Kaepernick Situation

Wait a second... Colin Kaepernick is black? I thought he was one of those guy that cant stop using tanning beds
Are you for real?

You are right, people of every race have been the victim of police brutality. I am a white person living in a major metropolitan area known for high crime rates...and police brutality and corruption. I have been harassed by the police and I have (white) family members who have been victims of police brutality when no crime had been committed. And I agree, it is never okay no matter what race the victim is. We have a serious problem and it impacts us all (by the way, I do not believe that all police officers are violent, hate-mongering idiots nor am I supporting Colin Kapernick).

HOWEVER, the fact is (not my opinion) that Blacks/African Americans are disproportionately targeted by police (both verbal and physical harassment). I have witnessed police yell racial slurs at Black people who are simply walking down the street. I am, also, a researcher and I can tell you that there is overwhelming empirical evidence showing that minorities and, especially Blacks, are disproportionately targeted by police even though they are no more likely to have committed any crime. I could barrage this board with articles, but I won't no one wants that. But below is a citation from a national study, just to illustrate my point.

Engel, R. S., & Calnon, J. M. (2004). Examining the influence of drivers' characteristics during traffic stops with police: Results from a national survey. Justice Quarterly, 21(1), 49-90.

Racism exists and it is insidious. It damages us all. To deny it is not only wrong-headed, but it contributes directly to increasingly hostile race-relations.

Before you start talking disparaging about liberals in academia having some sort of communist agenda (I have lurked long enough on this site to know that for some this is seen as an acceptable rebuttal to anything they disagree with), half of the research in this area is conducted by government (federal, city etc.) agencies who are, on average, centrists or even right-leaning. Racism is not some fiction created by "the left" to destroy America.

This is my first post on this board, I usually ignore the political banter-- everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the existence of racism is not matter of a opinion it is a fact.

Now, I am going to step off my soapbox.

I came to this site as a Hawkeye fan, not to engage in off-topic arguments.

Are these disproportionately racist police encounters happening in disproportionately black neighborhoods? If a neighborhood is 90% black, it would be expected that you'd see an overwhelming number of black arrests...

Same with white neighborhoods, or Asian neighborhoods, etc... Yes, the government studies would never manipulate data to give themselves more power. There was plenty of empirical data in the 70's that showed we were in an ice age...
Wait I'm confused are you saying have the people who own guns legally turn their guns in because this will cause the people who have guns Illegally not to use their guns. Wut ?
This has always been their plan. Disarm law abiding people and release thugs and let them roam at will to prey on us.
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Are you for real?

You are right, people of every race have been the victim of police brutality. I am a white person living in a major metropolitan area known for high crime rates...and police brutality and corruption. I have been harassed by the police and I have (white) family members who have been victims of police brutality when no crime had been committed. And I agree, it is never okay no matter what race the victim is. We have a serious problem and it impacts us all (by the way, I do not believe that all police officers are violent, hate-mongering idiots nor am I supporting Colin Kapernick).

HOWEVER, the fact is (not my opinion) that Blacks/African Americans are disproportionately targeted by police (both verbal and physical harassment). I have witnessed police yell racial slurs at Black people who are simply walking down the street. I am, also, a researcher and I can tell you that there is overwhelming empirical evidence showing that minorities and, especially Blacks, are disproportionately targeted by police even though they are no more likely to have committed any crime. I could barrage this board with articles, but I won't no one wants that. But below is a citation from a national study, just to illustrate my point.

Engel, R. S., & Calnon, J. M. (2004). Examining the influence of drivers' characteristics during traffic stops with police: Results from a national survey. Justice Quarterly, 21(1), 49-90.

Racism exists and it is insidious. It damages us all. To deny it is not only wrong-headed, but it contributes directly to increasingly hostile race-relations.

Before you start talking disparaging about liberals in academia having some sort of communist agenda (I have lurked long enough on this site to know that for some this is seen as an acceptable rebuttal to anything they disagree with), half of the research in this area is conducted by government (federal, city etc.) agencies who are, on average, centrists or even right-leaning. Racism is not some fiction created by "the left" to destroy America.

This is my first post on this board, I usually ignore the political banter-- everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the existence of racism is not matter of a opinion it is a fact.

Now, I am going to step off my soapbox.

