Nikki Haley announces she is running for President

P with the current age of the president. I would say this election if he runs is the most important VP choic
I can literally go find the exact same posts from 2020. It had little to no impact.

People do not care about a VP. Even with an older president because they aren't making a choice for something that might or might not happen. They vote for party first, then a candidate then "Local" issues. The VP rarely comes up as a deciding factor.

In this case, Joe, life expentency is another 8 years. And that is just the average. Most of the ones who bring that down are already sick.

The whole Kamala Harris thing is diven by people who don't like her for political or race or whatever reasons. Its why she got few primary votes. But, she doesn't have much of an imapct. Just like any other VP even with a president of Biden's age.
I can literally go find the exact same posts from 2020. It had little to no impact.
I’m sure some people were saying this but I think haveing the right candidate was the biggest thing to take down trump. This is a different election with a different set of circumstances
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I have seen it suggested that the RNC is trying to get a number of not quite as crazy as Trump candidates on the primary, so they pull votes from DeSantis and then Trump wins handily. Because you have that fairly large population withing the party that will vote Trump no matter what (30%+ at least probably).
Are you suggesting the RNC is intentionally trying to tank the 2024 presidential election?
A few thoughts:
1. VP picks can be consequential. (e.g. Sarah Palin). Maybe not voting FOR the VP candidate but arguably some number of voters changed their vote because it.
2. Biden’s VP pick if running against Trump - probably not that consequential because overriding concern is keeping Cheeto Mussolini out of office.
3. Biden’s VP pick if running against anyone other than Trump - Very consequential (IMO) because now the overriding concern is comparing his VP to the GQP’s presidential nominee.
Threading the Trump needle = no backbone.

I know I’m asking a lot for politicians to do what Cheney and Kinzinger did, but they should be the standard. Not someone like Haley who alternated between tepid indirect criticism and sucking up/ass kissing.
....and Cheney and Kinzinger don't have jobs anymore. It is what it is...
Sorry, I thought it was obvious that I was asking why you think your claims are what you claim.

Why are these the only conditions that Biden could get rid of Harris as his next running mate?

1) She has to agree
2) Give her a cabinet position she'd be willing to take.

Why can't you just shit can her?

Can't just shit can her...even though she's a net negative for the administration.
I guess he could just toss her but I think there'd be some unwanted blowback.
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As a progressive, Biden and Kamela were two of my least favorite picks of all the candidates from the primary. While Republicans keep pushing further right with their ideologies, dems seemed content to do what they've done for 30 years. Maintain the status quo. For me, both are too centrist. When Kamala was announced as the VP a lot of people were pissed. It seemed that Democrats were more interested in getting the support of centrist republicans (who would gladly obstruct them at every turn) than the support of progressives in their own party.

Kamela was simply a pick to keep the status quo to go along with "Nothing will fundamentally change" Biden. Not a great picture to paint when so many are suffering and struggling.

While I've been somewhat pleasantly surprised by some things that Dark Brandon has done and it's more than I expected, he's got a lot more to do for me to be content. Meanwhile Kamela has been almost completely absent.

I haven't seen or heard anything about her in months - maybe that's the media's fault for not sharing or my own for not caring.
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As a progressive, Biden and Kamela were two of my least favorite picks of all the candidates from the primary. While Republicans keep pushing further right with their ideologies, dems seemed content to do what they've done for 30 years. Maintain the status quo. For me, both are too centrist. When Kamala was announced as the VP a lot of people were pissed. It seemed that Democrats were more interested in getting the support of centrist republicans (who would gladly obstruct them at every turn) than the support of progressives in their own party.

Kamela was simply a pick to keep the status quo to go along with "Nothing will fundamentally change" Biden. Not a great picture to paint when so many are suffering and struggling.

While I've been somewhat pleasantly surprised by some things that Dark Brandon has done and it's more than I expected, he's got a lot more to do for me to be content. Meanwhile Kamela has been almost completely absent.

