Maybe this saves the Republican Party

Hear me out. Hopefully they discard the narcissist and run Haley or Christie. Reboot the party by de energizing the low IQ voters. There are still those of us who can’t stand the progressive , DEI, porous border, allowing so many refugees in. I think they could still win.
The irony is that you’re talking about the goo recovering from Trump while parroting all his identity politics and none of the policies the gop ran on 20 years ago.
Oh, FFS, man.

So, those of us who are on the conservative side shouldn’t have a political party to represent our views? Yes, the GOP needs reformed badly, but when you spew crazy stuff like that it makes me cringe about having similar views with you on Trump.

Take a chill pill, dude. Today was a good day.
It's never going to be wiped out completely obviously but at this point I think its going to have to get wiped out as we know it to get rid of this MAGA stain.

They are going to have to reset fully and allow people like you, Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney back in with a voice of reason within the party...where you aren't ridiculed and shunned as RINOs by MAGA extremists that the party currently is dominated by

Unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon
So…. Everyone just votes Democrat

Until the adults take the GOP back, there isn’t much choice. I mean, if you happen to have someone on your ballot that stands up to Trump then by all means. But standing up to Trump is a disqualifer in this broken GOP.

Petty flavor-of-the-month issues pale compared to trying to purge Trumpism from America.
Hear me out. Hopefully they discard the narcissist and run Haley or Christie. Reboot the party by de energizing the low IQ voters. There are still those of us who can’t stand the progressive , DEI, porous border, allowing so many refugees in. I think they could still win.

With all due respect, that’s delusional. The idea that after all he has done this would turn the GOP against him is endearingly naive. He owns the GOP, and will even if he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue.

Hell, when he dies I guarantee he will still get votes in the next GOP primary.
Hear me out. Hopefully they discard the narcissist and run Haley or Christie. Reboot the party by de energizing the low IQ voters. There are still those of us who can’t stand the progressive , DEI, porous border, allowing so many refugees in. I think they could still win.
They cannot win without the MAGAts. The math is that simple. You want to reboot the GOP, vote them out at every level. Bring in old-style Republicans who call Trump AND his supporters exactly what they are with no waffling or back-sliding (looking at you, Haley). Lose elections but put together a coalition that can actually appeal to moderates (good luck on that abortion thing) and CAN F'N GOVERN.

We'll wait.
But the extremes on both sides don’t want to be on the same page. They just want everything their way no compromising.
The "extremes" on the left do NOT control a major political party from top to bottom. This is NOT a "both sides" issue no matter how many times you try to make it so. Every time you make the claim you just reinforce how hyper-partisan you are.
The "extremes" on the left do NOT control a major political party from top to bottom. This is NOT a "both sides" issue no matter how many times you try to make it so. Every time you make the claim you just reinforce how hyper-partisan you are.
And you just keep proving my point. You can’t even agree on a go iowa awesome off topic thread that we need ideas from both sides and not just vote all democrat. Because you know you can’t compromise on anything, like I just stated.
Hear me out. Hopefully they discard the narcissist and run Haley or Christie. Reboot the party by de energizing the low IQ voters. There are still those of us who can’t stand the progressive , DEI, porous border, allowing so many refugees in. I think they could still win.

I would love to think that it will, but the sad reality is that there is not a single person who had planned to vote for trump but changed their mind as a result of the guilty verdict.
Reality is that the vast majority will support him even more strongly as a result of the verdict.
The Republican party is a lost cause for now, and is entirely the party of trump. It will likely stay that way until he dies; when that happens I suspect things will go back to normal, because I don't think there is anyone else with the charisma to fill the loser's shoes.
And you just keep proving my point. You can’t even agree on a go iowa awesome off topic thread that we need ideas from both sides and not just vote all democrat. Because you know you can’t compromise on anything, like I just stated.
We. Have. Ideas. From. One. Side.

