Maybe this saves the Republican Party

Really? You sure you didn't talk about them as if they are the same? You sure you didn't, once again, attempt your idiotic "both sides" BS? Let's go to the tape:

Speaking of a turd sandwich...

New Jersey GIF by GIPHY News
He quoted my comment with something completely different than what was in my comment. Thus I commented with a photo that was completely different from what he wrote.
Do some of you just wake up pissed off at the world every day?
suck my dick GIF

And lighten up.
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Well, Republicans of character need to abandon that piece of shit party and start a new one. The problem is, there are so few of them.

But the United States system is specifically built for two parties for presidential races. Three "viable" parties would be a disaster.
Would it really be a disaster? I think the new party would likely have very limited influence on most issues but would become the deciding votes in the closely contested issues. If the party showed good results in the next elections cycles they would add seats and make their positions and votes stronger while weakening the traditional parties. I think this would force both traditional parties to compromise in order to get work done... either with the 3rd party or with each other to limit the 3rd party.
Would it really be a disaster? I think the new party would likely have very limited influence on most issues but would become the deciding votes in the closely contested issues. If the party showed good results in the next elections cycles they would add seats and make their positions and votes stronger while weakening the traditional parties. I think this would force both traditional parties to compromise in order to get work done... either with the 3rd party or with each other to limit the 3rd party.
Three presidential candidates. No one gets an EC majority. The election goes to the House. Each state delegation gets a single vote. The GOP controls the most state delegations. Wyoming gets exactly the same weight as California. The GOP candidate is president. He or she could literally finish third in the popular vote and still take the WH.
Three presidential candidates. No one gets an EC majority. The election goes to the House. Each state delegation gets a single vote. The GOP controls the most state delegations. Wyoming gets exactly the same weight as California. The GOP candidate is president. He or she could literally finish third in the popular vote and still take the WH.

Yeah, the twelfth amendment would need a serious re-write if we ever had a true 3rd party.
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Would it really be a disaster? I think the new party would likely have very limited influence on most issues but would become the deciding votes in the closely contested issues. If the party showed good results in the next elections cycles they would add seats and make their positions and votes stronger while weakening the traditional parties. I think this would force both traditional parties to compromise in order to get work done... either with the 3rd party or with each other to limit the 3rd party.
But but but what about the cult members from both sides. That’s not fair.
What a bunch of freaking cry babies.
I think a third party would be great and I think everyone with some common sense would soon realize it would be the dominate party because it would actually make decisions with everyone’s best interest.
But but but what about the cult members from both sides. That’s not fair.
What a bunch of freaking cry babies.
I think a third party would be great and I think everyone with some common sense would soon realize it would be the dominate party because it would actually make decisions with everyone’s best interest.
Historically, every time a legit 3rd party has emerged, it has eventually been co-opted by one of the major parties. It’s become increasingly difficult to do so today, due in large part to the extensive gerrymandering we see today.

It would be nice, but from a practical standpoint it’s virtually impossible for me to see a 3rd party emerge without one of the existing parties falling off.
Three presidential candidates. No one gets an EC majority. The election goes to the House. Each state delegation gets a single vote. The GOP controls the most state delegations. Wyoming gets exactly the same weight as California. The GOP candidate is president. He or she could literally finish third in the popular vote and still take the WH.
That would be possible, but I really don't know that a 3rd party would emerge with a president, but rather it would emerge with a movement and $$$ to support congressional candidates. Then after a few election cycles if they perform well their influence would grow and the 12th amendment would need to be addressed to allow a legit 3rd party candidate for president.
But but but what about the cult members from both sides. That’s not fair.
What a bunch of freaking cry babies.
I think a third party would be great and I think everyone with some common sense would soon realize it would be the dominate party because it would actually make decisions with everyone’s best interest.
Once again revealing a depth of critical thinking that wouldn't endanger a wading flea.
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But but but what about the cult members from both sides. That’s not fair.
What a bunch of freaking cry babies.
I think a third party would be great and I think everyone with some common sense would soon realize it would be the dominate party because it would actually make decisions with everyone’s best interest.
The only cult here is the MAGA cult. The ones with the shirts and signs and hats and flags and on and on and on.
Well, Republicans of character need to abandon that piece of shit party and start a new one. The problem is, there are so few of them.

But the United States system is specifically built for two parties for presidential races. Three "viable" parties would be a disaster.
The United States System wasn’t built for parties. The founding fathers wanted factions .
Hear me out. Hopefully they discard the narcissist and run Haley or Christie. Reboot the party by de energizing the low IQ voters. There are still those of us who can’t stand the progressive , DEI, porous border, allowing so many refugees in. I think they could still win.
I'm not sure how often this needs to be said, but the Republican Party as you remember it no longer exists.
A turd by any other name would smell as rancid. They built it for two, whatever we call them.

