Midwest teachers grooming kids

I hate schools who hire people who have been convicted of possessing child porn. Weird that you consider that "freedom".. makes me wonder what your hard drive looks like tbh..

You know this person was not convicted, right? The Daily Caller story linked in the tweet runs through the fact that the charges were dismissed and ultimately expunged.

But sure, that’s the same as “convicted of possessing child porn”.
Does teachers checking for headlice coubt as grooming?
Today we learned we are teaching kids how to “regulate”. Apparently they don’t learn this because instead of calming distressed children, many parents just give them a tablet, so the kids don’t develop that natural coping ability. We literally have “regulation stations”. Add that to the list of things we have to teach besides the curriculum.

I Hope Republicans don’t consider this grooming, either.
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You goddamn bigot. GFY. Loser.
Why is it bigoted to say you don't want queer adults near your children? Seems odd that you think any adult should have the right to be around someone else's children tbh.. well, it actually sounds par for the course of lefties I suppose.. I bet you think this behavior is totally normal and respectable too, don't you Tom?

I am going to pray for you Abby. That the Lord helps you learn to love people and not fear them. That he blesses with some one close to you that is queer and you can experience a transformation and grace.
You don't have to be afraid of something to not want it within 10 yards of your children. You're conflating things.
Better be safe, you wouldn't want them catching the gay
Or the opposite sex based upon stereotypes, there, rudy!

Sorry about your homosexuality and/or autisticism!
Turns out?: You're actually a different GeNdEr!

"What's gender?"

"Uhhhhh. You're a different sex. Just shut up and quit aksing questions."
Apparently they don’t learn this because instead of calming distressed children, many parents just give them a tablet
I see this so often in public. It may quickly and temporarily solve a behavioral issue but it only creates a worse, longer term issue, IMHO. What is worse, giving it to them right away or giving into them after trying to hold out for a minute or 2?
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I see this so often in public. It may quickly and temporarily solve a behavioral issue but it only creates a worse, longer term issue, IMHO. What is worse, giving it to them right away or giving into them after trying to hold out for a minute or 2?
This is exactly what the presenter said...a kid gets upset at a grocery store so the parent hands them a device.
Ahh yes, it's that time again where the evil strawman is carefully built up to then be torn down by righteous and noble people.
Not sure how old your kids are. Is it within the realm of possibility one of your children may have a queer friend and want to hang out with them? Or, maybe one of your kids is queer? How awkward would either of those scenarios be for you?
If having a child porn convicted trans as your child's school principal is ok with you, that's says more about you than anyone needs to know.

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