I found a story about a book that did records searches on people who were in the league almost 20 years ago (1996-7). It has the numbers you appear to be quoting. I'm not sure why you think that relates to people today, or why you'd call that "facts", when it's really not.
The authors of the book appear to have included everyone who had a history of arrest (not conviction), so it appears that there is a huge stretch there. Arrests do not make criminals, convictions do.
The story also notes:
Doug Allen, assistant executive director of the NFL Players Association, said the authors had done "shoddy research designed to reach a predetermined conclusion."
"It's absolute nonsense to say one in five NFL players i a criminal," he said. "They've lumped together DUI and disorderly conduct charges that were dismissed with murder charges."
"They should take notice of the fact that we have the most comprehensive anti-violence, anti-gun policy in sports. We're doing everything an employer and union can do to be responsible. This is not a book that has discussed it fairly."
So, again I'm forced to ask why you made a statement claiming that people of color become criminals at a high rate once they become successful? That statement is racist on its face, and I can not find any evidence to support your claim that it's based on facts. You really need to be more careful about what you write, because you don't come off very well when you do things like this.