Mollie Tibbetts found dead

Anyone hear anything about her being hit by a car on her run? Ik it was speculated early on but I’ve heard it again today through a guy in a neighboring town to Brooklyn. They said she was killed by the car and the person panicked and disposed of her body. Probably just one of the many rumors floating around.

One of the rumors I heard as well.
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Yeah ‘84 (shot by her husband while in a car with my cousins in the back seat) and ‘87 (stabbed by her boyfriend in the alley outside of work).

Not to take anything away from your tragedy, and I apologize up front if you take it that way, but your anecdotal experiences of family death show why "self defense" and other precautions are generally irrelevant, other than to make one feel more secure. Hard to stop either of those incidents.

Or more generally, I've read comments like, "who lets her go running at night?!?" like somehow hiding inside will keep one's loved ones safe.

This shit sucks, but is statistically extremely rare and mostly unpreventable.

I don’t think self defense is irrelevant, I think it is good idea. I just don’t want people to be over confident.
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Anyone hear anything about her being hit by a car on her run? Ik it was speculated early on but I’ve heard it again today through a guy in a neighboring town to Brooklyn. They said she was killed by the car and the person panicked and disposed of her body. Probably just one of the many rumors floating around.
This was an early theory in the investigation that they were looking into.
Yeah, I agree seems to be getting hairy especially with that kid that got beat to death down on 4th street.

Yep, and no one saw a thing. Weird thing is I was down in that area, and there was a group walking around with shirts off at the same. I won't give away why I am close, but I got a text as they could see where I was and asked what I had seen.

Kid that I coached in MS football shot a guy a week or so ago to get even.

Kid last year shot in a car downtown.

I remember when the Ron Fish, owner of Ben Fish, was murdered it was news for weeks. To many of these things are becoming footnotes.

That Ron Fish thing was right before my senior year. Him and that lady with her 5 kids beat to death with a hammer. Bad deal
I don’t think self defense is irrelevant, I think it is good idea. I just don’t want people to be over confident.

I am saying that the link between self-defense and not being murdered is largely irrelevant. I was expounding on your stories.

There isn’t really a link, it was just a story. Hell anyone can be murdered. Also murder thank goodness isn’t all that common.
There isn’t really a link, it was just a story. Hell anyone can be murdered. Also murder thank goodness isn’t all that common.

That was my attempted point. I obviously failed in getting it across. Just frustrating to read some people's claims that - for example - somehow seek to place blame at any level on parents/victims themselves for having done some normally safe activity. Like jogging in a tiny town.
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There isn’t really a link, it was just a story. Hell anyone can be murdered. Also murder thank goodness isn’t all that common.

That was my attempted point. I obviously failed in getting it across. Just frustrating to read some people's claims that - for example - somehow seek to place blame at any level on parents/victims themselves for having done some normally safe activity. Like jogging in a tiny town.

Yeah I can’t take anyone serious who thinks she did anything to deserve this. We should all be able to not have to lock our doors and jog whenever we choose. Unfortunately we have people who don’t value human life and choose to do heinous things.
My family lives in a very small town that is clean and everybody knows everybody.

The only time we lock the door is at night. We leave it unlocked all day even when nobody is home. We tell repair people to just walk in if nobody answers.

This type of thing is very common in small towns.

I grew up in Victor, which is 7 miles East of Brooklyn. I live in CR now and get grief every time I go back about locking my car. Just a different level in trust in small towns. I sometimes I feel people in small towns are almost too trusting and when something does happen it causes them to be affected that much more.
Anyone hear anything about her being hit by a car on her run? Ik it was speculated early on but I’ve heard it again today through a guy in a neighboring town to Brooklyn. They said she was killed by the car and the person panicked and disposed of her body. Probably just one of the many rumors floating around.

I can imagine a scenario where a drunk / impaired individual accidentally killed her with their vehicle and "couldn't" report it. So they panic and dump the body somewhere.
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I would be careful with the word "illegal" until more detail is offered. There are many legal immigrants on work visas for example. Unfortunately, most in the US assume an immigrant is "illegal" if they haven't formally become a US citizen yet.

The news on Mollie is very sad and unfortunate. Regardless of the suspect's background, I hope it isn't used for political purposes. Broader data, beyond one instance, should be used to shape political policies/opinions.
Undocumented Foreigner? IS the PC way to describe someone here with out proper documentation?
I can imagine a scenario where a drunk / impaired individual accidentally killed her with their vehicle and "couldn't" report it. So they panic and dump the body somewhere.

The odd thing, and I am not close to the area but people have said that area was searched. Did they miss? Did they move the body? Was she recently killed? Hard to believe they could identify her, unless clothing or phone or something if she had been out there in the summer hat (I realize that is gross) after 5 weeks.
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I can imagine a scenario where a drunk / impaired individual accidentally killed her with their vehicle and "couldn't" report it. So they panic and dump the body somewhere.
Sadly this is the best outcome I can think of at this point.
What was the IT guys name hat saw her last?

Also a lot of people are typing the initials NH on reddit thinking it’s him and this person works at the co-op where they took down his info from their website?
That was my attempted point. I obviously failed in getting it across. Just frustrating to read some people's claims that - for example - somehow seek to place blame at any level on parents/victims themselves for having done some normally safe activity. Like jogging in a tiny town.

I agree with you completely, but I also think that rationalizing it this way is a coping mechanism for a lot of people. Understanding that this stuff is purely random means that it could happen to you. Believing that the victim somehow contributed enables one to think it can't happen to you. Its illogical and silly, but its a mind game some people play to make themselves feel safer I guess. Nothing is more scary to us than random violence.
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I had a gun pulled on me in a Sioux City bar years ago. Needless to say it cared the crap of me. I'm pretty sure I would have been shot had a guy I knew not walked in at just the last moment.

My dad told me about stories where Sioux City was rough. He got beat and had a bunch of Indians planning on killing him back in the 70’s and he was a cop.
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Just Googled up this Youtube link; no idea if it's legit, but it's counting down to the live presser and listed as a CBS feed

I took the no fly zone, zoomed into the middle and found the center is around 460th (E-W) and between 235th (N-S) and Poweshiek-Iowa (N-S) roads.

Two properties listed there belong to Cheney Farms.
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“Investigators: Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts death is in custody, subject to immigration detainer“
Big, if true. Not that it will make it any better but I think the best case would be she was hit and the person covered it up because they're here illegally. Probably not much comfort to the family and friends but I would think it's better than imagining her suffering while being murdered.

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