedly said he had no part in it or knew of it.
She is NOT a SCJ and she has every right to her personal opinions. It’s been said she regrets allowing her tacky neighbor to goad her into her actions.

Don't be so gullible
Let’s say the feud with neighbor part is true, Who gets into a spat with their neighbor and decides “ I will show them, I will fly my flag upside down”
Does that truly make sense to you? Also I know nothing about the Alito’s neighborhood but perhaps the Alito’s may be the “tacky” neighbors.
If you’ll re-read my post I did say that I thought it was an ill advised reaction to the vulgar language in the signs the neighbor put up that pointed in the Alito’s direction. She had to know it would be used against her spouse.
I’m not desperate by any means…but the fanatics who’ve had it out for him since he happened to write the majority opinion on RvW are absolutely desperate.
Tell me…what makes you an expert on his character?

Alito’s judgement has been called into question long before Dobbs. Again: this isn’t a recent thing.

Does 2010 and his “not true” moment at Obama’s State of the Union in 2010 ring a bell? After being (rightly) called out on Citizen’s United?

Do I need to be a character expert to see a grouchy old man reacting to a changing world he doesn’t care for? He’s a freaking curmudgeon who has a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land - and doesn’t seem to give a F about the optics about his personal opinions.

That’s a cause for concern.
Also, who hangs their flag upside down in support of a coup that killed 5 cops, but only for a few hours? Like did she only support the coup from the hours of 10-2 then say, "I think I've made my point." How dumb does Alito think we are?
LOL what a pathetic, lemming you are.

They killed nobody, however the Capitol Gestapo ambushed and murdered an unarmed female patriot

No attempted coup took place, put down the liberal's guide to nonsense talking points.
Alito’s judgement has been called into question long before Dobbs. Again: this isn’t a recent thing.

Does 2010 and his “not true” moment at Obama’s State of the Union in 2010 ring a bell? After being (rightly) called out on Citizen’s United?

Do I need to be a character expert to see a grouchy old man reacting to a changing world he doesn’t care for? He’s a freaking curmudgeon who has a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land - and doesn’t seem to give a F about the optics about his personal opinions.

That’s a cause for concern.
Taking tons of money from Billionaires as well, nothing to see here. JFC
Also, who hangs their flag upside down in support of a coup that killed 5 cops, but only for a few hours? Like did she only support the coup from the hours of 10-2 then say, "I think I've made my point." How dumb does Alito think we are?

Cons in this thread are proving that at least a decent chunk are really ****ing dumb
If you’ll re-read my post I did say that I thought it was an ill advised reaction to the vulgar language in the signs the neighbor put up that pointed in the Alito’s direction. She had to know it would be used against her spouse.
Why do you believe that it was in response to vulgar language? It is after, the 2nd excuse they used.
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I was just echoing your desire to jump down a rabbit hole and assign blame to some deep state cabal under the “organized left”.

See how silly my conspiracy theory sounds? Now go back and re-read what you proposed.

You are desperately trying to come up with a theory as to why Alito receives so much scorn and abuse.

Perhaps the simplest explanation is that he’s a POS and lives his personal and professional life being aggrieved and trying to own the libs? Not everything is a conspiracy, darling - or a smear campaign to besmirch his fine character.

His character largely speaks for itself.
Must defend party always.
That’s an accusation by the organized left. It’s not a fact.

It is likely both.

And frankly, it’s an assumption by almost any reasonable person. It’s not as if this would happen without a conversation and agreement between husband and wife. And given that part of his story is demonstrably false, smart money says the rest of it is.
If you’ll re-read my post I did say that I thought it was an ill advised reaction to the vulgar language in the signs the neighbor put up that pointed in the Alito’s direction. She had to know it would be used against her spouse.

So you do believe responding to the neighbors alleged vulgar signs is the reason the flag was flown upside down?
Also, who hangs their flag upside down in support of a coup that killed 5 cops, but only for a few hours? Like did she only support the coup from the hours of 10-2 then say, "I think I've made my point." How dumb does Alito think we are?

Only one person was killed.
Then why was the flag upside down? How does it stick it to the libs to fly the flag upside down if not for the signal MAGAts used to support the coup?
Huey, it was to respond to the signs put up by the neighbor. Not some signal to a bunch of total fools wearing Buffalo headdresses from a souvenir shop - 11 days later.
Remember this is over three years ago. None of you lefties have raised any questions as to why this is just now a story…and you won’t either.
It is likely both.

And frankly, it’s an assumption by almost any reasonable person. It’s not as if this would happen without a conversation and agreement between husband and wife. And given that part of his story is demonstrably false, smart money says the rest of it is.
So you and your wife discuss everything? That’s your business and your life and good for you.
Other strong marriages don’t have to function in that manner - and many don’t.

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