Nick Suriano eligible Immediately to wrestle at Rutgers

"Dead to me. I hope Cael fft's the weight when PSU wrestles them."
and this right here is why the kid wanted to transfer to Rutgers:

"New Jersey is my home and it’s what I want to represent,” Suriano in a statement.
“I want to make history and bring New Jersey and Rutgers with me".
Whatever the reason given to get a waiver from the B1G was probably embellished b.s. and the committee bought it hook, line and sinker. In addition, RU's "Boom" announcement of his transfer leaves no doubt in my mind they tampered back in March at NCAA's or maybe even B1G's (with the assist of Dad). Glad it's over with but as they say "you can't win when you play dirty".

"Not that it matters now, but Suriano seemed off with me from the beginning. He never seemed to fully embrace the carefree Penn State attitude. That being said, hope he enjoys not winning titles in Piscataway. Next."

"He got a hero's announcement at RU which is probably what his folks wanted anyway. The fact is there are kids who put their heads down and go to work and others who go to work but crave individual attention. I don't know where this kid falls, but I'd venture somewhere in between (with parental assistance). You don't handle this issue the way it was handled otherwise. Doesn't make him a bad kid, but certainly not the distraction the team needed."

"I admit it I will hold a grudge unless he makes a world team then I'll suspend it...temporarily"

"I have pulled for all of the kids who transferred from PSU in an open, transparent way. I was rooting for Chance to be successful at OSU, and now LHU. But the timing, the drama and the use of the Jersey media to smear Cael has made it impossible for me to cheer for him. I don't even think I could root for him over NaTo :eek::eek:"

"This. I too never got the feeling that Suriano totally bought in to the program. Never smiled, or looked like he was enjoying what he was doing. I guess in the end, wrestling is an individual sport, but some kids really grasp the team aspect of it. I never got the feeling that he did. Even in HS he seemed like a me first type. Good riddance. Gonna root for him only if PSU desperately needs him to win."
Yeah....they won't root for Suriano to do well just as you guys wont be cheering on Teasdale. Now if you want to go on record and tell me you hope Teasdale has a great career at PSU, then I'll give in and admit you're right.
Which makes it all the stranger IMO. Why leave a team like that? It's like dumping a hot chick who's Dad owns a liquor store who was in the middle of putting a downpayment on two sports cars for him to drive. Had to be a good reason...just saying. I am genuinely curious.

In both Nick and Teasdale's case, none of this came out of the blue. There were rumors flying around about Teasdale for a few months before he did it. Nick and PSU haggled the whole summer. I guess I am surprised at some of the vitriol after it became official. JTown even said he'd root for an Iowa guy over him...that's some anger right there ;) BTW, I think the level of anger at Teasdale would have been worse if it came out of the blue.
I'd be willing to bet it's more about JT cheering on a product of Pennsylvania wrestling over Suriano than a Iowa Hawkeye. You'd have to ask him though....:)
Which makes it all the stranger IMO. Why leave a team like that? It's like dumping a hot chick who's Dad owns a liquor store who was in the middle of putting a downpayment on two sports cars for him to drive. Had to be a good reason...just saying. I am genuinely curious.

In both Nick and Teasdale's case, none of this came out of the blue. There were rumors flying around about Teasdale for a few months before he did it. Nick and PSU haggled the whole summer. I guess I am surprised at some of the vitriol after it became official. JTown even said he'd root for an Iowa guy over him...that's some anger right there ;) BTW, I think the level of anger at Teasdale would have been worse if it came out of the blue.
I will also be rooting against Nick unless it benefits PSU. I don't think that's unusual from a fan standpoint. I couldn't wait for the day when Nick went head to head with Fix and Spencer. They'll still be great matches, I'll just be rooting for the other guys now.
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I'd be willing to bet it's more about JT cheering on a product of Pennsylvania wrestling over Suriano than a Iowa Hawkeye. You'd have to ask him though....:)

Damn, how many times have you been kicked off only to show back up with a new screen name? Also, how many Championships did you predict so I don't have to go back over your millions of posts as Johnstownsteel?
I will also be rooting against Nick unless it benefits PSU. I don't think that's unusual from a fan standpoint. I couldn't wait for the day when Nick went head to head with Fix and Spencer. They'll still be great matches, I'll just be rooting for the other guys now.
No, that's not unusual at all. They'll have you believe otherwise though but you're demonstrating the same reactions they would if in the same boat.
I will also be rooting against Nick unless it benefits PSU. I don't think that's unusual from a fan standpoint. I couldn't wait for the day when Nick went head to head with Fix and Spencer. They'll still be great matches, I'll just be rooting for the other guys now.

