Nebraska lost "close" games to Northwestern, Wisconsin, Illinois, Purdue (although that one wasn't all that close) and yet they somehow get respect for those losses by national pundits. Iowa, meanwhile, beat all of those teams and somehow the Hawks have played a "weak schedule." So which is it? Did Nebraska have impressive close conference losses to good teams or did Nebraska have four close losses to weak teams? If it's the latter, which is what pundits seem to think about Iowa's schedule, then why is Nebraska considered any good at all. I mean, if it's unimpressive for Iowa to have won 11 games against many of the same opponents then how is it possible that it's impressive that Nebraska lost close games against the same pitiful competition? Michigan State? Is that it, is that the difference? If that's the case, then I guess Nebraska would be an impressive team even if they had lost ten close games yet won against MSU. I'm not sure what type of ridiculous logic is being used in college football right now, but I'll take the Hawks against this ridiculously small spread -- thank you very much, Vegas!!!