As a NYC fireman, im a part of a dept that’s 10k men deep, I can tell that while we fight more structural fires and deal with more densely populated square miles, we do NOT deal with wildfires that can destroy whole towns! We ride with 5 to 6 men per rig. Out there they ride with 3 to 4! CA Fire is grossly understaffed and under equipped.
To have only 1400 fighting this fire (as reported this morning) is a reflection on the failure of their government for misusing their tax dollars to properly defend against a worsening issue. Here in NYC, we’d have a “total recall” with 5x the amount of FFs and the rigs and hoses to support that.
CA politicians have failed its people in the corrupt misuse of tax dollars going towards DEI initiatives and the like. They should be protecting its tax payers with so much more resources to defend against these yearly disasters- which wind up costing the state so much more then if they just properly funded the Fire departments in the state.