Kamala Harris/Tampon Tim Highlight Appreciation Page

Nothing associated with Fox can any longer be labeled 'news' , only propaganda. They lost the title to 'News' after their pushing of the Bonespurs Big Lie for three years. When you get fined $750,000,000 for your continual lying and your news folks all have to go on-air and openly, knowingly admit their part in spreading the lie, the disguise of being anything associated with real news is all gone. Anyone citing anything from Fox knows it's like citing the National Enquirer anymore.
That Kamala interview is laughably bad. She can't answer a basic question about her plan because she doesn't have one. Not an
good look talking about her neighbors loving their lawns rather than answering the question.
That Trumpi debate is laughably bad. He can't answer a basic question about any plan because he doesn't have one. Not an
good look talking about eating cats and dogs rather than answering the question.
FIFY. Again. No thanks necessary.
FIFY. Again. No thanks necessary.

The difference between you and me is you're wasting time editing other people's words while I'm just giving you Kamala harris herself. She's that bad. Worse than Biden possibly. How did you like her "specific plan" about fixing the economy? Why does the economy need fixing btw?
I was too busy laughing at Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser's comment that, when asked, he has the 'concept' of a plan. 10 years after he started thinking about it. But I guess with an adled brain, it may take the old felon 10 years to develop a concept.
I was too busy laughing at Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser's comment that, when asked, he has the 'concept' of a plan. 10 years after he started thinking about it. But I guess with an adled brain, it may take the old felon 10 years to develop a concept.
Kamala doesn't even have a concept based on the interview I posted that you refuse to address. She literally talked about grass instead of a plan to fix the economy.
Kamala doesn't even have a concept based on the interview I posted that you refuse to address. She literally talked about grass instead of a plan to fix the economy.
"They are eating the cats. They are eating the dogs, they are eating, they are eating the pets." So embarassing. Is he even mentally capable of discussion on a topic? Seems not. Sad. Everyone's talking about it 😂😂
KH bitch slapped Bonespurs around that stage like a rented mule. We all saw that. Iloved it when he ran crying to the spin room to try and correct his gaffes, explain what other animals the good people of Ohio are eating, and save a modicum of face. He must be so embarassed. But I guess that's what happens when you don't prepare, and the emptiness of your brain pours out. Sad.
"They are eating the cats. They are eating the dogs, they are eating, they are eating the pets." So embarassing. Is he even mentally capable of discussion on a topic? Seems not. Sad. Everyone's talking about it 😂😂

Trump was right
The Republicans have become so desperate, that instead of talking about issues, they're worried about people fictitiously eating cats and dogs. I guess if Bonespurs says anything, the cult will believe it. Remember that wall? Remember that check from mexico? Wow, how low the party has sunk. It seems ignorance breeds ignorance.
The Republicans have become so desperate, that instead of talking about issues, they're worried about people fictitiously eating cats and dogs. I guess if Bonespurs says anything, the cult will believe it. Remember that wall? Remember that check from mexico? Wow, how low the party has sunk. It seems ignorance breeds ignorance.

Donald trump is so desperate that he's giving Kamala the biggest microphone she's ever had. She's a joke and stands for nothing.