I think Cali Nittany summed it up best in two words. Human nature.
I will also be rooting against Nick unless it benefits PSU. I don't think that's unusual from a fan standpoint. I couldn't wait for the day when Nick went head to head with Fix and Spencer. They'll still be great matches, I'll just be rooting for the other guys now.

This I can work with...but I look at it a different way. I wouldn't go out of my way to root for Nick but I would if I were a PSU fan against Iowa and Ohio State because most of the time, it will benefit PSU.
Damn, how many times have you been kicked off only to show back up with a new screen name? Also, how many Championships did you predict so I don't have to go back over your millions of posts as Johnstownsteel?
It doesn't matter what I predicted. Anytime I ever shared any thoughts it was "'re only anti Iowa...PSU homer...blah blah blah bullsh**". I think the last time I made predictions on here I was immediately ejected from your safespace because you didn't want to hear the truth. Or at least what I thought was the truth. Yeah, when Todd Conner predicted like 7-8 AAs and 3 or 4 national champs. No, you all got pissed off when I said you'd have at most 5 AAs and 1 champion. You got pissed when I said only one Champion out of Gilman and Clark. You got pissed when I said Sorensen wouldn't make the finals. Pissed when I didn't put Sammy higher that 5th or 6th. It's what you guys do. You get pissed hearing things you don't want to hear.

Ok. See ya guys later! I'll be back later....under a new name of course.... when I become bored. Not gonna be a good year for the Hawkeyes so I'm gonna do my best to avoid doing that though. I have a feeling your safespace will become tighter and more controlled. :)
2 Things
1) I agree that Suriano never did sound like he bought into the PSU way. It did not seem natural coming from him. I don't know exactly why.
2) Are people saying him going to Rutgers helps the PSU team chances better because he will/may beat Nato? Wouldn't it help the PSU chances more if he was in a PSU uniform? Saying him going to Rutgers helps PSU almost seems like a silly thing to say and I try not to insult people and their opinions. Am I hearing that correctly?
It doesn't matter what I predicted. Anytime I ever shared any thoughts it was "'re only anti Iowa...PSU homer...blah blah blah bullsh**". I think the last time I made predictions on here I was immediately ejected from your safespace because you didn't want to hear the truth. Or at least what I thought was the truth. Yeah, when Todd Conner predicted like 7-8 AAs and 3 or 4 national champs. No, you all got pissed off when I said you'd have at most 5 AAs and 1 champion. You got pissed when I said only one Champion out of Gilman and Clark. You got pissed when I said Sorensen wouldn't make the finals. Pissed when I didn't put Sammy higher that 5th or 6th. It's what you guys do. You get pissed hearing things you don't want to hear.

Ok. See ya guys later! I'll be back later....under a new name of course.... when I become bored. Not gonna be a good year for the Hawkeyes so I'm gonna do my best to avoid doing that though. I have a feeling your safespace will become tighter and more controlled. :)

Calm down and stay awhile. Don't be a jackass in your posts and then everyone will get along fine with you.
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It doesn't matter what I predicted. Anytime I ever shared any thoughts it was "'re only anti Iowa...PSU homer...blah blah blah bullsh**". I think the last time I made predictions on here I was immediately ejected from your safespace because you didn't want to hear the truth. Or at least what I thought was the truth. Yeah, when Todd Conner predicted like 7-8 AAs and 3 or 4 national champs. No, you all got pissed off when I said you'd have at most 5 AAs and 1 champion. You got pissed when I said only one Champion out of Gilman and Clark. You got pissed when I said Sorensen wouldn't make the finals. Pissed when I didn't put Sammy higher that 5th or 6th. It's what you guys do. You get pissed hearing things you don't want to hear.

