Meyer lawsuit...

She sounds like a real winner. Her partner gets fired and she responds with the class of a 13 year old. Glad she's gone, especially if she didn't support the wrestling program.

Thank god that one poster who said we participate in locker room talk is gone or else we'd really be hearing it.
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from the linked article:

He (the attorney representing Barta and U of I) said it was Meyer’s clashes with coaches, including Kirk Ferentz (football), Rick Heller (baseball) and Tom Brands (wrestling) that led to an uncomfortable work environment. All three of those coaches — and more — are expected to testify.

Carroll said Ferentz was dismayed when he asked Meyer to provide an illustration of a new football practice facility that he could show to potential donors. Ferentz said Meyer dawdled in the task, and then handed in a poor replica of what the university was seeking, and eventually built.

Heller expressed similar concerns about plans for a renovated baseball stadium, Carroll said. And Brands was upset when Meyer prevented him from entering Carver-Hawkeye Arena during a construction project, which led to an inferior result.

Carroll said Barta spoke to Meyer about his concerns, but nothing changed.>>

She sounds terrible!
from the linked article:

He (the attorney representing Barta and U of I) said it was Meyer’s clashes with coaches, including Kirk Ferentz (football), Rick Heller (baseball) and Tom Brands (wrestling) that led to an uncomfortable work environment. All three of those coaches — and more — are expected to testify.

Carroll said Ferentz was dismayed when he asked Meyer to provide an illustration of a new football practice facility that he could show to potential donors. Ferentz said Meyer dawdled in the task, and then handed in a poor replica of what the university was seeking, and eventually built.

Heller expressed similar concerns about plans for a renovated baseball stadium, Carroll said. And Brands was upset when Meyer prevented him from entering Carver-Hawkeye Arena during a construction project, which led to an inferior result.

Carroll said Barta spoke to Meyer about his concerns, but nothing changed.>>

She sounds terrible!
Not being on the same page as Ferentz and Brands ... and Heller ... well ... yeah ... you probably aren't doing something right ...
I particularly loved the part where she said she did not feel as if she would be able to get another job because of the firing. What that really means is no one wants her around and the only place she can work is the place that can't find a reason to fire her. That place is her current job.

Without even knowing her, I am glad the AD had the guts to fire her. You can bet they documented a bunch of stuff because you just don't fire militant man haters without being prepared for them to cry foul.

It is sad to see that there are still man haters in college athletics. You would think we would be able to get along by now.
It's not even that, it's that she was not good with coaches and then when her partner gets fired for being abusive...she responds by becoming insubordinate with the hope of a lawsuit. Ridiculous. She should never get another job in a university setting.
Agree with you ... Personally, I think in that role part of her job should absolutely be working well with the coaches ... It's interesting how some people (Meyer) choose to not own up to their mistakes ... Or how their path to redemption is to sue ...
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Agree with you ... Personally, I think in that role part of her job should absolutely be working well with the coaches ... It's interesting how some people (Meyer) choose to not own up to their mistakes ... Or how their path to redemption is to sue ...

Well it sounds like she was good with them and at her job until her lover got justifiably fired and she goes nuts and starts her "they hate women here" campaign.
Without even knowing her, I am glad the AD had the guts to fire her. You can bet they documented a bunch of stuff because you just don't fire militant man haters without being prepared for them to cry foul.
Not going to call this woman a militant man hater, but your point about documentation is dead on. Barta would have be a complete moron not to have a mountain of documentation before he fired her knowing the situation at hand.
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Not going to call this woman a militant man hater, but your point about documentation is dead on. Barta would have be a complete moron not to have a mountain of documentation before he fired her knowing the situation at hand.

I may be over the top and jumping to conclusions by calling her a man hater. I have just had experiences with man haters and they say some of the same things she is alleged to have said and act the same way. I sure hope the university wins this case.
I don't know this person. I only know what I read, so I plan to let the court review the facts and act accordingly. We'll soon find out what they decided. They probably did try to settle this out of court, but couldn't reach a figure accepted by both sides.
There are some lessons to be learned here about employees having romantic or family relationships within the same department. When something turns sour, the politics can get really messy.
I don't know this person. I only know what I read, so I plan to let the court review the facts and act accordingly. We'll soon find out what they decided. They probably did try to settle this out of court, but couldn't reach a figure accepted by both sides.
Meyer was looking to settle, but the university made no offer.
Meyer was looking to settle, but the university made no offer.
Well, I'd guess that means the University thinks it has a pretty good case. However, I've heard that juries will do some unexpected things sometimes. And just because there was no formal offer doesn't mean there wasn't some discussion about it by their representatives. Trials like this do neither party much good.
Unless there is information that comes out that isn't in this article, it sounds like she has no case.
Not going to call this woman a militant man hater, but your point about documentation is dead on. Barta would have be a complete moron not to have a mountain of documentation before he fired her knowing the situation at hand.

It's actually incredibly hard to get fired from University/state jobs

My wife works for University of Iowa. She has gone through Iowa's HRs process of termination. The sheer amount of paperwork and procedures to fire someone is staggering.

All driven by fear of lawsuits. I'm sure Barta dept, HR dept and possibly Iowa's repenstation were bought in on this termination

Through the grapevine she is seeking vindication relating to her significant other at expense of athletics in general.
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I'm shocked she got along well with the Field Hockey coach.

Iowa must have an ironclad case as it's a huge hill to climb to fight the narrative I'm sure she's driving.

UT had a lesbian track coach who had an affair with one of her athletes AND was providing illegal benefits (housing, etc) to said athlete, and this case remarkably is still alive after 3 years.
She sounds like a real winner. Her partner gets fired and she responds with the class of a 13 year old. Glad she's gone, especially if she didn't support the wrestling program.

Thank god that one poster who said we participate in locker room talk is gone or else we'd really be hearing it.

We should be nice to that poster, she is testifying on behalf of Meyer!
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The University is pretty liberal I imagine and would be "sensitive" to her being a gay woman, which is a protected class in academia...for them not to settle tells me that she is pretty bad at her job.

But as 4tuna would say...PATRIARCHY!!!
On my campus in the late 80s, it was called Phallocentrism.

There was a move to call Women's Studies "Seminars", "Ovulars" instead. I am not kidding

One of my father's friends on UPenn's faculty senate wrote a book about the corrosive campus Political Correctness of the 80s. Good read
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Seems that the relationship in general creates a conflict of interest that could lead to termination.
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Meyer defense today from Hlas. I wonder if her statement on Brands will be that he was upset she let female workers participate in the wrestling room renovation