Whatever else you want to think, Joe Biden accomplished more in his first year than Trump did in four. You keep excusing your side's total lack of governance through incessant "both sides" bullshit. Like it or not, it was Dems who gave us the ACA in 2010. When is the GOP going to reveal their replacement plan? It's been nearly fifteen years, and we have crickets. There was a border deal just this past year that gave the GOP much of what they wanted - and if you claim otherwise, you're simply lying. THAT'S COMPROMISE. The GOP - including the senator who NEGOTIATED IT - tanked it in fealty to their leader.

You will taken seriously until you confront the basic fact that YOUR party can't f'n govern. Period.
But the extremes on both sides don’t want to be on the same page. They just want everything their way no compromising.

Here’s a visual for you of the “both sides” argument. It is true, both sides are carrying dumb rocks. You guys just have a lot more - the dumbshit MAGA base (by some accounts 1/3 of R’s nowadays) and everything comes with that trash and now your felonious presidential nominee are good examples. You guys need to get rid of some of your rocks so we can have balance again. For some inexplicable reason (votes), you keep nominating and putting forth dumb rocks though. Until that is resolved, “both sides” is a terrible argument because the balance of idiocy and inability to govern is titled significantly to your side.

P.S. in case you needed help, republicans are on the right in this image.

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The border needs damn near militarized and shut down for a bit. Deportations of any felons, people with cartel connections. Decrease number of refugees, increase number of European immigrants from what they allow now.
You keep saying you want the GOP to move away from Trump, but you keep repeating his rhetoric, almost word for word.
We. Have. Ideas. From. One. Side.

Whatever else you want to think, Joe Biden accomplished more in his first year than Trump did in four. You keep excusing your side's total lack of governance through incessant "both sides" bullshit. Like it or not, it was Dems who gave us the ACA in 2010. When is the GOP going to reveal their replacement plan? It's been nearly fifteen years, and we have crickets. There was a border deal just this past year that gave the GOP much of what they wanted - and if you claim otherwise, you're simply lying. THAT'S COMPROMISE. The GOP - including the senator who NEGOTIATED IT - tanked it in fealty to their leader.

You will taken seriously until you confront the basic fact that YOUR party can't f'n govern. Period.
Yeah cuz I’m just a MAGA right? Also as I’ve mentioned before, the ACA hasn’t and doesn’t do a fvcking thing for me.
I guess I better jump ship and support something that doesn’t do anything for me.
If you want to keep your boner for the ACA that’s great but how about thinking about others as well. Not just being one sided and supporting what you want.
Like I said, you need to compromise and work together.
We. Have. Ideas. From. One. Side.

Whatever else you want to think, Joe Biden accomplished more in his first year than Trump did in four. You keep excusing your side's total lack of governance through incessant "both sides" bullshit. Like it or not, it was Dems who gave us the ACA in 2010. When is the GOP going to reveal their replacement plan? It's been nearly fifteen years, and we have crickets. There was a border deal just this past year that gave the GOP much of what they wanted - and if you claim otherwise, you're simply lying. THAT'S COMPROMISE. The GOP - including the senator who NEGOTIATED IT - tanked it in fealty to their leader.

You will taken seriously until you confront the basic fact that YOUR party can't f'n govern. Period.
"Your party cannot govern"

Trump was convicted of felonies yesterday, no doubt, that doesn't change the current state of the world.
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What is funny is as delusional as Trumpers are, the Dems on here are as far off base on US politics, especially non Dems side of things as they are understanding the Ukraine War which puts us on the edge of WW3. But its truly not funny.
Here’s a visual for you of the “both sides” argument. It is true, both sides are carrying dumb rocks. You guys just have a lot more - the dumbshit MAGA base (by some accounts 1/3 of R’a nowadays) and everything comes with that trash and now your felonious presidential nominee are good examples. You guys need to get rid of some of your rocks so we can have balance again. For some inexplicable reason (votes), you keep nominating and putting forth dumb rocks though. Until that is resolved, “both sides” is a terrible argument because the balance of idiocy and inability to govern is titled significantly to your side.

P.S. in case you needed help, republicans are on the right in this image.

It just humors me how blind you guys are.
I realize the Republican Party has a bunch of dipshits and it’s a disgrace that Trump is the Republican candidate.
I can also see the other party elected a career politician that did not before and during his presidency. He has no idea what day of the week it is at this point and yet you think he’ll be great for another 4 years.

