Mitch is stepping down

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This is going to be interesting. As in most states, Kentucky law allows the governor to appoint a temporary replacement until the next election. But unlike most other states, it states that the governor must choose from one of three candidates submitted by an executive committee of the outgoing senator’s party.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear is a Democrat and has not committed to choosing a Republican replacement.
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Sounds like it's the law so he will have no choice.

Mitch should step down earlier and let them have the election in November for one thing it will save the state money.
This is going to be interesting. As in most states, Kentucky law allows the governor to appoint a temporary replacement until the next election. But unlike most other states, it states that the governor must choose from one of three candidates submitted by an executive committee of the outgoing senator’s party.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear is a Democrat and has not committed to choosing a Republican replacement.
I don't think he's relinquishing his senatorial office, just the leadership position.
I don't think he's relinquishing his senatorial office, just the leadership position.

When you can't get anything done in Congress its going to be inevitable the leadership will have to change. Unfortunately, with the way the parties oppose each other just so their opponent can't claim a political win, it won't matter who is in charge. It will be a revolving door of leadership on both sides unless this grandstanding ends which doesn't seem likely.
Not long ago he was Democrat enemy #1 and a representation of the worst of our politics. The power of one man to put the brakes on popular legislation, the ruthless handling of the SC nominations, just overall net-negative effect on the country at large.

Now, thanks to Trump, MAGA and everything that has happened to the GOP, McConnell stepping down leadership is a loss of someone who is relatively principled, sane, reality acknowledging and among the better of those who are in the GOP.
Not long ago he was Democrat enemy #1 and a representation of the worst of our politics. The power of one man to put the brakes on popular legislation, the ruthless handling of the SC nominations, just overall net-negative effect on the country at large.

Now, thanks to Trump, MAGA and everything that has happened to the GOP, McConnell stepping down leadership is a loss of someone who is relatively principled, sane, reality acknowledging and among the better of those who are in the GOP.
I was going to post the same, but your words were more succinct. He was a giant ahole and protector of corporate interests. A true master of hypocrisy and maneuvering, for example pulling off not letting a Supreme Court Justice be voted on for an entire year due to it being an election year. And yet, here we are 8 years later now feeling he is one of the sane ones and fretting which Russian Asset will the GOP replace him with....
This is going to be interesting. As in most states, Kentucky law allows the governor to appoint a temporary replacement until the next election. But unlike most other states, it states that the governor must choose from one of three candidates submitted by an executive committee of the outgoing senator’s party.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear is a Democrat and has not committed to choosing a Republican replacement.
Oh those pesky “checks and balances”…..
When you can't get anything done in Congress its going to be inevitable the leadership will have to change. Unfortunately, with the way the parties oppose each other just so their opponent can't claim a political win, it won't matter who is in charge. It will be a revolving door of leadership on both sides unless this grandstanding ends which doesn't seem likely.
The sooner we realize that politicians are not in the game to represent us but to instead enrich themselves, we will all be better off.
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