I came to this site as a Hawkeye fan, not to engage in off-topic arguments.
Yes, get off your soapbox before I knock you off of it. First off, no one ever said racism doesn't exist. Second, you saw cops yelling racial slurs at black people in a 'major' city and you did nothing? Did you take action, video record, send complaints to the proper authorities, share the evidence with media, etc?
Third, do NOT come in here and act as if racism only exists from white to black. If you're going to stand on that little soap box of yours, make damn sure that you're covering ALL aspects of this.
Fourth, disproportionate, let's talk about that. Let's talk about the disproportionate murder rates. 50% from 13% of the population. Yes, that's 50% of all homicides, committed by blacks and mostly against other blacks. Let's also talk about the disproportional lack of fathers in the black community. Up to at least 65% of children don't have their fathers around.
You know why black people are targeted more? BECAUSE THEY DO commit more crimes per capita. PERIOD. In order to help clean up the ghettos, there is a need to target the trouble makers. Now you probably live in a little white willy billy world, where you've never seen this up close, except in passing by. It is simple cause and effect. You do, people do back to you. Not hard to understand and not only you being dangerously naive about reality, but you're actually causing more problems by being this naive. YOU are the one that can't navigate through differences or understand that broad strokes, don't paint the entire picture. I don't need to be educated on this, the supposedly educated such as yourself needs to be re-educated on this.
You've very obviously been indoctrinated to believe that there is some gigantic conspiracy to keep the black man down, despite the EMPIRICAL evidence that not only is that not true, but they have special advantages.
They're immediately protected by the cries of racism. Affirmative action, black scholarships, hiring quotas purposely directed to bring in more black people, etc, etc.

You want to continue this little debate then come on down to HROT, start a thread and I'll be your Huckleberry. Let me guess, you're the civil justice type? I
This is America. We have the right and maybe even the obligation to voice our opinions and to make our feelings known. Colin Kaepernick has every right to show his displeasure for a situation that he sees as wrong. At the same time, everybody else in this country has the right to weigh in on his decision and let their voices be heard. I don't care what he chooses to do. I stand for the national anthem to honor those that have served in our armed forces and for those that continue to serve. He sees it differently and that is his right.
What does the 2nd amendment have to do with Colin Kapernik not standing for the National anthem?
Your a typical libtard that can't even follow a simple conversation and turn into your agenda.
Or your just stupid and are getting your 1st and 2nd amendments confused.

I'm pretty sure I understand the U.S.Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I'm sick of this "freedom of speech" "it's his right garbage".
If they're going to play the national anthem all players should be REQUIRED to stand.
People making $8/hour are required to follow their employers rules. Why should folks making MILLIONS a year not be required to do the same?! Ridiculous....

STFU...I'm so sick of this white black BS.
So no non-white Americans could think it is BS? No asian/latin/middle eastern etc that is proud to be American can find that offensive? Only white people can have a problem with it? Only white people can find these idiotic riots to be idiotic? I know many "white/black/brown/yellow" people that find it pathetic! What a joke....

So you're sick of American ideals like free speech, the right to peacefully protest, etc.? Well alright comrade, I look forward to you and troglodytes like you leaving my blessed country very soon. You want to compel free citizens to perform a patriotic ritual under threat of harm from their government? How tyrannical of you.

Listen up chump, there's plenty of people in this country of all races, religions and backgrounds who may disagree with Kapernick's decision but true patriots will unwaveringly support his right to do so. Are you so dense that you cannot understand this basic fundamental liberty that we all enjoy?
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My personal belief is that if a group of people are killing each other indiscriminately, then I would agree they are animals. The color of that group to me does not matter. When the KKK were stringing up blacks for just being black, then they were animals as well. Color should not matter. Most of the people in this country are responsible gun owners, its the criminals who create the problems with them, and they are not going to give up their guns if the second amendment is overturned and guns are taken from the responsible folks. That would just ensure that the crime rate would explode in this country. Not to mention that trying to confiscate guns would probably lead to the next civil war. And, coming from a Niners fan, Kaepernick is a douche. :)
Your definition of "Animal" makes it very clear as to what Columbus was when he exterminated Native Americans (and Washington and the other white "founding fathers were, as they murdered resisting Blacks--animals as they chanted their patriotic slogans), and certainly makes clear the animalistic nature of the white mobsters (Godfather anyone?), lynchers, invaders (Ike anyone?) as well as the presidential thugs who have launched genocidal wars (Teddy, Woodrow, Tricky Dick and George). White History could be fun to talk about using your definition of animalistic behavior.
So you're sick of American ideals like free speech, the right to peacefully protest, etc.? Well alright comrade, I look forward to you and troglodytes like you leaving my blessed country very soon. You want to compel free citizens to perform a patriotic ritual under threat of harm from their government? How tyrannical of you.

