Nimmers Tranferring

Please...dont insult our intelligence. Your selective use of Trump during your invective when Biden is the prez and had total control to change tax policy is, obviously, a political shot. Not a reasoned discussion of tax policy. Typical hypocrisy on this board - MAKE it political and then decry its political.
Trump voted it into law hence the use of his name. For christ sake I have no idea if Biden's administration even had the ability to reverse it. That's what you've said but that could be BS for all I know. If true, then they should have done so and share some responsibility.

Also from what I'm reading, Biden's 2024 proposal walks back a lot of the cuts from the 2017 reform. So I guess your argument is not valid.
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What incentive do you have to grow a business if you are just going to be taxed at an increased rate? And you fail to understand why tax breaks are given. Most of them at the local level. Ever wonder why all of those employees wear their name tags when they go out to lunch? Because it is a give and take. When corporations do well they hire more people. The federal government gets the vast majority of tax revenue from individuals. So ultimately the healthier the corporations are the better it is for everyone. Stopy worrying about or simply being jealous of the select CEO's who make the big money and pay more attention about who donates to who. Might surprise you a bit and give you more insight why the laws don't get changed. And here is a hint - they don't all identify as GOP.
Correct, the majority of the super rich are aligned with democrats currently.

They will back which ever side is most totalitarian.
What in the heck does Trump and Biden have to do with Nimmers transferring.

Don't you realize? The next time you see sky, it'll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the bestest of stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what's right for them. Because it's their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here. That's all over the second we ride up Troy's bucket.
Some people just are addicted to making anything about politics. There is more to life than team blue or red, here it's team black and yellow - keep that other muck in the OTs!
No doubt, I heard that pizza was a good food and I need help picking a favorite
I wonder if Nimmers was not selected for the foreign trip and yhat was part of his decision to transfer...

The thread has turned sour. Has he selected a new school yet?
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I wonder if Nimmers was not selected for the foreign trip and yhat was part of his decision to transfer...

The thread has turned sour. Has he selected a new school yet?
I doubt it was anything other than a financial reason.

He had to pay a lot of money to be a practice player at iowa.
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I have a serious question .....

When making spaghetti at home, is it better to use pork sausage or seasoned ground beef?
I doubt it was anything other than a financial reason.

He had to pay a lot of money to be a practice player at iowa.
Agree. And obviously it looked like he wasn't going to play and made the right decision for himself. Hopefully he gets a chance at Western Illinois, if true, and makes something of it.
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Agree. And obviously it looked like he wasn't going to play and made the right decision for himself. Hopefully he gets a chance at Western Illinois, if true, and makes something of it.
No doubt, the question is did Fran make the right decision by not keeping him.

Will be interesting to see how it plays out for him.
College was never meant to get you a job. College is for learning. I'd much rather live in a highly educated society. These uneducated people can vote and look where that's got us.

Also, someone can easily go to trade school after college or instead of college if they want. I'm 36 years old and a software engineer and still take college courses that interest me.
Well aren't you Fing special that you are a software engineer. I have met and worked with plenty of people that are extremely bright and do a good job that did't have a advanced degree. A diploma doesn't make you smarter than someone else.

I have two masters degrees in business and marketing and was very successful running a company until I retired. My Dad had a high school education but had a very profitable construction business and retired confortably. One of the smartest, most common sensical men I've known.

Too bad you judge people that you feel are uneducated. I'll bet many of them work a lot harder than you.
Well aren't you Fing special that you are a software engineer. I have met and worked with plenty of people that are extremely bright and do a good job that did't have a advanced degree. A diploma doesn't make you smarter than someone else.

I have two masters degrees in business and marketing and was very successful running a company until I retired. My Dad had a high school education but had a very profitable construction business and retired confortably. One of the smartest, most common sensical men I've known.

Too bad you judge people that you feel are uneducated. I'll bet many of them work a lot harder than you.

Probably. I'm extremely lazy and have been falling forward my whole life.
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No idea. Just wondering why else he'd come back if it was in fact the scholarship issue that drove him away. Of course sometimes a lack of interest from attractive destinations can have a sobering effect as well. One of those 2 reasons I'd imagine.
I was joking but it would have been a good idea.

Someone posted something about the swarm in another thread, no idea if thats a real thing but it would make sense.
Well aren't you Fing special that you are a software engineer. I have met and worked with plenty of people that are extremely bright and do a good job that did't have a advanced degree. A diploma doesn't make you smarter than someone else.

I have two masters degrees in business and marketing and was very successful running a company until I retired. My Dad had a high school education but had a very profitable construction business and retired confortably. One of the smartest, most common sensical men I've known.

Too bad you judge people that you feel are uneducated. I'll bet many of them work a lot harder than you.
I guess you think your family is special as well.
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I'm already taxed into oblivion. I would just rather have it invested in the people than in endless war and passion projects by greedy politicians and their contractor friends.

Then quit the freaking the endless war shit. Tens of trillions spent on Afghanistan and Iraq. Move military bases to northern climates so training will be miserable. Quit pouring money into the Southern states that fattened themselves on the endless flow.

Ike had the correct angle. We are trapped in the endless tides of fueling the military complex. It owns us. Bitch about food stamps and social program spending, Multi-billion dollar military projects that fail and scrapped are invisible to the public, and often not taken seriously.

In this age of hi-tech massive spending failures are inevitable. Congressional oversight is the means to monitor, and this demands competence. Expertise in technology and contracting is not intuitive or evolve with "Weaponization Committees". This is why term limits are not wise, so congress members carry expertise and knowledge regardless of party affiliation. Ideological battles can be fought on how to use weapons, but the substance, if or how they are made is not necessarily negotiable.
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Then quit the freaking the endless war shit. Tens of trillions spent on Afghanistan and Iraq. Move military bases to northern climates so training will be miserable. Quit pouring money into the Southern states that fattened themselves on the endless flow.

Ike had the correct angle. We are trapped in the endless tides of fueling the military complex. It owns us. Bitch about food stamps and social program spending, Multi-billion dollar military projects that fail and scrapped are invisible to the public, and often not taken seriously.

In this age of hi-tech massive spending failures are inevitable. Congressional oversight is the means to monitor, and this demands competence. Expertise in technology and contracting is not intuitive or evolve with "Weaponization Committees". This is why term limits are not wise, so congress members carry expertise and knowledge regardless of party affiliation. Ideological battles can be fought on how to use weapons, but the substance, if or how they are made is not necessarily negotiable.
Please. The Southern states have far fewer military basis than the south does. There are less than 100 military bases in the south including the naval basis of the Atlantic fleet. There are over 220 military bases in non-southern states. Only 3 southern states have at least 10 bases as opposed to their being 7 non-southern states that have at least 20 bases. California has the most with 42 bases. The most any state has in the south is Florida with 27.
I'm amazed how many people don't take the time to actually do a little research on their own and just believe the crap they hear. The south has had never had more bases than the other parts of the country. Recent base closures only made the south's numbers closer as more bases by about 3 to 1 were closed outside of the south.
But hey. you keep believing what you want instead of using actual facts.

Oh, and why would you want to move bases out of the warm south into the cold north when the vast majority of places the US is most likely to be involved in a war have very warm climates. Outside of Siberia, and northern parts of Russia the potential for cold weather operations is almost nil.
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