
This is me. My wife is indecisive so I take a little control. If we are low on stuff, I get it and make sure we don't run out, especially wine. I'll ask her what's for dinner, if she says IDK, I'll grab what I know we both like and make it. Pretty simple.
Sometimes they pretend to be indecisive because they want to be taken by the hair and phucked in the ass!!
This x100000000. I fvcking love my wife, but she’s a fvcking psycho. She will literally get mad and be a bitch to me because I did something wrong in her dream. Guys, you‘ve all dealt with this. I used to fall into the trap and we would scream, yell, and fight. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve calmed the fvck down. Now when she lays the trap, I just go silent and let her go….she quickly calms down and typically apologizes when she’s had time to realize how illogical she’s being. Works every time. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus is a real thing lol.
My once wife dreamed I cheated on her.

Basically, I had to deal with the drama of being a cheating husband, but I didn’t get to actually have sex with someone else.
Just realize that you're low on milk and wine and take the initiative to plan dinner. Then you'd avoid that entire conversation.

"Honey, I'm going to stop at the store to get some milk, wine, and maybe a couple other things. I've got dinner planned. Let me know if you'd like me to grab anything else while I'm out."
“The best defense is a good offense. – DAN GABLE
Am I the only weirdo on here who likes grocery shopping? As God as my witness, I ran by Publix after work today to get some milk, wine, creamer and fried chicken and sides for dinner having never read this until now - and was smiling the whole time. I do 90% of the grocery shopping for our household.
This x100000000. I fvcking love my wife, but she’s a fvcking psycho. She will literally get mad and be a bitch to me because I did something wrong in her dream. Guys, you‘ve all dealt with this. I used to fall into the trap and we would scream, yell, and fight. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve calmed the fvck down. Now when she lays the trap, I just go silent and let her go….she quickly calms down and typically apologizes when she’s had time to realize how illogical she’s being. Works every time. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus is a real thing lol.

Well done, brah.

I read this article 2 years ago and try to live by it.

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Am I the only weirdo on here who likes grocery shopping? As God as my witness, I ran by Publix after work today to get some milk, wine, creamer and fried chicken and sides for dinner having never read this until now - and was smiling the whole time. I do 90% of the grocery shopping for our household.

No. I do 100% of the grocery shopping. My wife can’t stand it and I don’t mind doing it.
Does anyone else feel like they’ve been rendered incapable of making a decision? If I try to do anything off script, it’ll be wrong. “Why did you park there? There’s a better spot” “Why would you think pizza is a good idea for dinner, don’t you know me at all?” 12 years of marriage and the best lesson I’ve learned is to ask first, it’s not worth it to go rogue.
People wonder why so many get divorced. This is a real text exchange with my wife today.

Wife - can you stop at the store and pick up milk after work
Me - Sure
Wife - and grab me a bottle of wine
Me - Sure
Wife - I don't have anything planned for dinner do you want to grab something while your there
Me - Sure
Wife - Do you know what, I'll be done at 3:30 I'll just run to the store.
Me - Ok
Wife - Do you need anything.
Me - No
Wife - What should I get for dinner.
Me - IDK
Wife - Well I don't know what to get
Me - Just grab a pizza
Wife - I don't want pizza
Me - ok grab something you want
Wife - Not sure what I want I'm not hungry right now
Me - ok
Wife - Will you just stop at the store.
Me -- I hate you
Wife 😘

almost forgot csb/
Wife used your instead of you're - I'd divorce right there.
My once wife dreamed I cheated on her.

Basically, I had to deal with the drama of being a cheating husband, but I didn’t get to actually have sex with someone else.
Anytime any woman i am involved with gets mad at me for something that i did in my dreams i just say “real world me is not responsible for dream world me”. I dont engage other than that. If thats not enough, they just have to sit and deal with their feels
My wife insists on having a cleaning lady come by every so often. Then, the day before the cleaning lady comes, my wife cleans the house until it’s spotless.

I’ve pointed out many times how it’s a waste of money for us to hire a cleaning lady. I’ve even gone around the house and found as many specs of dirt as I can find right before the cleaning lady shows up just to document you can’t get every spec. I think I found three specs and photographed them. Of course the cleaning lady missed them. I presented the evidence to my wife, yet she still insists we need a cleaning lady.
Am I the only weirdo on here who likes grocery shopping? As God as my witness, I ran by Publix after work today to get some milk, wine, creamer and fried chicken and sides for dinner having never read this until now - and was smiling the whole time. I do 90% of the grocery shopping for our household.
I do my bulk of grocery shopping on saturday mornings i didn’t mind it when places were open when i would wake up and couldnt get back to sleep at 4 am.

I always hated to deal with all the boxes and pallets/carts from the overnight stock crew, but that was the tradeoff of getting it done and not having to deal with other shoppers not paying attention or just being in the way.

Now places open at 6 or 7, no overnight crews so you are still manuevering around aisles blocked with pallets, boxes and carts….plus you have to deal with other shoppers….and then there is one manned checkout if you are lucky and they stillhave some of the self checkouts closed so you have to wait in line anyway (im looking at you, hyvee).

On a side note, i see target yesterday had signs up that self checkouts were now 10 items or less. They had only two registers open on a busy friday afternoon. they are going to have to do better than having 1-2 staffed checkouts open. If i have 20 items and there is long lines in those checkouts, im going to self checkout. I typically hate doing the work that they should pay staff for, but im not waiting 20 minutes in line to pay for my stuff
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Just realize that you're low on milk and wine and take the initiative to plan dinner. Then you'd avoid that entire conversation.

