Law-Abiding Citizens Have More Than 600 Million Firearms in America

Ok. Fine. Totally worth it.

330,000,00 ppl

600,000,000 guns

8,000 murders.

Totally worth it.

In fact, i may buy another gun this week just to celebrate my freedom. Had my eye on a sweet handgun
Why do you continue to use numbers from the meme when it's been established that they have no credibility?
It's called credibility. If the OP lies about something by what is likely a magnitude of a 100, why should we trust anything else it claims? I mean even you have to admit that this ammo number is comically inflated.

Once again, there's zero way to estimate the amount of ammo in this country, for reasons already established in this thread. You're still trying to deflect because you know the point of the meme is truth and truth is the antithesis of your beliefs.
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It's called credibility. If the OP lies about something by what is likely a magnitude of a 100, why should we trust anything else it claims? I mean even you have to admit that this ammo number is comically inflated.
The ammo # is likely high. But again....eho cares.

There is a shit ton of ammo in this country.

All worth it
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Then why did you bring up everything else? I'll tell you why you brought it up. You brought it up to deflect from the meaning of the meme, but your numbers weren't what you were trying to support, so now you've taken a blood bath and you're trying to pull back from this poor attempt at deflection.

At this point, I'll show you back to one of my previous posts where I call you out for trying to nitpick on the numbers used instead of what the meme actually represents.
Actually I brought it up because nobody had questioned any of the numbers supplied. Taking two seconds, like I did, to consider if these numbers pass any sort of reasonale smell test is something I would have assumed most would do. I admit. I assumed wrong.
Why do you continue to use numbers from the meme when it's been established that they have no credibility?
The ammo number is the only one in question clown.

Read the link.

People have been using between 3 and 500 million guns as the number for years and that was before Obama took office
Actually I brought it up because nobody had questioned any of the numbers supplied. Taking two seconds, like I did, to consider if these numbers pass any sort of reasonale smell test is something I would have assumed most would do. I admit. I assumed wrong.

Let's say that the numbers were 500 million guns and 45 billion rounds of ammo. Would that have changed the meaning of the meme in any way? Do you even know what the point of the meme is?
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Once again, there's zero way to estimate the amount of ammo in this country, for reasons already established in this thread. You're still trying to deflect because you know the point of the meme is truth and truth is the antithesis of your beliefs.
I'd like you to take a moment to reread your post and see if you can spot the inconsistent irony of it.
So much fail with this post.

First, you admit that the greatest military power exponentially right now, can't handle a backward ME country, and you admit that we couldn't handle a backwards Asian country. You try to give some sort of lame excuse for this, but the end result is the same. Failure.

Then you talk about how nobody would sell us guns. Meanwhile, this whole thread was started because we already have those guns. We don't need people to sell them.

You haven't even dealt with the fact that we still have bases all over US soil. So, your scenario isn't even realistic to begin with.

We did handle a backwards ME country, we are still there years later and we won't be going anywhere until we decide to leave.

We did handle a backwards asian country, how many of our men died compared to theirs? We left because we got tired of fighting. They didn't drive us out. That is all you can hope for.

Guns aren't stopping an army. Unless you have anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons, your little AR-15 is nothing but a peashooter and won't do diddly to drive an army out.

And I didn't need to deal with the US having bases. The argument was based on the US being invaded and occupied. Any army that can get to that point without our military stopping them first isn't going to give 2 craps about you and your merry band of morons. You are wannabe legends in your own minds.
That's the point of the armed populace argument, we don't need a super power helping me out - I will help myself and if they decide to drop a nuke on my town, it really doesn't matter at all does it. Now if they tried to "occupy" my town - that's a different story. You clearly didn't grow up in the 80s like I did waiting for Russia to attack and had war drills down and practiced ever day with my friends

What kind of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons do you have? Any army capable of invading the US will already have done significant damage to our military. The armed populace is not going to provide them stiffer resistance than the actual US military.
Fine. Who cares what the ammo number is.

