Kamala Harris Is Favorite To Be VP

Not buying it. She will be his first appointment to the SCOTUS.

Don't understand this. A U.S. Senator has been appointed to the Supreme Court a total of 14 times in American history, the last time being an FDR appointment, and I think you have to go back to Nixon to find an appointee who didn't have experience in the Court of Appeals. And she has no experience on the bench.

I ask in all seriousness - What makes her so special? Or is it just that she's a black woman who has name recognition and experience as a State AG?
Hillary Clinton was seen last week at her favorite
salon. She was given a facial with black face ala
Al Jolson. Damn, she wants that VP job and will
do anything to get it.
Don't understand this. A U.S. Senator has been appointed to the Supreme Court a total of 14 times in American history, the last time being an FDR appointment, and I think you have to go back to Nixon to find an appointee who didn't have experience in the Court of Appeals. And she has no experience on the bench.

I ask in all seriousness - What makes her so special? Or is it just that she's a black woman who has name recognition and experience as a State AG?
I just love to dig at her detractors.
Agree. Val Demmings gives him everything he would want and need.

I know it’s a cliche but Val just might be the one who could bring all sides together (in certain respects anyway) to some extent as VP and in case she would need to step in for Biden. This moment would not be too big for her.

She could be a risky VP pick for Biden, especially in Florida. Fair or not, she’s being viewed as responsible for atrocities that occurred with the Orlando police while she was chief. With the recent race issues and BLM, she could potentially have a negative effect on Biden’s chances in battleground states. I’m thinking Karen Bass now.
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They were p#ssed. So much so that they elected her to the U.S. Senate 2 years later. She's never recovered.
Way before the criminals figured it out.
Satan could run with a D behind his name and win in CA.
The police unions are now pushing for a repeal along with retail chains.
I know it’s a cliche but Val just might be the one who could bring all sides together (in certain respects anyway) to some extent as VP and in case she would need to step in for Biden. This moment would not be too big for her.

She could be a risky VP pick for Biden, especially in Florida. Fair or not, she’s being viewed as responsible for atrocities that occurred with the Orlando police while she was chief. With the recent race issues and BLM, she could potentially have a negative effect on Biden’s chances in battleground states. I’m thinking Karen Bass now.

Not a chance for Bass
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Isn’t she the one that went for Biden’s throat at the debates? I wonder why he’s picking her...
Wonder if she will be asked why she is working for a racist? She, of course, is the one who called him that. I think it is a legitimate question that won’t be asked from the media.
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