November is going to be a bloodbath

So we should be like you...sit in the middle and just bitch???
You might as well. Better to be realistic than to sit in fantasy land and actually think politicians care about anything other than money

Even the new members who are full of good intentions and ideals turn corrupt when surrounded by the scumbags in DC

I could be like many on this board and argue about Hunter vs The Trump kids. I choose to say they are all POS.

Again it’s a free country to feel however. I personally don’t have faith in either party doing logical policy. But I’m cynical by nature
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I agree. Immigration reform is necessary. Good luck getting the kids into one room though.
My check list
1. Punishment for habitual employer hiring
2. Southern Mexico border needs secured more for flow of refugees
3. Sanctuary should be processed for Mexico, Canada, US as one economic unit.
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My check list
1. Punishment for habitual employer hiring
2. Southern Mexico border needs secured more for flow of refugees
3. Sanctuary should be processed for Mexico, Canada, US as one economic unit.
I definitely agree with 1 & 2. The third one I would need to think about in more depth. Are you proposing some type of common sanctuary rules for 3 nations?
I definitely agree with 1 & 2. The third one I would need to think about in more depth. Are you proposing some type of common sanctuary rules for 3 nations?
Something that goes hand in hand with economic and political realities. NAFtA has caused a bit of an economic and political buffer for Mexico. Since Canada is part of it. Think it’s important for the economies to share the burden in the region. Long term this helps out Central America as well. Maybe even long term an EU employment share system.
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Something that goes hand in hand with economic and political realities. NAFtA has caused a bit of an economic and political buffer for Mexico. Since Canada is part of it. Think it’s important for the economies to share the burden in the region. Long term this helps out Central America as well. Maybe even long term an EU employment share system.
Definitely intriguing. It would be difficult but could be worth it as well.
You might as well. Better to be realistic than to sit in fantasy land and actually think politicians care about anything other than money

Even the new members who are full of good intentions and ideals turn corrupt when surrounded by the scumbags in DC

I could be like many on this board and argue about Hunter vs The Trump kids. I choose to say they are all POS.

Again it’s a free country to feel however. I personally don’t have faith in either party doing logical policy. But I’m cynical by nature

I am with you. I think the Citizen's United decision is the most damaging Court Case in US History. No matter left or right, you should want fair elections about ideas, and not bought and paid for politicians. We cant get meaningful legislation in any number of areas.
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You can hate Trump all you want but you are lying to yourself if you trying to make an argument that we are better off now under Biden. Hilarious that people are pushing the "dictator" fear mongering unless I missed when he put all those minorities and
It isn't what I hate, it's what 2020 showed us, and what polling tells us. Women don't like having their bodily autonomy taken away from them. The didn't like the non-stop drama under Trump. Moderate Republicans and independents don't miss the dysfunctional WH, and the whiny prattling of Trump on Twitter.
You are in the cult, which is why you do not grasp reality. Trump lost the popular vote, and the EC rather handily.
Trump might lose by 10 to 15 million votes in November. These results are fascinating in New Hampshire. Trumps gonna lose the suburbs in record fashion for an R nominee in November.
You need to stop watching CNN and see what is happening in the real world.

90% of the Dems I know probably won't vote for Trump but have told me they won't be complicit in giving Biden a 2nd term. They will vote for local and state candidates but not put a vote on the ballot for President.
You need to stop watching CNN and see what is happening in the real world.

90% of the Dems I know probably won't vote for Trump but have told me they won't be complicit in giving Biden a 2nd term. They will vote for local and state candidates but not put a vote on the ballot for President.
I have never talked once with any friend about who they are voting for.

Maybe its time to find hobbies or a life
This is a replay of 2016 where democrats insist their candidate can't lose to a buffoon like Trump

Trump is going to win. It won't be close. The only chance of that not happening is a viable candidate on the left that will appeal to the majority of Americans and had name recognition.

Someone like a Mark Cuban for example could throw his hat in the ring and I would bet money he would win
It isn't what I hate, it's what 2020 showed us, and what polling tells us. Women don't like having their bodily autonomy taken away from them. The didn't like the non-stop drama under Trump. Moderate Republicans and independents don't miss the dysfunctional WH, and the whiny prattling of Trump on Twitter.
You are in the cult, which is why you do not grasp reality. Trump lost the popular vote, and the EC rather handily.
The vast majority of educated women (not those on welfare) feel killing a baby just because you can is barbaric not acceptable. You'll find that women are more concerned about the failure at the southern border and the failed economy as opposed to your silly thoughts on bodily autonomy.
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This is a replay of 2016 where democrats insist their candidate can't lose to a buffoon like Trump

Trump is going to win. It won't be close. The only chance of that not happening is a viable candidate on the left that will appeal to the majority of Americans and had name recognition.

Someone like a Mark Cuban for example could throw his hat in the ring and I would bet money he would win
2016 shocked a lot of people. However, he's not the new guy to roll the dice on anymore. People, by and large, know what an awful president he was. And everyone knows what an awful person he is.