Open your eyes and see that both parties are fvcked up. Let’s say only a 1/3 of democrats are like your coined MAGAs. How is 1/3 of this county causing so much divide and bullshit that we deal with everyday.
It just humors me how blind you guys are.
I realize the Republican Party has a bunch of dipshits and it’s a disgrace that Trump is the Republican candidate.
I can also see the other party elected a career politician that did not before and during his presidency. He has no idea what day of the week it is at this point and yet you think he’ll be great for another 4 years.

Open your eyes and see that both parties are fvcked up. Let’s say only a 1/3 of democrats are like your coined MAGAs. How is 1/3 of this county causing so much divide and bullshit that we deal with everyday.

You can claim it’s equal all day long. But you realize that if your party had nominated Nikki Haley - the guy you hate would be in a run for his life right now for the presidency in 2024, right? That’s all the evidence you need that your side is the one that can’t get its head out of its own ass. The recipe for balance and reasonable division is/was there for the taking. Instead, you guys went Trump. The problem you have isn’t with Dems, it’s with yourselves and the cancerous Trump / MAGA.
Yeah cuz I’m just a MAGA right? Also as I’ve mentioned before, the ACA hasn’t and doesn’t do a fvcking thing for me.
I guess I better jump ship and support something that doesn’t do anything for me.
If you want to keep your boner for the ACA that’s great but how about thinking about others as well. Not just being one sided and supporting what you want.
Like I said, you need to compromise and work together. doesn't make a dime's worth of difference what you think of the ACA. I made that very clear in my post. That's what "Like it or not..." means.

And you just skipped over that in your "both sides" zeal. What matters is that it was an idea from ONE side that was opposed by the other. The GOP flatly refused to work on the ACA because they wanted the campaign issue more than they wanted to do anything for you. And still, you lick their boots.

Given more than a decade to propose something better...what has your side done? Answer the question. Where is your GOP health care plan to replace the ACA? There has to be SOME starting idea if you want to compromise, you know.
You can claim it’s equal all day long. But you realize that if your party had nominated Nikki Haley - the guy you hate would be in a run for his life right now for the presidency in 2024, right? That’s all the evidence you need that your side is the one that can’t get its head out of its own ass. The recipe for balance and reasonable division is/was there for the taking. Instead, you guys went Trump. The problem you have isn’t with Dems, it’s with yourselves and the cancerous Trump / MAGA.
Just like if you guys elected someone other than brain dead Joe, you’d be getting some more votes to the Democratic Party. I’m not sure who I’ll vote for but I know it won’t be Trump or Biden.

Also I have no idea what the bolded section of your post is supposed to mean.
Just like if you guys elected someone other than brain dead Joe, you’d be getting some more votes to the Democratic Party. I’m not sure who I’ll vote for but I know it won’t be Trump or Biden.

Also I have no idea what the bolded section of your post is supposed to mean.

It appears we’ll just never be able to see each other’s points. Likely god’s will. All the best. doesn't make a dime's worth of difference what you think of the ACA. I made that very clear in my post. That's what "Like it or not..." means.

And you just skipped over that in your "both sides" zeal. What matters is that it was an idea from ONE side that was opposed by the other. The GOP flatly refused to work on the ACA because they wanted the campaign issue more than they wanted to do anything for you. And still, you lick their boots.

Given more than a decade to propose something better...what has your side done? Answer the question. Where is your GOP health care plan to replace the ACA? There has to be SOME starting idea if you want to compromise, you know.
That’s why I said both sides need to work together to compromise. You just keep mentioning what your side wants. I have no idea what the other party wants. Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem like both sides have been able to compromise.
Like I’ve mention other times. Get rid of free health care for politicians, make them want to care about making health care more affordable.
Start putting all criminal politicians in jail.
Both sides are corrupt and only doing things for themselves and not working together for the common American. Everyone but 1/3 of America can see that. Congrats on being part of that 1/3. I think I’m going to start calling you a KAM. Keep America Mediocre.
It appears we’ll just never be able to see each other’s points. Likely god’s will. All the best.
It’s intriguing to me that you can love Biden so much (a catholic) yet rip on the Christian religion as much as you do.

