

HB Heisman
Gold Member
Dec 12, 2001
People wonder why so many get divorced. This is a real text exchange with my wife today.

Wife - can you stop at the store and pick up milk after work
Me - Sure
Wife - and grab me a bottle of wine
Me - Sure
Wife - I don't have anything planned for dinner do you want to grab something while your there
Me - Sure
Wife - Do you know what, I'll be done at 3:30 I'll just run to the store.
Me - Ok
Wife - Do you need anything.
Me - No
Wife - What should I get for dinner.
Me - IDK
Wife - Well I don't know what to get
Me - Just grab a pizza
Wife - I don't want pizza
Me - ok grab something you want
Wife - Not sure what I want I'm not hungry right now
Me - ok
Wife - Will you just stop at the store.
Me -- I hate you
Wife 😘

almost forgot csb/
People wonder why so many get divorced. This is a real text exchange with my wife today.

Wife - can you stop at the store and pick up milk after work
Me - Sure
Wife - and grab me a bottle of wine
Me - Sure
Wife - I don't have anything planned for dinner do you want to grab something while your there
Me - Sure
Wife - Do you know what, I'll be done at 3:30 I'll just run to the store.
Me - Ok
Wife - Do you need anything.
Me - No
Wife - What should I get for dinner.
Me - IDK
Wife - Well I don't know what to get
Me - Just grab a pizza
Wife - I don't want pizza
Me - ok grab something you want
Wife - Not sure what I want I'm not hungry right now
Me - ok
Wife - Will you just stop at the store.
Me -- I hate you
Wife 😘

almost forgot csb/
Are we married to the same person?
People wonder why so many get divorced. This is a real text exchange with my wife today.

Wife - can you stop at the store and pick up milk after work
Me - Sure
Wife - and grab me a bottle of wine
Me - Sure
Wife - I don't have anything planned for dinner do you want to grab something while your there
Me - Sure
Wife - Do you know what, I'll be done at 3:30 I'll just run to the store.
Me - Ok
Wife - Do you need anything.
Me - No
Wife - What should I get for dinner.
Me - IDK
Wife - Well I don't know what to get
Me - Just grab a pizza
Wife - I don't want pizza
Me - ok grab something you want
Wife - Not sure what I want I'm not hungry right now
Me - ok
Wife - Will you just stop at the store.
Me -- I hate you
Wife 😘

almost forgot csb/

Wait until the Family Courts.

You have a 50% chance though. You might make it
Season 6 Nbc GIF by This Is Us
Just realize that you're low on milk and wine and take the initiative to plan dinner. Then you'd avoid that entire conversation.

"Honey, I'm going to stop at the store to get some milk, wine, and maybe a couple other things. I've got dinner planned. Let me know if you'd like me to grab anything else while I'm out."
Heard a decent trick once that might serve some of you gentlemen well at some point. This helps to avoid that situation where the wife is asking where to go and you have to list 10 different places before she agrees to one (rejecting the first 9). When it's time to start the conversation say, "I figured out where you want to go without asking, can you guess where that is?". Lots of times she'll actually tell you rather than going through the 10 minutes of tortured conversation. Of course, you didn't have any idea when you asked the question. Just agree to whatever she says.
Just realize that you're low on milk and wine and take the initiative to plan dinner. Then you'd avoid that entire conversation.

"Honey, I'm going to stop at the store to get some milk, wine, and maybe a couple other things. I've got dinner planned. Let me know if you'd like me to grab anything else while I'm out."
How will his wife say no to his idea for dinner in your scenario?
Just realize that you're low on milk and wine and take the initiative to plan dinner. Then you'd avoid that entire conversation.

"Honey, I'm going to stop at the store to get some milk, wine, and maybe a couple other things. I've got dinner planned. Let me know if you'd like me to grab anything else while I'm out."
So…expect OP to notice that the milk is low, even though he may not have been in the fridge before leaving for work…and expect OP to notice how much of HER wine was left…and read the wife’s mind as far as dinner plans?

“Hey hun, I was wondering if you could stop after work for milk and wine. And we don’t have anything planned for dinner, so if you have any ideas and want to pick something up, go for it!”

