November is going to be a bloodbath

You think 9 months of Donald Trump giving the same old tired speech while also going in and out of courtrooms all across the country is going to go well with suburban folks?
If I’m his advisors I’m worried about Trump doing Trump things to Haley for the next two months. He’s going to go low in his attacks. He’s a raging misogynist and that’s going to impact moderate women. “Bird brain”, isn’t going to score well with them.
Trump has an extra gear of hatred for women who defy him.
This is the #1 reason to not like Kamala.
This guy was just operating a harmless revenge website and bam, along comes Kamala.

I don't agree with that at all. She stands for nothing, is a spineless coward and now embraces a full abortion ban.

I don’t get how any able thinking American can be energized by either one of these piece of shit candidates or parties

They only care about enriching themselves, family, friends and donors. That is how policy is decided . $$$
We’ve got a “both sides” guy equating Biden with Trump. This is your brilliant American voting public. 🤦‍♂️
Every trump primary victory is one step closer to Biden's 2nd term, and the short-sighted Rs voting for him either don't get it or would rather have Biden than Haley.


I'll be honest. I don't get the hate. I think she would be as serviceable as Biden.
I don't feel she would be able to work with Congress, especially this Congress, nearly as well as Biden could. The fact that Biden was able to get any legislation passed at all is a freaking miracle. But if there is a Republican majority in the House and Senate she will sign any POS piece of legislation they come up with and it gets to her desk. She will be a rubber stamp for them.
I don't feel she would be able to work with Congress, especially this Congress, nearly as well as Biden could. The fact that Biden was able to get any legislation passed at all is a freaking miracle. But if there is a Republican majority in the House and Senate she will sign any POS piece of legislation they come up with and it gets to her desk. She will be a rubber stamp for them.
Why do you think Harris would be a rubber stamp for a Republican majority? I'm confused by your response to CLUB's post about VP Harris.
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If Nicky can’t win in her home state of SC next month then we’ll know it’s over. She’s got a chance and roughly a month to figure it out. I’m not very hopeful that she can actually turn the momentum around in her favor.
We know it’s over already. No non-incumbent R-nominee has ever lost Iowa and New Hampshire and got the nomination.

But we all knew it was over before the election started anyways. Everyone with any sense knew Trump would be the Republican nominee.
I don't feel she would be able to work with Congress, especially this Congress, nearly as well as Biden could. The fact that Biden was able to get any legislation passed at all is a freaking miracle. But if there is a Republican majority in the House and Senate she will sign any POS piece of legislation they come up with and it gets to her desk. She will be a rubber stamp for them.
Explain. I disagree 100%
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Explain. I disagree 100%
Then listen to what she is saying during her campaign. Full abortion ban? Sure thing! Send it in! Immigration? Death traps at the border!! She is only for these because she knows that there is no way people in the party will vote for her if she doesn't. Do you think she'll suddenly take the opposite position of the people who are running the Congressional GOP members as President? You would never get nominated if you did that.
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Then listen to what she is saying during her campaign. Full abortion ban? Sure thing! Send it in! Immigration? Death traps at the border!! She is only for these because she knows that there is no way people in the party will vote for her if she doesn't. Do you think she'll suddenly take the opposite position of the people who are running the Congressional GOP members as President? You would never get nominated if you did that.
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Look st the picture the person you responded to quoted
Fair enough. I didn't look at the post that was quoted. I just didn't count on Kamala Harris becoming the subject of a thread about Haley. That's on me. I should have known better.
Then listen to what she is saying during her campaign. Full abortion ban? Sure thing! Send it in! Immigration? Death traps at the border!! She is only for these because she knows that there is no way people in the party will vote for her if she doesn't. Do you think she'll suddenly take the opposite position of the people who are running the Congressional GOP members as President? You would never get nominated if you did that.
What are you talking about?

Ah I see. No, I was questioning the hatred for Harris.
I’m not one to cheer on the Koch network, but interesting to note their internal polling data. Not too far-fetched to think about some dark money flowing to the Supreme Court to get a favorable ruling on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

The establishment knows Trump is a loser and a down-ballot drag as well.

If I’m his advisors I’m worried about Trump doing Trump things to Haley for the next two months. He’s going to go low in his attacks. He’s a raging misogynist and that’s going to impact moderate women. “Bird brain”, isn’t going to score well with them.
Trump has an extra gear of hatred for women who defy him.
Crazy Filthy Don is one sick prick, me, i'll be voting straight D. WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS.
If Nicky can’t win in her home state of SC next month then we’ll know it’s over. She’s got a chance and roughly a month to figure it out. I’m not very hopeful that she can actually turn the momentum around in her favor.
She’s polling around 13. So it’s going to take a miracle
I don't think that it will play well with the suburban folks. But it only matters in a handful of states. And Trump is becoming more and more popular with minorities. Trump's personality, drama and MAGAness might turn off suburban folks but it has resonated more with minorities than recent Republicans. Turns out whites aren't the only deplorables.

I realize the results suck tonight for those who want someone other than Trump leading Team Red, but the sad reality is that Trump could win for Team Red. Would it be preferable and much easier with Haley? Of course, and I realize that's frustrating and it's an indictment of Team Red. The truly crazy thing is that after everything that has happened and likely will continue to happen, Trump might win.
He’s become ing more popular with minorities. But will it off set the amount of white voters the Republicans continue to lose. It’s definitely interesting.
This is the #1 reason to not like Kamala.
This guy was just operating a harmless revenge website and bam, along comes Kamala.

Just takes away his Freedom of Speech like she'll take away YOUR GUNS, yo!!!

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