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Still boggles my mind that Gard isn't getting more blame here. This literally would have never happened if Gard didn't didn't make physical contact in the first place. I give Howard credit for trying to slide past the handshake - he knew his emotions would get better of him. Gard made sure that happened.
Physical contact? It was a handshake line, they were all "physically contacting" each other. Gard did nothing more than put a hand on Howards elbow (and NOT hold it) to stop him passing by without any acknowledgement. Did that warrant Howard grabbing Gard by his shirt?
Do you guys think we fire Fran if that happens? I say no. I’m sure Michigan isn’t happy with the whole situation at all. There was a lot of dumb on all sides. Juwan should have just kept walking as should have Gard. Wisconsin asst coach also instigated shit as well. Plenty of blame to go around. I’ve been watching how Wisconsin acts after a few of their wins taunting opponent fans and such as well. I’m fine with the 5 games. Hopefully he learns. If not he’ll eventually get fired. He was the coach of the year last year so he’s got a pretty long leash in my opinion.
I guess the question that I have is if this occurred because of a Michigan Assistant Coach, is still just a 5 game suspension? If the answer is no...then perhaps the punishment didn't suit the offense.
Howard should be suspended for the entire length of the season for saying he felt he had to protect himself in the handshake line. Gimme a break.

instead of apologizing after the game he basically gave a big f-u to everyone and said I can do what I want.

what I don’t understand is why Meatchicken didn’t take this opportunity to come away looking better on this. They are not winning anything of significance this year anyway, should have just suspended him whole rest of the season.
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Imagine if this happened at any of our workplaces. Juwan would have been arrested and terminated. There is not an assault exemption just because someone touched your elbow. A coach takes a swing, open fist or closed doesn't matter. There should be ZERO tolerance for this.
Physical contact? It was a handshake line, they were all "physically contacting" each other. Gard did nothing more than put a hand on Howards elbow (and NOT hold it) to stop him passing by without any acknowledgement. Did that warrant Howard grabbing Gard by his shirt?
Furthermore, the elbow grab only occurred after Howard mouthed off at Gard in the handshake line (something about "I'll remember that," I believe.) You can see in the video that Howard pulled his mask away from his face so he could be heard. It's not like Howard was minding his own business and peacefully walking through the handshake line before Gard said decided he needed to say something to him.
A coach that throws a punch/slap/aggressive physical contact of any kind toward an opposing coach or player has to be suspended. I'd think at least 2 games at a bare minimum, but no problem with it being through the remainder of the season. That is a bright line that no coach should be allowed to cross without significant penalty.

Gard absolutely needs a suspension as part of the instigation and escalation of the issue. I'd want to give him multiple games as well given his history of promoting thuggery on his team, but that should be addressed by the league separately. The fact that he promotes that kind of play with having probably the dirtiest player in the B1G of the past 10 years whom he praises, and that he is now promoting that same kind of play among the rest of his roster, needs to be cracked down on. Hard.
Seeing as how the BTN just ran a feature on Davison, I suspect the league is willing to ignore his behavior. Must be nice knowing that, like Grayson Allen, his national notoriety for being the dirtiest player in America, is being held up as a standard to strive for in B1G play.
He was the coach of the year last year so he’s got a pretty long leash in my opinion.
Really? So winning is the standard by which we set the bar for acceptable behavior? Would Hoiberg get fired for the same act because he doesn't win enough? McCaffery? Where is the line in the sand?
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Really? So winning is the standard by which we set the bar for acceptable behavior? Would Hoiberg get fired for the same act because he doesn't win enough? McCaffery? Where is the line in the sand?
I guess I didn't make myself clear, at least to you. I know how as Iowa fans we love to hate everyone, especially the Michigan's, Ohio State's of the world. Howard played at Michigan on the Fab 5, had a long and well respected career in the NBA and was highly thought of as an assistant coach. I'm not excusing his behavior at all. My point being if say BJ Armstrong had decided to go the coaching route after his NBA stint and put in work as an assistant coach and then became the Iowa coach and won coach of the year honors his 1st year. Would we be happy if he punched Greg Gard (probably, just kidding) obviously not, but I don't think we would be wanting him fired. The guy needs to grow up, clearly, and he handled it poorly. I'm just saying as a Michigan man, a guy who has actually been pretty well respected for putting in the work as a player and an assistant, and had a really good 1st year deserves another chance. And no I don't think Fran would have or should have been fired if he had done the same thing. Fine him and suspend him. If you want him fired that's cool.
Furthermore, the elbow grab only occurred after Howard mouthed off at Gard in the handshake line (something about "I'll remember that," I believe.) You can see in the video that Howard pulled his mask away from his face so he could be heard. It's not like Howard was minding his own business and peacefully walking through the handshake line before Gard said decided he needed to say something to him.
The mask being pulled down occured after Gard a) grabbed his elbow and b) stepped in Howard's path. Watch Howard's eyes as he's walking. While Howard probably said something, he was clearly looking beyond Gard and looking to sidestep Gard. Gard not only grabbed Howard but complete impeded his progress. The more I watch the video, the more I blame Gard. And yes, calling timeout with your scrubs in is completely below the belt.

Edit: I stand corrected, he did indeed pull down his mask once before the elbow grab. I stand behind the other observations. (And why TF wasn't Gard wearing a mask?)
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