"Honey, I'm going to stop at the store to get some milk, wine, and maybe a couple other things. I've got dinner planned. Let me know if you'd like me to grab anything else while I'm out."
This may be THE most insane post I have ever read on this board.

Do better.
Am I the only weirdo on here who likes grocery shopping? As God as my witness, I ran by Publix after work today to get some milk, wine, creamer and fried chicken and sides for dinner having never read this until now - and was smiling the whole time. I do 90% of the grocery shopping for our household.
You doing the shopping is not weird at all. You enjoying it is the most-peculiar thing in world history.
Am I the only weirdo on here who likes grocery shopping? As God as my witness, I ran by Publix after work today to get some milk, wine, creamer and fried chicken and sides for dinner having never read this until now - and was smiling the whole time. I do 90% of the grocery shopping for our household.

I enjoy it. Allows me to get ideas on produce and products to help stay out of a 5 meal rotation. Do I CRAVE the grocery? No, but it isn't torture. Esp when I don't have the kids.

Because of the menu aspect, I don't see myself becoming very dependent on grocery purchasing services.
Just realize that you're low on milk and wine and take the initiative to plan dinner. Then you'd avoid that entire conversation.

"Honey, I'm going to stop at the store to get some milk, wine, and maybe a couple other things. I've got dinner planned. Let me know if you'd like me to grab anything else while I'm out."
That doesn't work. She would immediately respond back with:

Wife What are you making?

Me Chicken Picatta

Wife Is that battered?

Me Yes. Lightly battered with lemon and capers

Wife That's fine. I'll cook my own.
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This x100000000. I fvcking love my wife, but she’s a fvcking psycho. She will literally get mad and be a bitch to me because I did something wrong in her dream. Guys, you‘ve all dealt with this. I used to fall into the trap and we would scream, yell, and fight. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve calmed the fvck down. Now when she lays the trap, I just go silent and let her go….she quickly calms down and typically apologizes when she’s had time to realize how illogical she’s being. Works every time. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus is a real thing lol.

My wife tells me after she gets over being mad over what I did in the dream that she was mad at me.

It helps that I leave for work in the morning before she gets up and I don't see her til about 4:30. So she gets time to get over whatever dream me did.

I my wife's version of dream me must be rich, famous and hot because he once banged Scarlett Johansson.
My wife insists on having a cleaning lady come by every so often. Then, the day before the cleaning lady comes, my wife cleans the house until it’s spotless.

I’ve pointed out many times how it’s a waste of money for us to hire a cleaning lady. I’ve even gone around the house and found as many specs of dirt as I can find right before the cleaning lady shows up just to document you can’t get every spec. I think I found three specs and photographed them. Of course the cleaning lady missed them. I presented the evidence to my wife, yet she still insists we need a cleaning lady.

Your wife likes having a cleaning lady,.. she just refuses to be labeled as someone who needs a cleaning lady,.. there's a difference...
That doesn't work. She would immediately respond back with:

Wife What are you making?

Me Chicken Picatta

Wife Is that battered?

Me Yes. Lightly battered with lemon and capers

Wife That's fine. I'll cook my own.
You should know better than to make anything battered, you selfish son of a….
Your wife likes having a cleaning lady,.. she just refuses to be labeled as someone who needs a cleaning lady,.. there's a difference...
Nah, she insists we “need” the cleaning lady because she doesn’t have time to deep clean. The cleaning lady has to think “wtf am I doing here?” every time she shows up.

She actually brought to my attention that the cleaning lady is “free”, since her job gives her an annual “lifestyle” cash stipend to spend on gym memberships, cleaners, or whatever the hell else you want to spend it on. I’ve explained that’s just part of her total compensation that the company can easily remove should they begin to struggle financially, but she doesn’t see it that way.
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Nah, she insists we “need” the cleaning lady because she doesn’t have time to deep clean. The cleaning lady has to think “wtf am I doing here?” every time she shows up.

She actually brought to my attention that the cleaning lady is “free”, since her job gives her an annual “lifestyle” cash stipend to spend on gym memberships, cleaners, or whatever the hell else you want to spend it on. I’ve explained that’s just part of her total compensation that the company can easily remove should they begin to struggle financially, but she doesn’t see it that way.
yesterday, on my walk to the bus, this car pulled up near the bus and a small platoon of latina cleaning ladies spilled out. The car was vinyl wrapped with "Maid for Cleaning" branding, which also included an image of Rosie the Riveter, who i guess is now Rosalita the vaccuum cleaner operator. As I thought about it, it occurred to me that this was probably not a woman-owned business.
I will clarify a couple of things. I don't mind stopping at the store after work at all, usually takes me 10 minutes and if I would have picked dinner and made it she would have no complaints and would have eaten it, I wouldn't get something that she doesn't like or isn't something I know she really likes.

What I do mind is changing your mind all the damn time, and never making a decision. The only reason she reversed into asking me to go to the store for a 2nd time was because she just didn't want to make a decision for dinner. It's on that fvcking hard. She has never made a dinner and I got home and was like.. nah, I'll order something.

Don't even get me started on going out to eat with her. Love her to death 99% of the time, the other 1% are some pretty ugly thoughts!!

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