Ok. See ya guys later! I'll be back later....under a new name of course.... when I become bored. Not gonna be a good year for the Hawkeyes so I'm gonna do my best to avoid doing that though. I have a feeling your safespace will become tighter and more controlled. :)

How many screen names you have? And did you just pretend that you were someone else to post in support of your other screen name?

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It doesn't matter what I predicted. Anytime I ever shared any thoughts it was "'re only anti Iowa...PSU homer...blah blah blah bullsh**". I think the last time I made predictions on here I was immediately ejected from your safespace because you didn't want to hear the truth. Or at least what I thought was the truth. Yeah, when Todd Conner predicted like 7-8 AAs and 3 or 4 national champs. No, you all got pissed off when I said you'd have at most 5 AAs and 1 champion. You got pissed when I said only one Champion out of Gilman and Clark. You got pissed when I said Sorensen wouldn't make the finals. Pissed when I didn't put Sammy higher that 5th or 6th. It's what you guys do. You get pissed hearing things you don't want to hear.

Ok. See ya guys later! I'll be back later....under a new name of course.... when I become bored. Not gonna be a good year for the Hawkeyes so I'm gonna do my best to avoid doing that though. I have a feeling your safespace will become tighter and more controlled. :)

Weren't you the one over on BWI that came up with or supported the theory that Cael ended up kicking Nick off the team and that's why he's now eligible?
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Weren't you the one over on BWI that came up with or supported the theory that Cael ended up kicking Nick off the team and that's why he's now eligible?
Stop asking questions so I can disappear for awhile. Yes, that was me and yes I feel it's quite possible that could have happened. Let me ask you guys something, do you think the Brands brothers would keep someone in their room out of spite? I mean, if they had a kid that didn't want to be there, kid finds out if he transferred he lose loses a year of eligibility so he decides to stay. Do you think Brands would have him back even though he'd rather be representing some other school? I'm not sure they would.

I think it's entirely possible that when this all came to a head, Nick was going to come back to not lose a year. I think it's possible Cael decided to release him from the team because he didn't want a guy in his room that would rather be representing Rutgers. I also think it's entirely possible Nick got a pass by the Big10 if he presented the case that he was no longer accepted at PSU.
You know a hint of Fall is in the air when Chief starts to work off the summer fuzzies and get into shape for another season of HR-BWI battle! November is but 8 weeks away . . . ;)

On a serious note, yeah, some of us are quite aware of the change in overall BWI tone since Suriano was granted the waiver. But there are definitely different factions with different opinions/perspectives on the situation. It's just that one faction happens to be the most vocal one right now.
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You know a hint of Fall is in the air when Chief starts to work off the summer fuzzies and get into shape for another season of HR-BWI battle! November is but 8 weeks away . . . ;)

On a serious note, yeah, some of us are quite aware of the change in overall BWI tone since Suriano was granted the waiver. But there are definitely different factions with different opinions/perspectives on the situation. It's just that one faction happens to be the most vocal one right now.

This I acknowledge. You guys have many classy posting some of the bad apples does not take away from that. I think most of us understand that. But there can be only one cesspool, amiright? ;) You are right tho...I feel dirty rooting for Zain all summer. Have to get back into character.
Stop asking questions so I can disappear for awhile. Yes, that was me and yes I feel it's quite possible that could have happened. Let me ask you guys something, do you think the Brands brothers would keep someone in their room out of spite? I mean, if they had a kid that didn't want to be there, kid finds out if he transferred he lose loses a year of eligibility so he decides to stay. Do you think Brands would have him back even though he'd rather be representing some other school? I'm not sure they would.

I think it's entirely possible that when this all came to a head, Nick was going to come back to not lose a year. I think it's possible Cael decided to release him from the team because he didn't want a guy in his room that would rather be representing Rutgers. I also think it's entirely possible Nick got a pass by the Big10 if he presented the case that he was no longer accepted at PSU.

