Now that Fauci has publicly admitted to being a Total Fraud

Will Joes Place apologize or dig in?

  • Total voters
They died despite all those restrictions and mandates. They weren't going to be saved by anything we could have done.
You folks look at things as black and white when the world is so much more complicated than that. New viruses arise. Precautions are established. Lessons are learned. Vaccines are developed. Viruses mutate. Lessons need to be relearned. New precautions are established. Vaccine effectiveness waivers. When it comes to public health and especially a novel virus, there are very few things that bring 100% certainty and yet you can be so sure that lives weren't saved due to the restrictions and mandates and vaccines. You ignore that timeline and continuum of changes as if everything today is as it was when the virus first arrived. Why is that Nostradamus?
You folks look at things as black and white when the world is so much more complicated than that. New viruses arise. Precautions are established. Lessons are learned. Vaccines are developed. Viruses mutate. Lessons need to be relearned. New precautions are established. Vaccine effectiveness waivers. When it comes to public health and especially a novel virus, there are very few things that bring 100% certainty and yet you can be so sure that lives weren't saved due to the restrictions and mandates and vaccines. You ignore that timeline and continuum of changes as if everything today is as it was when the virus first arrived. Why is that Nostradamus?
Perfectly stated
Cute strawman but no one expected perfect. But we should damn well have expected and honesty and transparency.
Fauci wrote an article in February, 2020 saying covid was akin to severe flu, then later warned of its catastrophic potential.

He stated that Trump never once balked at his advice; followed Tony’s advice like a good little lap dog.

He mocked the idea of wearing face masks, then a couple months later actually called for double masking: “…it just makes sense”

He and his team made up the 6 ft rule.

He and his team never based the masking of children on any research.

He warned of the potential dangers of immune enhancement with mRNA vaccines then immediately reversed course after the election and said their mandating was certainly valid.

Idiot and/or liar.
Wow, what a weak argument, especially given in the context he said it in.

But he did make one point, because the right is too dumb to argue science, they attack the scientist.
The point is that what Fauci was saying was made up garbage, not science. It was fiction. All of it. Social distancing, masking, shelter in place, the wet market, herd immunity, the vaccine stopping transmission, ivermectin being horse medicine, it was all a lie and Tony "I am science" Fauci knew it.
He should have resigned the day he admitted he lied about masks. He might have had a very good reason for lying, but as soon as he admitted he lied, he lost all credibility. And someone in his position has to be 100% credible.
As we learn more and more how he funnelled money through shell companies into the Wuhan lab, it is becoming more apparent that he should be in prison.
No one's really answered my question. Why all the disdain for just Fauci? We were the 11th or 12th country to mandate masks and initiate lockdowns. You'd swear by the posts in this thread Fauci was sitting on top of Mt Doom orchestrating a world-wide shut down just for fun, or out of some nefarious plot to destroy the planet.

Hindsight shows us mistakes were made with mostly good intentions (and certainly some CYA since). It's four years later for Pete's sake. Just laugh at the person wearing a mask alone in their convertible and move on already.

Fauci's apparent 2020 HQ
Because he made Trump look like a ****ing idiot by disagreeing with him. That was the death knell for Fauci with Trump and his minions. Remember when Trump said that Covid would miraculously disappear in the Spring/Summer hoping this wouldn't drag out and harm his reelection chances? Fauci said no on national Tv and said he saw cases and deaths rising dramatically. He was pretty much spot on with his prediction. As much as the right criticizes him, Fauci was right way more often than he was wrong. He also predicted early on that Covid wouldn't ever go away and that it would likely transition into a less virulent endemic form of the disease which is exactly what happened.
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Prior to Covid, I’d have given Trump a passing grade as president. Inherited an improving economy, didn’t screw that up. His administration in many ways was completely chaotic, and especially since he had total control of congress for half his term, only getting one major piece of legislation passed is ridiculous.