Listen up chump, there's plenty of people in this country of all races, religions and backgrounds who may disagree with Kapernick's decision but true patriots will unwaveringly support his right to do so. Are you so dense that you cannot understand this basic fundamental liberty that we all enjoy?
Sorry, I guess you only millionaire athletes are allowed to state their opinions.....
Apparently I'm not allowed to :)
He's just ignorant. Trying to be trendy and disguise it as social awareness. I saw a picture tonight of him at a press conference wearing a Fidel Castro pride shirt. A dictator who is all about oppression of his people. Colin K needed to actually study in school a little history. Crack a book Colin.
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Yes, get off your soapbox before I knock you off of it. First off, no one ever said racism doesn't exist. Second, you saw cops yelling racial slurs at black people in a 'major' city and you did nothing? Did you take action, video record, send complaints to the proper authorities, share the evidence with media, etc?
Third, do NOT come in here and act as if racism only exists from white to black. If you're going to stand on that little soap box of yours, make damn sure that you're covering ALL aspects of this.
Fourth, disproportionate, let's talk about that. Let's talk about the disproportionate murder rates. 50% from 13% of the population. Yes, that's 50% of all homicides, committed by blacks and mostly against other blacks. Let's also talk about the disproportional lack of fathers in the black community. Up to at least 65% of children don't have their fathers around.
You know why black people are targeted more? BECAUSE THEY DO commit more crimes per capita. PERIOD. In order to help clean up the ghettos, there is a need to target the trouble makers. Now you probably live in a little white willy billy world, where you've never seen this up close, except in passing by. It is simple cause and effect. You do, people do back to you. Not hard to understand and not only you being dangerously naive about reality, but you're actually causing more problems by being this naive. YOU are the one that can't navigate through differences or understand that broad strokes, don't paint the entire picture. I don't need to be educated on this, the supposedly educated such as yourself needs to be re-educated on this.
You've very obviously been indoctrinated to believe that there is some gigantic conspiracy to keep the black man down, despite the EMPIRICAL evidence that not only is that not true, but they have special advantages.
They're immediately protected by the cries of racism. Affirmative action, black scholarships, hiring quotas purposely directed to bring in more black people, etc, etc.

You want to continue this little debate then come on down to HROT, start a thread and I'll be your Huckleberry. Let me guess, you're the civil justice type? I

This is a smart post, not very PC, but true. The media and entertainment industry are propagandist to the liberal agenda and drive the narrative in this country. People are emotional creatures and you are being provided a narrative to stoke your emotions. We simply cannot have an honest race discussion in this country while we are having this mass social manipulation taking place.
Your definition of "Animal" makes it very clear as to what Columbus was when he exterminated Native Americans (and Washington and the other white "founding fathers were, as they murdered resisting Blacks--animals as they chanted their patriotic slogans), and certainly makes clear the animalistic nature of the white mobsters (Godfather anyone?), lynchers, invaders (Ike anyone?) as well as the presidential thugs who have launched genocidal wars (Teddy, Woodrow, Tricky Dick and George). White History could be fun to talk about using your definition of animalistic behavior.

Ridiculous post is ridiculous. First, the whole premise of this post is based on the incorrect assumptions that the natives were perfect little angels themselves, just going about their business peacefully. This is incorrect. The natives in this country, like everywhere else in the world, were imperialists themselves. Conquering their neighbors and "stealing their land" as you probably call it. This is the way of the world. Either conquer or get conquered.

In addition, nobody is disputing history. They aren't even disputing Kaepernick's right to protest the way he did. They are disputing the facts; and the facts are that the black community has been sold a pack of lies. That they are downtrodden due solely because of the white man. Has nothing to do with the crime rate in their community. Nothing to do with the 75% illigitimacy rate. Nothing to do with the illiteracy rate.

It's all the white mans fault; especially white cops...
Wrong again. The term "they" refers to the group of people that is pillaging their own town, not the race as a whole. Once again, if it were white people nobody would have issue with what I'm saying.

Far more whites, per capita, are victims of police brutality.

Suburban Hawk is absolutely right.

They is used to refer to a group of people. He never said that group was an entire race, the person choosing to get butt hurt over it chose to make that distinction.

So to recap, there are people trying their hardest to be offended over the use of words.

Meanwhile, there is a so-called movement breaking laws right and left, and society let's them get away with it.

Beyond tired of the PC bullshit.
Ridiculous post is ridiculous. First, the whole premise of this post is based on the incorrect assumptions that the natives were perfect little angels themselves, just going about their business peacefully. This is incorrect. The natives in this country, like everywhere else in the world, were imperialists themselves. Conquering their neighbors and "stealing their land" as you probably call it. This is the way of the world. Either conquer or get conquered.

In addition, nobody is disputing history. They aren't even disputing Kaepernick's right to protest the way he did. They are disputing the facts; and the facts are that the black community has been sold a pack of lies. That they are downtrodden due solely because of the white man. Has nothing to do with the crime rate in their community. Nothing to do with the 75% illigitimacy rate. Nothing to do with the illiteracy rate.