I haven't seen or heard anything about her in months - maybe that's the media's fault for not sharing or my own for not caring.
Per news articles that has been purposely done to keep her out of the public.
R's want women to cum 2nd. That's why she'll be a vp at best.
R's audition their women based on looks and whether they can do what they're told. Kimmy, Norem are just an extension of the Fox news women. Good looking, can form a sentence, and will do what they are told to do. All kimmy's idea's come from ALEC.
Find me a highly intelligent ugly republican woman in the past 15-20 years. They are rare.
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R's want women to cum 2nd. That's why she'll be a vp at best.
R's audition their women based on looks and whether they can do what they're told. Kimmy, Norem are just an extension of the Fox news women. Good looking, can form a sentence, and will do what they are told to do. All kimmy's idea's come from ALEC.
Find me a highly intelligent ugly republican woman in the past 15-20 years. They are rare.
Republican women are ugly on the inside.
R's want women to cum 2nd. That's why she'll be a vp at best.
R's audition their women based on looks and whether they can do what they're told. Kimmy, Norem are just an extension of the Fox news women. Good looking, can form a sentence, and will do what they are told to do. All kimmy's idea's come from ALEC.
Find me a highly intelligent ugly republican woman in the past 15-20 years. They are rare.
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Interesting, they say why - paraphrasing?
The NYT did a piece on here a week or so ago and I’ll post an article highlighting it because you have to pay to read it.

“A trio of Times reporters spoke to dozens of Democrats and concluded the obvious: Harris has become a problem for the party. Influential Democrats don’t want Biden to retire because they know Harris can’t win in 2024. But he can’t dump her from the reelection campaign, for fear of infuriating what the Times calls “key Democratic constituencies.” Nevertheless, keeping Harris as vice president may be even more risky for an 82-year-old candidate than it was for, say, a 68-year-old George H. W. Bush to keep Dan Quayle on the ticket when he ran for re-election in 1992.”

This basically sums it up. She is polling lower than Biden and was never that popular of a pick or candidate. It was well documented that once her history of being the AG of California was brought up during the primaries people told her to kick rocks. She came off as super unlikeable once the primaries started.
The NYT did a piece on here a week or so ago and I’ll post an article highlighting it because you have to pay to read it.

“A trio of Times reporters spoke to dozens of Democrats and concluded the obvious: Harris has become a problem for the party. Influential Democrats don’t want Biden to retire because they know Harris can’t win in 2024. But he can’t dump her from the reelection campaign, for fear of infuriating what the Times calls “key Democratic constituencies.” Nevertheless, keeping Harris as vice president may be even more risky for an 82-year-old candidate than it was for, say, a 68-year-old George H. W. Bush to keep Dan Quayle on the ticket when he ran for re-election in 1992.”

This basically sums it up. She is polling lower than Biden and was never that popular of a pick or candidate. It was well documented that once her history of being the AG of California was brought up during the primaries people told her to kick rocks. She came off as super unlikeable once the primaries started.
About what I expected, echoes my thoughts since the primaries as well. Thanks.
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I don't see how she is viable. Nothing she is saying is unique among Republicans. To the opposite, her platform is so generic it's boring. So what lane can she possibly carve out? How does she stand out when she is so intent on blending in?
So this is the new angle? Announce a run, not attack your opponent, and then what? Hope you get a VP slot? Jesus, Republicans suck.
I think the RNC is limiting this tbh. This is my theory so take it for what it’s worth but I think these candidates will all try to not engage trump. The best thing for them to do is to not get in a pissing match with Trump. Just Keep him out of the news and talk about policies and look as sane as possible.

I can see why they would be doing this at this current stage of the election cycle. Wait until there is more candidates and closer to the debates then go on the attack. Robby D and Nimmy Haley are taking passive aggressive shots at him right now.
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Hmmm was the same guy 77 just a few years ago and people asking and stating the exact same thing and then he picked a person who had little to no impact on his votes?
Running against Donald Trump...better hope he's the opponent again or his age and VP will be issues like it or not.