So, you're sticking with that? Obviously, I don't think any coach would want a guy that is not all in to be on their team. However, I think the possibility of that scenario playing out that way is very slim. I could be wrong though. As a Penn State fan, you want that to be the truth and so you're more inclined to believe it, that's what fans do. In reality, no fan of any team wants to hear the real truth if it is negative, especially if that comes from someone on the outside. On a more serious note though, do you not have any other hobbies besides creating new sn's so you can post on here?
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Good thing we were all super classy over Mocco leaving us after winning a title, so now we have a moral high ground to stand on.
Good thing we were all super classy over Mocco leaving us after winning a title, so now we have a moral high ground to stand on.

Were the threads pretty brutal when that happened? I am sure Iowa fans can say it was different because Mocco had won and Suriano will now be lucky to win one according to some on BWI.
Were the threads pretty brutal when that happened? I am sure Iowa fans can say it was different because Mocco had won and Suriano will now be lucky to win one according to some on BWI.

Uh...yes. Does "The Great Pumpkin" ring a bell at all?
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So, you're sticking with that? Obviously, I don't think any coach would want a guy that is not all in to be on their team. However, I think the possibility of that scenario playing out that way is very slim. I could be wrong though. As a Penn State fan, you want that to be the truth and so you're more inclined to believe it, that's what fans do. In reality, no fan of any team wants to hear the real truth if it is negative, especially if that comes from someone on the outside. On a more serious note though, do you not have any other hobbies besides creating new sn's so you can post on here?
Fair enough but if you dig deep enough over there, I think you'll find that's the way I thought things would end throughout most of the summer. I took some flack for making comments that I thought Nick had Cael in a tough spot and was struggling with the thought of having someone in his room that really doesn't want to be there. Anyway, it's a theory of mine and yes I may as well stick with it. Nothing has pointed to my being wrong yet although I admit it's entirely possible.
Amazing how Suriano went to mud over at BWI. Not even a good wrestler and will have a difficult time winning one championship. I get being mad but facts are facts...Suriano walked out of high school into a top 3 finish had he not got injured. This without many decent workout partners. Also, he hasn't said anything public against PSU. But damn if they aren't taking it to him.
I'm not sure I agree with this, didn't he have Mega to roll with?
To be fair, Mocco transferring and Suriano transferring were not remotely the same. Mocco wasn't "going back home" to wrestle. Mocco wasn't injured at the end of his previous season and rushed back to practice in hopes of getting points in the tournament. Mocco's coach didn't publicly tell the media that he was ready to wrestle and unable to understand his own injury. Mocco went to a heated rival who had just won the last NCAA championship and poised to continue the streak. And the final difference is that Mocco was released immediately.

But yes, certain fans on this board were not pleased he left.
"I too never got the feeling that Suriano totally bought in to the program. Never smiled, or looked like he was enjoying what he was doing."

ahh hahahaha. props to this guy for at least avoiding the f word. The most important thing to PSU wrestlers and fans is that they look like they're having f*n. Until David Taylor exposed that winning is actually what's really important. PSUs f*n affair is one of the most funny things in all of sports - a beautiful combination of irony and hypocrisy.
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Good thing we were all super classy over Mocco leaving us after winning a title, so now we have a moral high ground to stand on.

Which was never really the point...HR gets a lot of sh*t for not being "classy." Truth is, we are just like anybody else. BWI is just like anybody else. Some of their fans were like "Best to Nick but lets move on" and the others were as you saw above. Only one of us pretends to be above the fray.
Sounded like Suriano and family weren't thrilled about how they wanted him to treat his injury. Sounded like Penn St was pushing for surgery, and Suriano didn't agree. Probably more to the story that might not come out for a long time, if ever.
Sounded like Suriano and family weren't thrilled about how they wanted him to treat his injury. Sounded like Penn St was pushing for surgery, and Suriano didn't agree. Probably more to the story that might not come out for a long time, if ever.
"I had a title stripped from opportunity stripped from me...". One could say he wanted to wrestle at NCAAs and Cael held him out.

Ya know....since we are guessing and all...
Sounded like Suriano and family weren't thrilled about how they wanted him to treat his injury. Sounded like Penn St was pushing for surgery, and Suriano didn't agree. Probably more to the story that might not come out for a long time, if ever.

I think you have it backwards. Cael is on record saying Nick was making more out of the injury than warranted. That doesn't sound like a coach pushing for surgery.