Don't underestimate the efforts to turn out the vote against the villain.
2016 shocked a lot of people. However, he's not the new guy to roll the dice on anymore. People, by and large, know what an awful president he was. And everyone knows what an awful person he is.

Don't underestimate the efforts to turn out the vote against the villain.
You live in a bubble

Same bullshit type comment from 2016.
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2016 shocked a lot of people. However, he's not the new guy to roll the dice on anymore. People, by and large, know what an awful president he was. And everyone knows what an awful person he is.

Don't underestimate the efforts to turn out the vote against the villain.
Those same people see the 15 million illegals that have invaded our country under Joe Biden

Those same people see Biden trip and fall time after time.

Those same people see Biden unable to complete a sentence without mumbling and losing track of what he was saying.

Those same people see an economy that is failing.

Those same people do not want another 4 years of Joe and Kammy.
You live in a bubble
I don't think Trump has a chance of flipping WI. Roe v Wade seems to have flipped the state from purple to light blue at the least. The special statewide elections since that decision have been bloodbaths for Rs.
I don't think that it will play well with the suburban folks. But it only matters in a handful of states. And Trump is becoming more and more popular with minorities. Trump's personality, drama and MAGAness might turn off suburban folks but it has resonated more with minorities than recent Republicans. Turns out whites aren't the only deplorables.

I realize the results suck tonight for those who want someone other than Trump leading Team Red, but the sad reality is that Trump could win for Team Red. Would it be preferable and much easier with Haley? Of course, and I realize that's frustrating and it's an indictment of Team Red. The truly crazy thing is that after everything that has happened and likely will continue to happen, Trump might win.
This. He only needs to flip a few states. Consider this. He had 232 electoral votes last time. He would need 270. That's only 38 more electoral votes. If he were to flip Georgia (very possible imo), Arizona(also very possible) and PA (less likely but possible. That is 47 electoral votes and enough for him to regain power. This is much much more likely than people realize.

I think this election is basically a coin flip.
This. He only needs to flip a few states. Consider this. He had 232 electoral votes last time. He would need 270. That's only 38 more electoral votes. If he were to flip Georgia (very possible imo), Arizona(also very possible) and PA (less likely but possible. That is 47 electoral votes and enough for him to regain power. This is much much more likely than people realize.

I think this election is basically a coin flip.
It isn't even that close and you are right. It is truly stunning to watch the arrogance of tge democrats as if Trump isn't capable. It is the exact same script as 2016
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Don’t threaten me with a good time

In all seriousness, I’m more optimistic about the general election than I was a month or two ago. Trump so clearly dominating the GOP this early gives Dems a clear message all year to campaign on.

There are no undecideds in this election are there?
Trump might lose by 10 to 15 million votes in November. These results are fascinating in New Hampshire. Trumps gonna lose the suburbs in record fashion for an R nominee in November.

He lost by 7 million last time, but the Democratic voters were much more motivated than they are this cycle. I think the popular vote is a toss-up, and I think Trump wins the Electoral College handily.

Which is almost better than the constitutional crisis that will arise if he loses,
I don't think that it will play well with the suburban folks. But it only matters in a handful of states. And Trump is becoming more and more popular with minorities. Trump's personality, drama and MAGAness might turn off suburban folks but it has resonated more with minorities than recent Republicans. Turns out whites aren't the only deplorables.

I realize the results suck tonight for those who want someone other than Trump leading Team Red, but the sad reality is that Trump could win for Team Red. Would it be preferable and much easier with Haley? Of course, and I realize that's frustrating and it's an indictment of Team Red. The truly crazy thing is that after everything that has happened and likely will continue to happen, Trump might win.

Trump owning the GOP is an indictment of the GOP. The he could well win the election is an indictment of our country.
It isn't just his demeanor, they dislike what he actually does. And, it isn't just suburban moms. There are a lot of rural moms who will be able to swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan who don't like what he has done, and rants about doing if he's elected again.
Lots of suburban men that don’t like him either btw. Or people with higher degrees period.
If Nicky can’t win in her home state of SC next month then we’ll know it’s over. She’s got a chance and roughly a month to figure it out. I’m not very hopeful that she can actually turn the momentum around in her favor.

It’s already over. Trump leads her by 50 points in the GOP polls. She has a couple of weeks left, tops.
I miss those days when Trump was downright lying to the American people about Covid, mismanaging the government’s response to it, and grifting all the way through the process.

Better off? Maybe just a smidge.

Also: would love to see you complete the thought about “put all those minorities and…”. That’s a stream of consciousness that I just know is gonna be substantial.
15 down to zero. Everything will be open by Easter.
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GOP controlled states where he loses will choose to throw out the election results and pick the electors themselves. They are locked and loaded.
Based upon what Constitutional provisions?

A: There are none. They can try to send fake electors, again, but this time they'll be arrested immediately.

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