Beggars can’t be choosers.
Just realize that you're low on milk and wine and take the initiative to plan dinner. Then you'd avoid that entire conversation.

"Honey, I'm going to stop at the store to get some milk, wine, and maybe a couple other things. I've got dinner planned. Let me know if you'd like me to grab anything else while I'm out."

What if she's not hungry for what he's planning to make? He already suggested pizza. If he didn't and grabbed a pizza?
What if she's not hungry for what he's planning to make? He already suggested pizza. If he didn't and grabbed a pizza?
Then she could figure out something different on her own. Chances are that she would just eat it like everyone else who didn’t have to figure out what to make for dinner
Hate to break the news but her 3:30 cancelled on her which is why she originally agreed to go to the store.

After checking her planner she remembered it was a 3 way and she still had one coming which is why she flipped and asked you to go.
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People wonder why so many get divorced. This is a real text exchange with my wife today.

Wife - can you stop at the store and pick up milk after work
Me - Sure
Wife - and grab me a bottle of wine
Me - Sure
Wife - I don't have anything planned for dinner do you want to grab something while your there
Me - Sure
Wife - Do you know what, I'll be done at 3:30 I'll just run to the store.
Me - Ok
Wife - Do you need anything.
Me - No
Wife - What should I get for dinner.
Me - IDK
Wife - Well I don't know what to get
Me - Just grab a pizza
Wife - I don't want pizza
Me - ok grab something you want
Wife - Not sure what I want I'm not hungry right now
Me - ok
Wife - Will you just stop at the store.
Me -- I hate you
Wife 😘

almost forgot csb/
But she gave you a beej when you got home, amirite?!
People wonder why so many get divorced. This is a real text exchange with my wife today.

Wife - can you stop at the store and pick up milk after work
Me - Sure
Wife - and grab me a bottle of wine
Me - Sure
Wife - I don't have anything planned for dinner do you want to grab something while your there
Me - Sure
Wife - Do you know what, I'll be done at 3:30 I'll just run to the store.
Me - Ok
Wife - Do you need anything.
Me - No
Wife - What should I get for dinner.
Me - IDK
Wife - Well I don't know what to get
Me - Just grab a pizza
Wife - I don't want pizza
Me - ok grab something you want
Wife - Not sure what I want I'm not hungry right now
Me - ok
Wife - Will you just stop at the store.
Me -- I hate you
Wife 😘

almost forgot csb/
I bet you're getting dildo trained tonight.........
Just realize that you're low on milk and wine and take the initiative to plan dinner. Then you'd avoid that entire conversation.

"Honey, I'm going to stop at the store to get some milk, wine, and maybe a couple other things. I've got dinner planned. Let me know if you'd like me to grab anything else while I'm out."
I love how Wendy has to white knight for women EVERY SINGLE FVCKING TIME. Wendy, I’m sure you’re a nice gal, but y’all fvcking crazy. Sorry, not sorry.
They are ALL cut from the same cloth......some may be a different texture or color, but its fabric all the same....
This x100000000. I fvcking love my wife, but she’s a fvcking psycho. She will literally get mad and be a bitch to me because I did something wrong in her dream. Guys, you‘ve all dealt with this. I used to fall into the trap and we would scream, yell, and fight. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve calmed the fvck down. Now when she lays the trap, I just go silent and let her go….she quickly calms down and typically apologizes when she’s had time to realize how illogical she’s being. Works every time. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus is a real thing lol.
Just realize that you're low on milk and wine and take the initiative to plan dinner. Then you'd avoid that entire conversation.

"Honey, I'm going to stop at the store to get some milk, wine, and maybe a couple other things. I've got dinner planned. Let me know if you'd like me to grab anything else while I'm out."
Thats the wife's job. Dinner and groceries. :)
Just realize that you're low on milk and wine and take the initiative to plan dinner. Then you'd avoid that entire conversation.

"Honey, I'm going to stop at the store to get some milk, wine, and maybe a couple other things. I've got dinner planned. Let me know if you'd like me to grab anything else while I'm out."
This is me. My wife is indecisive so I take a little control. If we are low on stuff, I get it and make sure we don't run out, especially wine. I'll ask her what's for dinner, if she says IDK, I'll grab what I know we both like and make it. Pretty simple.

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