Gods will.
It’s intriguing to me that you can love Biden so much (a catholic) yet rip on the Christian religion as much as you do.

Gods will.

Love Biden? You’re confusing me with someone else. I’m a Never Trumper. You could put a vegetable (see what I did there?) up against Trump and I’m voting for that to keep that abomination out of office so he can’t shit on the U.S. anymore. In a two party system, that’s the only option.

Love Biden? You’re confusing me with someone else. I’m a Never Trumper. You could put a vegetable (see what I did there?) up against Trump and I’m voting for that to keep that abomination out of office so he can’t shit on the U.S. anymore. In a two party system, that’s the only option.

Find a new system and vote for someone other the trumper and the vegetable.
That’s why I said both sides need to work together to compromise. You just keep mentioning what your side wants. I have no idea what the other party wants. Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem like both sides have been able to compromise.
Like I’ve mention other times. Get rid of free health care for politicians, make them want to care about making health care more affordable.
Start putting all criminal politicians in jail.
Both sides are corrupt and only doing things for themselves and not working together for the common American. Everyone but 1/3 of America can see that. Congrats on being part of that 1/3. I think I’m going to start calling you a KAM. Keep America Mediocre.
You keep making it both sides. It's patently idiotic.

The GOP had EVERY OPPORTUNITY to work in good faith on the ACA. THEY REFUSED. They didn't want compromise; they wanted a campaign issue.

They participated in the border deal negotiations and again - got much of what they wanted. Trump told them to dump it. They didn't want a deal; they wanted a campaign issue.

For two years under Trump, they controlled both houses of Congress. We saw innumerable "Infrastructure Weeks" but never even saw an actual bill. Biden got it done in the first nine months of his presidency. And the GOP - who refused to participate, hold up the f'n checks that are paying for projects in their districts and states like the whole thing was their idea. You're a partisan hack.

It. Is. NOT. Both. Sides.

You're a partisan hack.
Yeah cuz I’m just a MAGA right? Also as I’ve mentioned before, the ACA hasn’t and doesn’t do a fvcking thing for me.
I guess I better jump ship and support something that doesn’t do anything for me.
If you want to keep your boner for the ACA that’s great but how about thinking about others as well. Not just being one sided and supporting what you want.
Like I said, you need to compromise and work together.
While the ACA does absolutely nothing for me either, I do know people that it has helped so there is that. Having more access to healthcare is why I voted for Obama twice…
While the ACA does absolutely nothing for me either, I do know people that it has helped so there is that. Having more access to healthcare is why I voted for Obama twice…
He gave away the game in that post...

"...the ACA hasn’t and doesn’t do a fvcking thing for me."

That's Trump's narcissistic thinking.
You keep saying you want the GOP to move away from Trump, but you keep repeating his rhetoric, almost word for word.
What’s happening with our border and immigration in general is not good for our nation. Also, check out Western Europe, they are also dealing with a larger percentage of “Islamic “refugees. Check out the crime stats there now. We can’t keep taking people in who don’t believe in traditional American values.
While the ACA does absolutely nothing for me either, I do know people that it has helped so there is that. Having more access to healthcare is why I voted for Obama twice…
And the worthless president before him helped everyone in my family more than the current one.
I don’t plan of voting for him at all but as you can see, every president can do something to help someone out that doesn’t do anything for someone else.
So to make a claim that everyone should vote for Biden or the Democratic Party just because of the ACA is ludicrous.
Thus let’s do better and try and help everyone is some sort of fashion.
Hear me out. Hopefully they discard the narcissist and run Haley or Christie. Reboot the party by de energizing the low IQ voters. There are still those of us who can’t stand the progressive , DEI, porous border, allowing so many refugees in. I think they could still win.
We need trump to be sentenced to jail for a long time for that to happen. I'm all for it, but as is, in all likelihood this is going to amount to a slap on the wrist, and then thrown out on appeal due to the problems with the case/trial.

I'm afraid the nation is stuck with Biden v Trump.
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