MN PBP thread

Not sure why this is such a wild concept to understand. Cringeworthy stuff coming from the Swafford camp. Welcome to the big leagues I guess?? 🤷‍♂️
Wrestling attached at the scuffle also allowed him to travel with the team etc. He obviously was'nt told he was going to be the 174 all year through tournaments no Kem coming back. So it's either you stay in RS or you spot start. If he was ok spot starting then when he pulled his RS is irrelevant.
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If you’re wrestling attached, your entry fee, travel, etc., is paid for and arranged. If not, you’re on your own. That’s one reason wrestling attached for that tournament could make some sense. If the redshirt is likely to be pulled anyway, it could make more sense to pull it for the tournament so those things are handled for the athlete.
For sure, I’ve thought about that as well, and it is likely the logical conclusion. Seems like there was a communication breakdown somewhere then..
I can respect that take…

but damn… all of SEI was there.

ever seen that movie Carrie?

I feel like pigs blood was spilled on my entire family.

And I know it likely wasn’t intended… but that’s how it felt.

I get it. You're proud of your bro and wanted to see him have his Carver moment. But you are being a tad dramatic as this is a matter of professionalism. This isn't the first time it's happened and won't be the last. Tom had to put his best team out there based on the info he had. I am guessing Brennan will wrestle some matches this year and get his chance to contribute. But you have to get some chill in you bro.
I get it. You're proud of your bro and wanted to see him have his Carver moment. But you are being a tad dramatic as this is a matter of professionalism. This isn't the first time it's happened and won't be the last. Tom had to put his best team out there based on the info he had. I am guessing Brennan will wrestle some matches this year and get his chance to contribute. But you have to get some chill in you bro.
I let a lot of people down tonight. And I do that a lot. And I hate it.

a little notice would have really been nice tho. Ugh I’m mortified.
I let a lot of people down tonight. And I do that a lot. And I hate it.

a little notice would have really been nice tho. Ugh I’m mortified.

Well I don't think you should be...It's not like he got kicked to the curb for some turd. It's our second best wrestler on the team. I think most people who know wrestling understand what happened and are fine with it. And if they're not? Can't please em all.
I let a lot of people down tonight. And I do that a lot. And I hate it.

a little notice would have really been nice tho. Ugh I’m mortified.
Maybe he should go to PS where Cael can and will recruit over him every year!!! Just need to be patient and he'll get his chance. Lucky he's not a QB who never gets a chance.
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I let a lot of people down tonight. And I do that a lot. And I hate it.

a little notice would have really been nice tho. Ugh I’m mortified.
What if the decision wasn’t made until they drew ‘65 out of the hat? Swafford goes and Murin loses and Iowa loses the dual 18-16. Hope to see your bro go on Sunday. He had to know coming in that his best chance at the line up and to represent the team in the post season was in year 3 any way you slice it. This may end up being the best thing for him and his progression. Trust the process and embrace the grind. Onward!
What if the decision wasn’t made until they drew ‘65 out of the hat? Swafford goes and Murin loses and Iowa loses the dual 18-16. Hope to see your bro go on Sunday. He had to know coming in that his best chance at the line up and to represent the team in the post season was in year 3 any way you slice it. This may end up being the best thing for him and his progression. Trust the process and embrace the grind. Onward!
I’m sorry.
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I let a lot of people down tonight. And I do that a lot. And I hate it.

a little notice would have really been nice tho. Ugh I’m mortified.
You did piss a lot of people off tonight and made people question where the leak has been coming from, but in the grand scheme of things your screw up really isn’t that bad. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Take some time to reflect on what happened and maybe put out a statement tomorrow.