It's all the white mans fault; especially white cops...
Now this is a person that gets it. Welcome to reality people.
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Suburban Hawk is absolutely right.

They is used to refer to a group of people. He never said that group was an entire race, the person choosing to get butt hurt over it chose to make that distinction.

So to recap, there are people trying their hardest to be offended over the use of words.

Meanwhile, there is a so-called movement breaking laws right and left, and society let's them get away with it.

Beyond tired of the PC bullshit.
Well said, PC does not solve problems. PC simple guides humans into boxes of can't do this and can't do that and gives control over to authorities in the end.
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Will you defend all americans to do as they please at work w/o fear of being fired?

I think it has been proven time and time again that the NFL is not your typical workplace. But I also don't have an issue with him being fined or cut. He is free to sit or stand. Many brave soldiers died to ensure he had those right. But while you have freedom of expression it doesn't mean you are free from consequences. It only means the government can't silence you.
I think it has been proven time and time again that the NFL is not your typical workplace. But I also don't have an issue with him being fined or cut. He is free to sit or stand. Many brave soldiers died to ensure he had those right. But while you have freedom of expression it doesn't mean you are free from consequences. It only means the government can't silence you.

I get the freedom of speech stuff etc but one thing to take into account is the lienency his employers the 49ers have given him. Like on Hard Knocks featuring the Rams I don't think that would fly with Jeff Fisher and his organization where they have standards and rules on how players stand during the anthem. Thing people need to remember he is doing this while he is at his job. Lot of us on here have jobs where yes we freedom of speech but when we say and do certain things while on the clock there can be consequences as severe as loss of a job. If Kaepernick would choose to do his protest not on the 49ers time or another way I don't think as many people would care

But again my pressing issue for him is besides sit during the anthem what else is he doing with his stature and wealth to help improve the black community and ease up the oppression. But as many said how dumb can he be wearing a Fidel Castro shirt whining about oppression of people in America consider what he did to his own people in Cuba.
Yes, get off your soapbox before I knock you off of it. First off, no one ever said racism doesn't exist. Second, you saw cops yelling racial slurs at black people in a 'major' city and you did nothing? Did you take action, video record, send complaints to the proper authorities, share the evidence with media, etc?
Third, do NOT come in here and act as if racism only exists from white to black. If you're going to stand on that little soap box of yours, make damn sure that you're covering ALL aspects of this.
Fourth, disproportionate, let's talk about that. Let's talk about the disproportionate murder rates. 50% from 13% of the population. Yes, that's 50% of all homicides, committed by blacks and mostly against other blacks. Let's also talk about the disproportional lack of fathers in the black community. Up to at least 65% of children don't have their fathers around.
You know why black people are targeted more? BECAUSE THEY DO commit more crimes per capita. PERIOD. In order to help clean up the ghettos, there is a need to target the trouble makers. Now you probably live in a little white willy billy world, where you've never seen this up close, except in passing by. It is simple cause and effect. You do, people do back to you. Not hard to understand and not only you being dangerously naive about reality, but you're actually causing more problems by being this naive. YOU are the one that can't navigate through differences or understand that broad strokes, don't paint the entire picture. I don't need to be educated on this, the supposedly educated such as yourself needs to be re-educated on this.
You've very obviously been indoctrinated to believe that there is some gigantic conspiracy to keep the black man down, despite the EMPIRICAL evidence that not only is that not true, but they have special advantages.
They're immediately protected by the cries of racism. Affirmative action, black scholarships, hiring quotas purposely directed to bring in more black people, etc, etc.

You want to continue this little debate then come on down to HROT, start a thread and I'll be your Huckleberry. Let me guess, you're the civil justice type? I

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Fisher and the Rams have documented rules. The niners apparently don't. I'm going to guess the NFL comes up guidelines this offseason on national anthem protocall. But as it stands he may have a legitimate grievance with the NFLPA if they do try to fine or suspend him. But the niners have the right to cut him too. There is a high chance they do anyway. He is a big cap hit for a reserve QB. Chip Kelly made Sanchez into a serviceable QB. But I'm sure the niners are working the phone with the Cowboys and Vikings right now to try to get something for him.
Fisher and the Rams have documented rules. The niners apparently don't. I'm going to guess the NFL comes up guidelines this offseason on national anthem protocall. But as it stands he may have a legitimate grievance with the NFLPA if they do try to fine or suspend him. But the niners have the right to cut him too. There is a high chance they do anyway. He is a big cap hit for a reserve QB. Chip Kelly made Sanchez into a serviceable QB. But I'm sure the niners are working the phone with the Cowboys and Vikings right now to try to get something for him.
His best days are behind him and as a Vikings fan I hope they don't waste money on this washed up d-bag.