Lets just say there is a shit ton of guns and ammo in the hands of law abiding gun owners. Ok? Ok.

If we were the problem, you would know it. You wouldnt block another freeway again or riot and destroy cities anymore because we would be out there putting you down.


Again, this post is what the OP is all about. Huey is getting owned. (As usual)
We did handle a backwards ME country, we are still there years later and we won't be going anywhere until we decide to leave.

We did handle a backwards asian country, how many of our men died compared to theirs? We left because we got tired of fighting. They didn't drive us out. That is all you can hope for.

Guns aren't stopping an army. Unless you have anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons, your little AR-15 is nothing but a peashooter and won't do diddly to drive an army out.

And I didn't need to deal with that US bases. The argument was based on the US being invaded. Any army that can get to that point without our military stopping them first isn't going to give 2 craps about you and your merry band of morons. You are wannabe legends in your own minds.

Success and failure, that's what we're talking about. We aren't talking about deaths. I know how much you would like to change the subject, seeing as you can't stand on your original statement, but I have no interest in your deflections.
The ammo number is the only one in question clown.

Read the link.

People have been using between 3 and 500 million guns as the number for years and that was before Obama took office
Between 3 and 500 million? That's a pretty excessive margin of error you have there.
Again, this post is what the OP is all about. Huey is getting owned. (As usual)
I'm getting owned because you're still using numbers from a clearly bunk meme? How exactly does that work? Wouldn't it be you who is getting owned for not having any critical thinking skils?
Success and failure, that's what we're talking about. We aren't talking about deaths. I know how much you would like to change the subject, seeing as you can't stand on your original statement, but I have no interest in your deflections.

I did stand on my original statement. You're just a retard. We all know it, you know it. You and your wannabe legends would be slaughtered by any army that could successfully invade the US. Because any army that could do that would have already dealt a severe blow to the US military. And guess what, you and your merry band of morons aren't putting up a better fight than the military.

Here is a live look at what would happen to you and your friends.

What kind of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons do you have? Any army capable of invading the US will already have done significant damage to our military. The armed populace is not going to provide them stiffer resistance than the actual US military.

Let's talk about 50 million people against an invading force of what is probably going to be what? 50k? Most countries don't even have the logistics to fight a war on US soil.
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I did stand on my original statement. You're just a retard. We all know it, you know it. You and your wannabe legends would be slaughtered by any army that could successfully invade the US. Because any army that could do that would have already dealt a severe blow to the US military. And guess what, you and your merry band of morons aren't putting up a better fight than the military.

Here is a live look at what would happen to you and your friends.

No, you're trying to change it to deaths and a whole bunch of other crap now. The original argument was all about success and failure, nothing more. Then someone dropped Afghanistan and Vietnam on top of your head and you started fumbling around for another argument.
Let's talk about 50 million people against an invading force of what is probably going to be what? 50k? Most countries don't even have the logistics to fight a war on US soil.

You think a country invading the US is only coming with 50k troops? Maybe after they just nuke everything, you know, so they can go around and do a photo shoot next to where your corpse is.
No, you're trying to change it to deaths and a whole bunch of other crap now. The original argument was all about success and failure, nothing more. Then someone dropped Afghanistan and Vietnam on top of your head and you started fumbling around for another argument.

No, you're just being stupid. The only success you can hope for is for the invading army to get tired of fighting. Because you aren't doing anything else. Maybe after they kill all 50 million of your wannabe army they'll just get tired, and you'll declare victory.
You think a country invading the US is only coming with 50k troops? Maybe after they just nuke everything, you know, so they can go around and do a photo shoot next to where your corpse is.