Apologies to the Bard.
No they didn't. I literally just read two books on the early politics of the constitution and our Founding Father's views on representative democracy. The biggest reason they didn't want parties was because they valued independent thought.
The United States System wasn’t built for parties. The founding fathers wanted factions .

Political parties always start in any democracy. The founders can be forgiven for forming one of the first democracies and not being able to necessarily see the future in that regard.

However what shouldn't be forgiven is the fact that we in the full knowledge of that reality now, we don't make the changes to fit into this reality.

The biggest mistake we made is we think of the work the founders did as wholly perfect as though it came from God and we make no changes for the time period or for realities that the founders may not have been fully aware of 200+ years ago.
Political parties always start in any democracy. The founders can be forgiven for forming one of the first democracies and not being able to necessarily see the future in that regard.

However what shouldn't be forgiven is the fact that we in the full knowledge of that reality now, we don't make the changes to fit into this reality.

The biggest mistake we made is we think of the work the founders did as wholly perfect as though it came from God and we make no changes for the time period or for realities that the founders may not have been fully aware of 200+ years ago.
Yeah, its crazy that some think the founders were perfect and that we should stick with ideas and systems from hundreds of years ago. The world has changed dramatically... we need to revisit systems periodically to ensure they serve the needs of the people and the world that we live in.
No they didn't. I literally just read two books on the early politics of the constitution and our Founding Father's views on representative democracy. The biggest reason they didn't want parties was because they valued independent thought.
If you mean to say the Founding Fathers wanted the House to decide every election, you'd be correct. They didn't trust the people to choose. The idea that there wouldn't be parties was solidly trashed as soon as the first elections were scheduled - the FF's belonged to parties. They weren't gods and they got a lot of shit wrong. The EC is one example. It's built for two parties.
If you mean to say the Founding Fathers wanted the House to decide every election, you'd be correct. They didn't trust the people to choose. The idea that there wouldn't be parties was solidly trashed as soon as the first elections were scheduled - the FF's belonged to parties. They weren't gods and they got a lot of shit wrong. The EC is one example. It's built for two parties.
Agree to disagree, I think a 3rd party that was middle of the road and pragmatic would work. Look at what Ross Perot did back in 92.
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Political parties always start in any democracy. The founders can be forgiven for forming one of the first democracies and not being able to necessarily see the future in that regard.

However what shouldn't be forgiven is the fact that we in the full knowledge of that reality now, we don't make the changes to fit into this reality.

The biggest mistake we made is we think of the work the founders did as wholly perfect as though it came from God and we make no changes for the time period or for realities that the founders may not have been fully aware of 200+ years ago.
Amen. The Bible and the Constitution make a lot of people really stupid in this respect. Allowing for amendments was their own admission that they didn't have all the answers and expected it to evolve over time.
Hear me out. Hopefully they discard the narcissist and run Haley or Christie. Reboot the party by de energizing the low IQ voters. There are still those of us who can’t stand the progressive , DEI, porous border, allowing so many refugees in. I think they could still win.
They could have done that after Jan 6th but they doubled down on him. They’re doubling down on him again now that he’s a felon.

He owns the Republican Party until HE decides he’s done with them. They don’t have much say in it because they need his MAGA base to vote.
Yeah, its crazy that some think the founders were perfect and that we should stick with ideas and systems from hundreds of years ago. The world has changed dramatically... we need to revisit systems periodically to ensure they serve the needs of the people and the world that we live in.
I don’t disagree, but penalty in different ways. I think the founders would have capped immigration sooner than later, not been as cool with Islamic faithful immigrating here. The freedom of religion the pilgrims sought was the freedom to worship the judeochristian god in the way they wanted to. I think they would have been more specific with the 2nd amendment too.
So when we get new polls in the battleground states next week that account for Trump's guilty verdicts, and he's still beating Biden in every one of the battleground states that will determine the result in November - can the Dems then acknowledge that it's time to nominate a candidate that can beat Trump?
Agree to disagree, I think a 3rd party that was middle of the road and pragmatic would work. Look at what Ross Perot did back in 92.
Perot didn’t win a single state despite the limited success he had. He also had no down ballot races where candidates aligned with him won. 4 years later, when he ran again, he fell flat on his face.
Amen. The Bible and the Constitution make a lot of people really stupid in this respect. Allowing for amendments was their own admission that they didn't have all the answers and expected it to evolve over time.

Well the bible was suppose to come from God. But it also only affects church governance and no one has to stay or be a part of any church.

