Let’s go Joe

Far better than a grifting, traitorous piece of shit human
Nope, your president showered with his daughter, is compromised with our enemies, fumbled Afghanistan, blessed his son to plow his dead son's widow, sniffs young girls, made inflation worse, didn't want racial jungles, and doesn't know what planet he's on. I know I forgot something....oh, go ahead and ice your ass now.
Man, Chis was on a bender last night.
When he goes on his inevitable shooting spree I hope I'm nowhere around.

He is mentally ill and unstable. Not a great combination.
I feared for the safety of his family had Trump won in 2020.

It's ironic the guy that calls people names and spews hatred towards those with a different opinion is the same guy that gets drunk then heads out on the road endangering the lives of innocent men, women and children.

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