Life goes on and this will be forgotten sooner than you can imagine.
I let a lot of people down tonight. And I do that a lot. And I hate it.

a little notice would have really been nice tho. Ugh I’m mortified.
it’s all good. i don’t know you in real life but you seem like a good dude. we all get worked up when it comes to iowa wrestling and we don’t have skin in the game so I can imagine how hard it is. as others have said, onward. It’s obvious kemerer is really banged up so your brother will get his time in the lineup.
What’s weird about it? I love my brother about eleventy-billion times more than I love Kemerer…. We thought he was going to be wrestling in his debut tonight… til we got in the parking lot.
So what. Going off like a toddler on Twitter is going to help how?
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I dont understand the playing around with the line-up until the last minute all the time. There are probably "reasons" but I have never heard a good one. Im sure I will get hated on for saying it, but I dont like it, and I feel like the mental aspects of keeping two guys ready up until the match are overstated at best.
I can’t sleep.

I mean there are multiple angles from this that are just… I’m having a difficult time shaking.

Not sure if anyone knows my personal situation, but I am a single father of 3 daughters and have my girls 90% of the time. I work at a factory, for it pays more than my field of study. My daughters and I get by only on my income. Yesterday, I had to write a check for $171 for my 4 year old’s daycare before leaving for Iowa City… also before leaving, I had to take $150 out of my account for Club volleyball fees, my gf and I’s tickets for yesterday and for a sitter to watch my daughters when I was at the meet last night. I can’t wait for my next paycheck…which is Thursday. I regretted nothing in terms of what I decided to spend my money on until I got to the parking lot at Carver yesterday.

I wouldn’t have blown up the way I did if: 1.) his redshirt wasn’t pulled Saturday and 2.) If I was at home watching it on B10 Network, opposed to spending money that I do not have an abundance of to watch at Carver.

Just… a heads up or an indication somewhere, anywhere would have been convenient. There was nothing to indicate to us that he wasn’t wrestling…. His anticipated debut was posted everywhere, from multiple media outlets… there wasn’t some “leak.” I mean, it was a huge talking point that the media ran with for the narrative leading to the meet…his press conference, the newspapers, etc… Everyone from SE Iowa who follows wrestling was under the impression that he was going yesterday.

I am very sorry to some of you that I may have disrespected in my responses yesterday when this went down. If I were wise, I would have simply handed my phone to my gf, because social media and me are not a good combination when I am upset and I knew better.

I am also extremely sorry to my brother/family… My impulsive decision making with this did not do him any favors. He is under enough stress right now… the last thing he needs is to feel tension with his teammates because his raw nerve of an older brother can’t keep his “chill factor” maintained.

I obviously should have waited until some of this stuff (his shirt) was made clear to us, but at the time, I was so upset that the possibility of there being a reason for things going the way they did, did not occur to me.

I regret so much about the way I handled this yesterday, and FWIW, I apologize to anyone who may have been rubbed the wrong way by it and I would be an idiot to blame anyone for feeling that way. I did nothing, but made an unfortunate situation worse than it already was.
I’ll be the first to suggest for us to do what the cesspool does best…. Help fellow Hawkeye family like family.

If you set up some sort of donation box I’m sure quite a few would chip in a few bucks here and there to help you get caught up on your financial set backs from last evening. I know I would.

I appreciate your emotion. You care about your brother and family…. Alot. That is a good quality. Good on you for coming back this morning and owning your error in judgement.

I look forward to watching your brother continue living his dream of being an Iowa Hawkeye. Onward!
I’ll be the first to suggest for us to do what the cesspool does best…. Help fellow Hawkeye family like family.

If you set up some sort of donation box I’m sure quite a few would chip in a few bucks here and there to help you get caught up on your financial set backs from last evening. I know I would.

I appreciate your emotion. You care about your brother and family…. Alot. That is a good quality. Good on you for coming back this morning and owning your error in judgement.

