Liz Cheney Protected Clarence & Ginni Thomas

Nov 28, 2010

Liz Cheney blocked January 6 scrutiny of Ginni Thomas, book says

Anti-Trump Republican stymied investigation of activist married to supreme court justice, says reporter David Brock

Liz Cheney, the Republican vice-chair of the House January 6 committee, did “all she could” to protect the rightwing supreme court justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, the political activist Ginni Thomas, by blocking an in-depth investigation of Ginni’s involvement in Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election, a new book says.

In Stench: The Making of the Thomas Court and the Unmaking of America, the reporter and Democratic operative David Brock writes that “two Capitol Hill sources with personal knowledge” revealed a “dramatic truth, which might shock even some jaded Washington veterans not easily surprised by callow examples of power protecting power.

“Liz Cheney herself, the star of the hearings, doing her turn as independent-minded maverick Republican, did all she could behind the scenes to protect Ginni and Clarence Thomas and thwart the move to investigate further the implications of the Ginni Thomas texts to [Mark] Meadows”, Trump’s final White House chief of staff.

Thomas and Meadows swapped extensive messages about attempts to overturn Joe Biden’s election win. The texts, including indications Thomas discussed matters with her husband, were leaked to CNN in April 2022, as the January 6 committee continued its work.

The leak stoked uproar, prompting Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative thinktank, to bemoan “a scandal of immense proportions”. As described by Ornstein, the texts showed “the wife of a supreme court justice is a radical insurrectionist [but] her husband has refused to recuse himself from any of the cases in which she has been deeply and actively involved.”

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Like many libs, I was glad to see Liz and her war criminal father reject Trump. But we should never forget that they aren't the good guys.

Of course this report might be wrong, but it sounds quite believable. Liz may be anti-Trump, but having corporate conservative wreckers running the Court is just fine with her.
She did I saw this months ago and agree with your take
Like many libs, I was glad to see Liz and her war criminal father reject Trump. But we should never forget that they aren't the good guys.

Of course this report might be wrong, but it sounds quite believable. Liz may be anti-Trump, but having corporate conservative wreckers running the Court is just fine with her.
I know a lot of people who are like " I hate trump but like his policies" when I hear this I ask them their thoughts on Liz. Every single one has gone off on how awful she is. When they are done ranting I mention that she voted with Donold over 90% of the time the only thing she really disagreed with him on is his effort to try to overturn an election. And I tell them to spare me when they say they don't like trump they just proved they did they are just too coward to admit it. Every single one always immediately changes the subject.

I also completely agree that I would never ever vote for her because I'm extremely confident her policy beliefs are awful for the American people but I do respect that she took a stand for democracy when basically none of her colleagues had the balls to do the same.
I know a lot of people who are like " I hate trump but like his policies" when I hear this I ask them their thoughts on Liz. Every single one has gone off on how awful she is. When they are done ranting I mention that she voted with Donold over 90% of the time the only thing she really disagreed with him on is his effort to try to overturn an election. And I tell them to spare me when they say they don't like trump they just proved they did they are just too coward to admit it. Every single one always immediately changes the subject.

I also completely agree that I would never ever vote for her because I'm extremely confident her policy beliefs are awful for the American people but I do respect that she took a stand for democracy when basically none of her colleagues had the balls to do the same.

Anyone who challenges the cult leader is automatically wrong and must be driven out.
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