Must watch video if you care about racism


HB All-State
Dec 16, 2014
Which if supporting the dem party you obviously dont🤷‍♂️.

Which if supporting the dem party you obviously dont🤷‍♂️.

Why should we listen to a random shitpost on twitter again? Why do you numpties all do the same thing all the time: "I can't come up with any coherent thoughts so here's a random person on twitter that says something that I can't articulate that you should all listen to!"

Who the **** is Insurrection Barbie and who is Pastor Lorenzo Sewel and why should anyone give a shit what they say?
@Arbor1 I know you're quite busy spamming the board, but since you've clearly been active since I posted this, I thought I'd flag it for your attention:

I think this is part of the narcissism that it takes to be a demoncrat these days. They honestly believe that they are right and that they are saving the world for the rest of us. They don't care that the republican party was the one who fought to free the slaves in the first place.

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