I look forward to watching your brother continue living his dream of being an Iowa Hawkeye. Onward!
Jeez Gobblin. You dont always suck. ;)
Also Swaff, stop feeding Mineo information. He doesn’t care about you or your brothers best interest only that for himself.
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Also Swaff, stop feeding Mineo information. He doesn’t care about you or your brothers best interest only that for himself.
Agree with that. He took it an ran with it. And did it to piss off hawkeye fans due to him being wrong about the kemerer situation which was all due to swaffordd redshirt being pulled. Through it against the way to try and break news. Smh
Also Swaff, stop feeding Mineo information. He doesn’t care about or your brothers best interest only that for himself.
I don’t. His content yesterday was screenshots from comments I posted publicly… but that’s prolly what you are referring to. And then of course, I continued digging the hole deeper and deeper in my anger-induced public responses… but a lot of this stuff that you guys are perceiving as being “leaked” by him are things that he is connecting the dots and pointing out the writing on the wall with.

he was the first media outlet to point out my brother’s shirt being pulled. And he did so a couple days after it was obvious to everyone via Scuffle press releases that it happened… Mineo was the first one to notice the writing on the wall there… I spent quite a few hours wondering when someone was going to notice it. He was the first.

I am not going to sit here and lie to people by saying Mineo and I are on bad terms. In fact, he has been incredibly cool to me… You know how many page views I’ve received simply from posting my Pin Doctors articles on his Facebook group? Like, between 8-10 million. Just from there. And probably over a thousand Facebook followers from it. Yeah, he’s very tough on the Hawkeyes and yes sometimes it gets to the point where you question whether or not the posts he makes about Hawkeye wrestling is satire or not…. But from the perspective of someone who has a large and growing wrestling media outlet like I do, the man has been incredibly gracious to me personally. I write and publish pro-Hawkeye-related content all the time and post it in his Facebook group and he never takes it down… he lets me post it. If The Pin Doctors is ever a success, he will be one of the many people I will have to thank for it.

That’s the connection there. I am obviously not in the “know” of what’s going on at Iowa as it is. Look at yesterday. I try not to bother Brennan with it, for I don’t want to stress him out more than he already is. When we talk wrestling, it’s usually about what he has to do to improve technique and training wise.
I don’t. His content yesterday was screenshots from comments I posted publicly… but that’s prolly what you are referring to. And then of course, I continued digging the hole deeper and deeper in my anger-induced public responses… but a lot of this stuff that you guys are perceiving as being “leaked” by him are things that he is connecting the dots and pointing out the writing on the wall with.

he was the first media outlet to point out my brother’s shirt being pulled. And he did so a couple days after it was obvious to everyone via Scuffle press releases that it happened… Mineo was the first one to notice the writing on the wall there… I spent quite a few hours wondering when someone was going to notice it. He was the first.

I am not going to sit here and lie to people by saying Mineo and I are on bad terms. In fact, he has been incredibly cool to me… You know how many page views I’ve received simply from posting my Pin Doctors articles on his Facebook group? Like, between 8-10 million. Just from there. And probably over a thousand Facebook followers from it. Yeah, he’s very tough on the Hawkeyes and yes sometimes it gets to the point where you question whether or not the posts he makes about Hawkeye wrestling is satire or not…. But from the perspective of someone who has a large and growing wrestling media outlet like I do, the man has been incredibly gracious to me personally. I write and publish pro-Hawkeye-related content all the time and post it in his Facebook group and he never takes it down… he lets me post it. If The Pin Doctors is ever a success, he will be one of the many people I will have to thank for it.

That’s the connection there. I am obviously not in the “know” of what’s going on at Iowa as it is. Look at yesterday. I try not to bother Brennan with it, for I don’t want to stress him out more than he already is. When we talk wrestling, it’s usually about what he has to do to improve technique and training wise.
I doubt you’ll get much sympathy with this one. That clown can eat shit…. Most of us have moral standards and he doesn’t even sniff the criteria to consider him anything but an attention starved jagoff. If you roll with a pig you’re gonna get dirty. I suggest a shower.
I’ll be the first to suggest for us to do what the cesspool does best…. Help fellow Hawkeye family like family.