Leaving a church is easy. Leaving a country isn't as easy and it gets a lot harder the poorer you are.

One thing I wish people would recognize is that a large number of us are effectively stuck in this country.
Agree to disagree, I think a 3rd party that was middle of the road and pragmatic would work. Look at what Ross Perot did back in 92.
What did Ross Perot do? He took votes primarily from Bush. He changed nothing regarding the politics of the country. Had he done better and actually won some EC votes, the House would have chosen the president and Perot would have had an exactly zeropointzero chance of being chosen. His influence on the next election or national politics as a whole matched that number.
I’m saying my political views are conservative, don’t Fit either party currently, but could fit into a Trumpless party
Which is fair.

But step one is for far, far more folks such as yourself to spend less time bemoaning what you think Democrats are doing and more time taking out the trash in the GOP.

Start pushing back against the right-wing media echo chamber of lies and bullshit.
Well the bible was suppose to come from God. But it also only affects church governance and no one has to stay or be a part of any church.

Leaving a church is easy. Leaving a country isn't as easy and it gets a lot harder the poorer you are.

One thing I wish people would recognize is that a large number of us are effectively stuck in this country.
They were both written by people a long long time ago who were no different than anyone else of their era. There are a lot of Republicans in power who regularly quote the Bible and believe that it should form the basis of secular law in this country.
Oh, FFS, man.

So, those of us who are on the conservative side shouldn’t have a political party to represent our views? Yes, the GOP needs reformed badly, but when you spew crazy stuff like that it makes me cringe about having similar views with you on Trump.

Take a chill pill, dude. Today was a good day.
I don't purport to speak for Chis, but I believe what he is saying is that the current Republican Party needs to go the way of the Whigs and be replaced with an actual conservative party replacement. The GOP post-Trump hijacking is unsalvageable.

I tend to agree.
Imagine a country so jacked up that we have people calling Liz Cheney a patriot. Sad times.
I disagree with nearly all of her policy aims and general beliefs, but I don't doubt for a second she is patriotic and loves her country.

Unlike Trump, who only gives a shit about himself.
Friend, I would absolutely love it if that were to happen.

IRL, I’ve been too embarrassed these last eight years to admit I’ve been a moderate Republican voter my entire adult life. I don’t want anyone thinking I align with that narcissistic piece of shit and the scum he’s inspired to crawl out of the woodwork.

Yes, many of us who see ourselves in the middle and lean right would be ecstatic to have a serious adult as an alternative to Biden. Any of the names you mentioned would get my vote.
Very well said.

I would vote for Christie and wouldn't think twice about it. I don't know as much about Haley, but wouldn't dismiss the idea. Hard reset on both sides.
What did Ross Perot do? He took votes primarily from Bush. He changed nothing regarding the politics of the country. Had he done better and actually won some EC votes, the House would have chosen the president and Perot would have had an exactly zeropointzero chance of being chosen. His influence on the next election or national politics as a whole matched that number.
I think Trump tried to win the reform nomination in 2000. Mostly a publicity stunt.
Which is fair.

But step one is for far, far more folks such as yourself to spend less time bemoaning what you think Democrats are doing and more time taking out the trash in the GOP.

Start pushing back against the right-wing media echo chamber of lies and bullshit.
Until Republicans stand up to Trump, they have zero business talking about much of anything else where politics is concerned. The MAGAts are taking control of the apparatuses of state parties all the way down to precinct committees. They're taking school boards (with notable pushback). Until they clean out the incredible rot in their own house - if that's even possible - nothing they can say about Democrats has any relevancy.
I disagree with nearly all of her policy aims and general beliefs, but I don't doubt for a second she is patriotic and loves her country.

Unlike Trump, who only gives a shit about himself.
She has seen other countries fall to Trump types while in the state department. When people dismiss her. They dismiss her experience.
They were both written by people a long long time ago who were no different than anyone else of their era. There are a lot of Republicans in power who regularly quote the Bible and believe that it should form the basis of secular law in this country.

Quoting the bible fine but having it as the basis of secular law is silly. Living here means you need to recognize that not everyone has the same religious views as you.

Also quite frankly if the bible forms the basis for secular law the question then becomes which Christian denomination rules? Because something that you consider to the basis of your Christian faith could be a sin to those of another Christian faith.

The example I use is the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. (WELS) Their beliefs are that it is a sin to pray with Christians who do not share the exact same views of doctrine as they do. Because combined prayer is a symbol of unity to them and you can't unify with someone who holds different doctrines than you (because having the same beliefs is the source of Christian unity)

So if you are going to institute school prayer you might be forcing a member of the WELS to engage in what they view to be sin by asking them to pray with a baptist.