Yeah, they're going to just start dropping nukes everywhere, because that would be good for the invaders, right? Why would you even want a country that was going to be radioactive for the next 200 years? Your arguments make no sense, comrade, and that's because you're just trying to throw enough shit against the wall in order to get something to stick. As for troops, how many do you think they come with? Remember that they still have to be able to defend their own country. They still need to be able to feed, house, and move the troops. Tell us what you think they would do, General Patton? How would they deal with possible problems with Satellite coverage and communications?
No, you're just being stupid. The only success you can hope for is for the invading army to get tired of fighting. Because you aren't doing anything else. Maybe after they kill all 50 million of your wannabe army they'll just get tired, and you'll declare victory.

Nice, you aren't even trying to make an argument anymore. We've gotten to the "I'm going to repeat idiotic stuff and call you stupid" phase, which means that this discussion is about over.
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Yeah, they're going to just start dropping nukes everywhere, because that would be good for the invaders, right? Why would you even want a country that was going to be radioactive for the next 200 years? Your arguments make no sense, comrade, and that's because you're just trying to throw enough shit against the wall in order to get something to stick. As for troops, how many do you think they come with? Remember that they still have to be able to defend their own country. They still need to be able to feed, house, and move the troops. Tell us what you think they would do, General Patton? How would they deal with possible problems with Satellite coverage and communications?

My argument makes perfect sense to anyone with a functioning brain.

Any army that is capable of invading the US is going to first have to defeat our military elsewhere. You aren't just going to sail/fly over here and invade. Any country that can defeat our military and accomplish that feat isn't going to care about you are your wannabe legends.
Nice, you aren't even trying to make an argument anymore. We've gotten to the "I'm going to repeat idiotic stuff and call you stupid" phase, which means that this discussion is about over.

Oh I know, it is pointless to have a discussion with a fool like you. Here is some more footage of Boris and his band of wannabe legends.

My argument makes perfect sense to anyone with a functioning brain.

Any army that is capable of invading the US is going to first have to defeat our military elsewhere. You aren't just going to sail/fly over here and invade. Any country that can defeat our military and accomplish that feat isn't going to care about you are your wannabe legends.

Yeah? Are you going to send your troops into a radioactive wasteland after you nuke the hell out of it?

I'll ask again. Who is going to invade us? How many troops do they send? How quickly would they conquer us? How would the logistics look?
Between 3 and 500 million? That's a pretty excessive margin of error you have there.
It's pretty generally agreed upon that that number used for years was actually low.

So you tell me what the number is smart guy?

Because any number you use, the facts still remain.

The number of murders compared to the number of citizens and the number of guns is totally and completely worth it.

You're going to need to learn to live with it beeotch
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I'm getting owned because you're still using numbers from a clearly bunk meme? How exactly does that work? Wouldn't it be you who is getting owned for not having any critical thinking skils?
Again use any numbers you want. The number of citizens and the number of guns in this country compared to the relatively low number of murder is totally and completely worth it.

And again, the original post and its meaning still stands. If we were a problem you would know it because your days of rioting in the streets and being disruptive and blocking traffic would be over because we would be taking shit into our own hands. But we are law-abiding citizens so you're safe, for now
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Huh...that makes two of us I guess. Oh well, have fun mocking me, cause I'm definitely having fun mocking you.
Unfortunately you fell for the leftist trick of trying to distract and change the subject to something else to take the focus off of the true issue we were discussing.
Dumbass the vast majority of self defense gun usages don't even result in a shot being fired, much less anyone getting killed, so that is just more BS.
You're an angry elf this evening. Even when proven wrong. Did you forget that you were the one who equated justified homicides to the 33,000 number? You didn't say anything about non deaths. You specifically said actual deaths that added to the 33,000 total.

I'll take you apologies in advance.
Unfortunately you fell for the leftist trick of trying to distract and change the subject to something else to take the focus off of the true issue we were discussing.

He never tried to discuss anything. He came directly into the thread and started trolling people, so I was having fun with him. It's his MO, because it's all he usually has.
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Yeah? Are you going to send your troops into a radioactive wasteland after you nuke the hell out of it?

I'll ask again. Who is going to invade us? How many troops do they send? How quickly would they conquer us? How would the logistics look?

This is why people think you are stupid, and why they are right. Wannabe legend.

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