If you set up some sort of donation box I’m sure quite a few would chip in a few bucks here and there to help you get caught up on your financial set backs from last evening. I know I would.

I appreciate your emotion. You care about your brother and family…. Alot. That is a good quality. Good on you for coming back this morning and owning your error in judgement.

I look forward to watching your brother continue living his dream of being an Iowa Hawkeye. Onward!
You win the Internet today.

Best post ever!

fellers posted this at 11am yesterday, seems like he knew something
I doubt you’ll get much sympathy with this one. That clown can eat shit…. Most of us have moral standards and he doesn’t even sniff the criteria to consider him anything but an attention starved jagoff. If you roll with a pig you’re gonna get dirty. I suggest a shower.
Not looking for or expecting sympathy on this one. I understand how the Hawkeye wrestling fan base can feel the way they do about him. There have been some ugly exchanges between Hawk fans and him on his page. I am not blind to that.

He does let me post a ton of pro-Hawkeye articles on his page though… and he usually clicks “like” on them… Not sure what to make of that, but perceive it as you will…

My worthless 2 cents:

You don't owe anyone on HR(or any social media) an apology for last night. You love your brother and were jacked to see him in Carver. Emotions are gonna run high when that didn't happen. End of story in my eyes.

The only thing that really matters is that you and your bro are cool. Everything else is just noise. We(HR, Twitter, etc) don't matter in the least.
Hey guys! I’ve been kinda silent through all this because I’m out an outsider looking in. But I really thought it was important that I share this. It’s not much, but I really hope it helps someone:

last night, while the guys were giving their all-and-all in Carver Hawkeye, I SWITCHED TO GEICO AND SAVED 15%!!!!!! BOOM!!!

Tension Breaker. Had to be done.

Hey guys! I’ve been kinda silent through all this because I’m out an outsider looking in. But I really thought it was important that I share this. It’s not much, but I really hope it helps someone:

last night, while the guys were giving their all-and-all in Carver Hawkeye, I SWITCHED TO GEICO AND SAVED 15%!!!!!! BOOM!!!

Tension Breaker. Had to be done.

Lol…I was starting to think I forgot how to smile! Thanks for debunking that thought! 😆
Kem is dinged up and it seems as though there is some question of whether he will be ready for NCAAs this year. Brands is out and Brennan is the next man in. He will undoubtedly get some starting matches in the Black and Gold. That is pretty cool. If Kem reinjures his shoulder or isn’t effective, Brennan will be wrestling at Big Tens and NCAAs. He needs to be ready and wrestling those official matches and at the Scuffle will better prepare him for that.

As mentioned before, starting at 165 in the meet may have changed the dynamics of who started (and Kem has earned the right to start when he wants and is ready). It may seem as though the rug had been pulled out from under Brennan last night, but it all kind of makes sense when you think about it.

We are all looking forward to seeing Brennan under the big lights.
Kem is dinged up and it seems as though there is some question of whether he will be ready for NCAAs this year. Brands is out and Brennan is the next man in. He will undoubtedly get some starting matches in the Black and Gold. That is pretty cool. If Kem reinjures his shoulder or isn’t effective, Brennan will be wrestling at Big Tens and NCAAs. He needs to be ready and wrestling those official matches and at the Scuffle will better prepare him for that.

As mentioned before, starting at 165 in the meet may have changed the dynamics of who started (and Kem has earned the right to start when he wants and is ready). It may seem as though the rug had been pulled out from under Brennan last night, but it all kind of makes sense when you think about it.

We are all looking forward to seeing Brennan under the big lights.
He wrestled last night, there are no questions
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He wrestled last night, there are no questions
Spencer also wrestled at the National Duals. Kem certainly seemed good to go last night, but if they were 100% confident he would be ready to go, they probably wouldn’t have had Nelson drop to 174 and then pull Brennan’s redshirt.

There is/was some concern about Kem’s ability to wrestle safely and effectively. Hopefully, last night is a strong indication that Kem is ready to go for the rest of the year.

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