NCAA Championship Thread : Session III

Without the ability of hindsight would you have picked down? Yes, yes you would have.
99% of the iowa fanbase hasn't seen that kid wrestle before - everyone would've liked Lee's chances to escape and get back to work in neutral.

And your comment doesn't get my ass wet. It just makes you look like a moran.
No, never. I was screaming it at the time. Take top, tilt him twice and rest up for tonight. Absolutely idiotic decision that even best case was going to gain 1 point in an already 10 pt match. Anyone think Noto would have chosen bottom to start 2nd if given the choice? Of course not.
I have decent knowledge of wrestling,, never wrestled myself but in between rounds I thought oh he'll choose neutral then he went down and I thought what the f***
It’s frustrating to see someone feel
Totally agree he does just enough to win. Which I guess is good but not very entertaining.
he wants to go into mma after this, not sure how his style will translate when someone is punching him in the face
Without the ability of hindsight would you have picked down? Yes, yes you would have.
99% of the iowa fanbase hasn't seen that kid wrestle before - everyone would've liked Lee's chances to escape and get back to work in neutral.

And your comment doesn't get my ass wet. It just makes you look like a moran.
For how athletic RBY is, his style is pretty boring
The BS with this KYB Jelly has got to stop!!!! Does he have to wrestle????? It is way beyond stupid what the F*** st wrestlers are allowed to do! They stale their asses off, and the other wrestler gets frustrated and has to take chances to create something.
It was his choice, he wanted neutral, and terry put him under. if he had gotten beat, they should have walked terry out of the building in cuffs
No, never. I was screaming it at the time. Take top, tilt him twice and rest up for tonight. Absolutely idiotic decision that even best case was going to gain 1 point in an already 10 pt match. Anyone think Noto would have chosen bottom to start 2nd if given the choice? Of course not.
Totally agree he does just enough to win. Which I guess is good but not very entertaining.
The F*** st staff is a disgrace for how the coach the stall!!! We need the current rules called ass written. We need the push out rule added!!!
Lee was looking at the clock quite a bit in the third period, but still had enough to hold on to that leg and finish when the other guys will to fight left him with about 10 seconds left.

I much prefer the first period terminations, so if he could do that two more times, that would be great. No need to make it interesting like vs Ramos last time
He’s won 3 titles, been in the program for years and Lee doesn’t get to choose what he feels is best in a match? Just odd
In a different thread I asked the honest question about how the dynamic plays out if Spencer and coach were to disagree. In short, was basically told it was stupid to even ask, of course Spencer does what he prefers. So I guess we can assume Spencer chose down and we should take it up with him??
great match from real and good for the coaches learning from mistakes and not putting him under

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