Several reasons why ISU's enrollment increased faster than Iowa's. The floods of 08 limited the University of Iowa's capacity and led to a de-emphasis on enrollment for several years as it tried to recover The UI is only now close to being fully recovered and you will no doubt see a surge in UI enrollment with the building of several new dorms and the likelihood that UI will be forced to use its monetary leverage to recruit more students. While Iowa was hampered by flood damage, ISU saw a golden opportunity for aggressively student recruitment, to the point where it cannot adequately handle the numbers of students enrolled. Why would ISU want to do this? Why would ISU intentionally enroll beyond capacity? Drum roll please. Enter insider politics with the Regents president being an agri-business buddy of ISU's president, leading to the ill-advised proposal that the vast majority of state support should henceforth be based on in-state residency. This was a revolutionary proposal unlike that seen in any other state and was politically packaged as a "performance" based formula. This might sound politically appealing to some but it would revolutionize decades of state funding based on actual costs (it costs twelve times as much to educate a dental student as it does, say, a teacher yet the proposed formula simply ignored this factor and made no account for how the millions of dollars this would cost UI would be made up). Time will tell if this bad idea rears its ugly head again but for now it's been shelved by lawmakers who saw through the ruse. Unfortunately, this proposal has likely unleashed a game of competitive inn-state enrollment, unlike anything we have seen in history (the universities have traditionally appreciated their different missions and roles they play in the state's higher education system; that spirit of collaboration is now shaken and this new competitive environment could prove very expensive as precious limited resources are poured into recruitment). ISU may ultimately rue the day the funding formula change was put forth as the UI is very capable of playing this enrollment game too, especially once a new president is on board. UI is longer constrained by capacity issues (quite the contrary). Finally, the strong farm economy has been a factor as well, since that plays to ISU's program strengths.