Wait I'm confused are you saying have the people who own guns legally turn their guns in because this will cause the people who have guns Illegally not to use their guns. Wut ?http://www.2ndamendmentco.com/
The more they make....the more they fire.
Maybe consider taking 150 or 200 million killing devices off the street.
The people hanging their hats on 2nd Amendment rights are "dead" wrong.
There are too many people out there willing to pull a trigger and way too many triggers waiting to be pulled.
Stand Up!
There are certainly incidents of injustice and those need to be handled fairly (both black and white), but recent incidents (e.g. Milwaukee) proves that some people just want an excuse to riot and assault innocent people by expressing their racism. At this point, as a pretty far left liberal, I've come to the conclusion that there are a lot of misguided people in this movement and they are setting back race relations with each subsequent step they take. Basing actions on emotion is never a good thing, but yet this movement is consistently allowed to do it over and over again without any real condemnation. It will stop eventually and those of us whom really want peace and equality will have to clean up their mess.
Maybe consider taking 150 or 200 million killing devices off the street.
The more they make....the more they fire.
Maybe consider taking 150 or 200 million killing devices off the street.
The people hanging their hats on 2nd Amendment rights are "dead" wrong.
There are too many people out there willing to pull a trigger and way too many triggers waiting to be pulled.
Stand Up!
How will you take my guns? You'll send armed men in costumes to my house, with guns...
These people are nothing more than animals, who'll use any sort of violence in any situation. Just look at Milwaukee. A guy points a gun at a cop, the cop shoots him, and the animals that are supposedly "oppressed" start rioting before they even know the whole story.
Confiscating guns will do nothing to cure the problem, the animals will use another means to kill each other.
The name calling is unnecessary, lets keep things civil. Saying THEY as a collective group puts everyone in the same race into a bucket, thus you're judging an entire race based on a select few. This is an issue, and if you fail to see that, then there is nothing anyone can do to help.He nothing to do with race, fool. It's only racist because the group I'm referring to happens to be black. If it were a group of white people, and I called them animals because they were burning down the town, you'd find no issue with it.
Act like animals and get called animals... Because normal humans don't act the way they do... Don't like it then they should open a book and rid their community of rap culture...
But do nothing about the "too many people" who do bad things.http://www.2ndamendmentco.com/
The more they make....the more they fire.
Maybe consider taking 150 or 200 million killing devices off the street.
The people hanging their hats on 2nd Amendment rights are "dead" wrong.
There are too many people out there willing to pull a trigger and way too many triggers waiting to be pulled.
Stand Up!
The name calling is unnecessary, lets keep things civil. Saying THEY as a collective group puts everyone in the same race into a bucket, thus you're judging an entire race based on a select few. This is an issue, and if you fail to see that, then there is nothing anyone can do to help.
There are certainly incidents of injustice and those need to be handled fairly (both black and white), but recent incidents (e.g. Milwaukee) proves that some people just want an excuse to riot and assault innocent people by expressing their racism. At this point, as a pretty far left liberal, I've come to the conclusion that there are a lot of misguided people in this movement and they are setting back race relations with each subsequent step they take. Basing actions on emotion is never a good thing, but yet this movement is consistently allowed to do it over and over again without any real condemnation. It will stop eventually and those of us whom really want peace and equality will have to clean up their mess.
I agree 100% with the above....I could have written those exact words and they would have been 100% true as to how I feel about this issue.
The real problem, above everything else, is poverty and the lack of opportunity that has existed for generations. As long as this situation continues....we will get the same results. Why would we expect anything different?
Everyone is a victim of police brutality. The need for some groups to act as if they own that problem is ridiculous. I've never seen the country take a step back like it has with race relations, it's ridiculous. We have a whole team of players who get along and work together. It's clear that certain political groups wish to change that for political gain.Wrong again. The term "they" refers to the group of people that is pillaging their own town, not the race as a whole. Once again, if it were white people nobody would have issue with what I'm saying.
Far more whites, per capita, are victims of police brutality.
How will you take my guns? You'll send armed men in costumes to my house, with guns...
These people are nothing more than animals, who'll use any sort of violence in any situation. Just look at Milwaukee. A guy points a gun at a cop, the cop shoots him, and the animals that are supposedly "oppressed" start rioting before they even know the whole story.
Confiscating guns will do nothing to cure the problem, the animals will use another means to kill each other.
He was probably going to get cut. This is his attempt to keep a roster spot by daring the 49ers to cut him.
I'm thinking these idiots that seemingly want communism, should be allowed to have it. We can create an area that is strictly communism for them and let them have it.He showed up to a press conference with a Castro shirt on. He lost all remaining credibility by doing so.
He showed up to a press conference with a Castro shirt on. He lost all remaining credibility by doing so.
What does the 2nd amendment have to do with Colin Kapernik not standing for the National anthem?http://www.2ndamendmentco.com/
The more they make....the more they fire.
Maybe consider taking 150 or 200 million killing devices off the street.
The people hanging their hats on 2nd Amendment rights are "dead" wrong.
There are too many people out there willing to pull a trigger and way too many triggers waiting to be pulled.
Stand Up!
The name calling is unnecessary, lets keep things civil. Saying THEY as a collective group puts everyone in the same race into a bucket, thus you're judging an entire race based on a select few. This is an issue, and if you fail to see that, then there is nothing anyone can do to help.
^^^THIS. He won't stand and respect a flag that he thinks represents oppression and then wears THAT shirt. You are right, credibility thrown right out the window.He showed up to a press conference with a Castro shirt on. He lost all remaining credibility by doing so.
Name calling is part of the problem, but as it stands, the victims of Milwaukee, Ferguson, and Baltimore are the black families who live in those neighborhoods. They have nothing left after the rioters burn their neighborhood.
The more they make....the more they fire.
Maybe consider taking 150 or 200 million killing devices off the street.
The people hanging their hats on 2nd Amendment rights are "dead" wrong.
There are too many people out there willing to pull a trigger and way too many triggers waiting to be pulled.
Stand Up!
White people: "Black people should protest peacefully!"
*Black man sits quietly during National Anthem*
White people: "No, not like that!"
Everyone is a victim of police brutality. The need for some groups to act as if they own that problem is ridiculous. I've never seen the country take a step back like it has with race relations, it's ridiculous. We have a whole team of players who get along and work together. It's clear that certain political groups wish to change that for political gain.
STFU...I'm so sick of this white black BS.White people: "Black people should protest peacefully!"
*Black man sits quietly during National Anthem*
White people: "No, not like that!"
ITS BLACK NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN!!!HOWEVER, the fact is (not my opinion) that Blacks/African Americans are disproportionately targeted by police (both verbal and physical harassment).
Will you defend all americans to do as they please at work w/o fear of being fired?I don't like the fact that he has chosen to sit during the anthem but I will fiercely defend his right to do it.
Who are we standing up against?http://www.2ndamendmentco.com/
The more they make....the more they fire.
Maybe consider taking 150 or 200 million killing devices off the street.
The people hanging their hats on 2nd Amendment rights are "dead" wrong.
There are too many people out there willing to pull a trigger and way too many triggers waiting to be pulled.
Stand Up!
My personal belief is that if a group of people are killing each other indiscriminately, then I would agree they are animals. The color of that group to me does not matter. When the KKK were stringing up blacks for just being black, then they were animals as well. Color should not matter. Most of the people in this country are responsible gun owners, its the criminals who create the problems with them, and they are not going to give up their guns if the second amendment is overturned and guns are taken from the responsible folks. That would just ensure that the crime rate would explode in this country. Not to mention that trying to confiscate guns would probably lead to the next civil war. And, coming from a Niners fan, Kaepernick is a douche.That is extremely racist, this is the issue with race relations right here. Calling a group of people animals? What makes you think that is ok? When the KKK were hanging people in the streets, that was animalistic, but I'd never refer to all whites as animals as you just did...
Are you for real?
You are right, people of every race have been the victim of police brutality. I am a white person living in a major metropolitan area known for high crime rates...and police brutality and corruption. I have been harassed by the police and I have (white) family members who have been victims of police brutality when no crime had been committed. And I agree, it is never okay no matter what race the victim is. We have a serious problem and it impacts us all (by the way, I do not believe that all police officers are violent, hate-mongering idiots nor am I supporting Colin Kapernick).
HOWEVER, the fact is (not my opinion) that Blacks/African Americans are disproportionately targeted by police (both verbal and physical harassment). I have witnessed police yell racial slurs at Black people who are simply walking down the street. I am, also, a researcher and I can tell you that there is overwhelming empirical evidence showing that minorities and, especially Blacks, are disproportionately targeted by police even though they are no more likely to have committed any crime. I could barrage this board with articles, but I won't no one wants that. But below is a citation from a national study, just to illustrate my point.
Engel, R. S., & Calnon, J. M. (2004). Examining the influence of drivers' characteristics during traffic stops with police: Results from a national survey. Justice Quarterly, 21(1), 49-90.
Racism exists and it is insidious. It damages us all. To deny it is not only wrong-headed, but it contributes directly to increasingly hostile race-relations.
Before you start talking disparaging about liberals in academia having some sort of communist agenda (I have lurked long enough on this site to know that for some this is seen as an acceptable rebuttal to anything they disagree with), half of the research in this area is conducted by government (federal, city etc.) agencies who are, on average, centrists or even right-leaning. Racism is not some fiction created by "the left" to destroy America.
This is my first post on this board, I usually ignore the political banter-- everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the existence of racism is not matter of a opinion it is a fact.
Now, I am going to step off my soapbox.
I came to this site as a Hawkeye fan, not to engage in off-topic arguments.