I wouldn’t have said he was a terrible president, but he wasn’t anywhere close to good or great either imo.
The economy was headed for recession at the end of 2019, the pandemic accelerated it. The one piece of legislation was a stimulus for the wealthy and well off that added to the issues later. There are so many failures in Trump's administration - he is the worst President in our history and will be for a long, long time. Hopefully forever.
Fauci wrote an article in February, 2020 saying covid was akin to severe flu, then later warned of its catastrophic potential.

He stated that Trump never once balked at his advice; followed Tony’s advice like a good little lap dog.

He mocked the idea of wearing face masks, then a couple months later actually called for double masking: “…it just makes sense”

He and his team made up the 6 ft rule.

He and his team never based the masking of children on any research.

He warned of the potential dangers of immune enhancement with mRNA vaccines then immediately reversed course after the election and said their mandating was certainly valid.

Idiot and/or liar.
I’m speaking only to the 6 foot rule. That did not come from Fauci. That came from the CDC who based it on best evidence. An older study. They realized within a few months that the droplets stayed airborne longer and those recommendations went away.
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You folks look at things as black and white when the world is so much more complicated than that. New viruses arise. Precautions are established. Lessons are learned. Vaccines are developed. Viruses mutate. Lessons need to be relearned. New precautions are established. Vaccine effectiveness waivers. When it comes to public health and especially a novel virus, there are very few things that bring 100% certainty and yet you can be so sure that lives weren't saved due to the restrictions and mandates and vaccines. You ignore that timeline and continuum of changes as if everything today is as it was when the virus first arrived. Why is that Nostradamus?
Yes, Fauci was a staunch supporter of using gain of function as a learning exercise.

In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.

Within the research community, many have expressed concern that important research progress could come to a halt just because of the fear that someone, somewhere, might attempt to replicate these experiments sloppily. This is a valid concern. ~ Anthony Fauci, American Society for Microbiology, October 2012
A couple of my favorite quotes from a Fauci article published 2 years AFTER the covid jab was released. It’s quite obvious Tony doesn’t think much of the vaccines he espouses.

As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases

Viruses that replicate in the human respiratory mucosa without infecting systemically, including influenza A, SARS-CoV-2, endemic coronaviruses, RSV, and many other “common cold” viruses, cause significant mortality and morbidity and are important public health concerns. Because these viruses generally do not elicit complete and durable protective immunity by themselves, they have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines.

Durably protective vaccines against non-systemic mucosal respiratory viruses with high mortality rates have thus far eluded vaccine development efforts.

Past unsuccessful attempts to elicit solid protection against mucosal respiratory viruses and to control the deadly outbreaks and pandemics they cause have been a scientific and public health failure that must be urgently addressed.
I'm always interested. Those on the anti-masking, anti distancing, anti vaccine train, what exactly would you have done were you in charge back in 2020?

These types always seem to tell us what not to do but never say what they would have done. Very telling imo.
Nobody complaining about the response is talking about Marcy,April or even May. People are talking about blue states keeping schools closed down through the fall of ‘20 even though schools were opening up safely all around tue world and our own country. People also get upset that government forced vaccine mandates to stop the spread even though the vaccine did nothing to stop tue spread. Finally the censorship the Biden administration asked private companies to carry out on those who questioned their policies was unreal. But keeping pushing this narrative that people are only talking about the beginning of the pandemic when they question the decisions.
Yes, Fauci was a staunch supporter of using gain of function as a learning exercise.

In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.

Within the research community, many have expressed concern that important research progress could come to a halt just because of the fear that someone, somewhere, might attempt to replicate these experiments sloppily. This is a valid concern. ~ Anthony Fauci, American Society for Microbiology, October 2012
And? Do you believe he's alone in this assessment? How many epidemiologists and biologists around the world felt/feel the same way as Fauci do you think? This is carried out broadly around the world and LOF/GOF has been used to develop many vaccines and protocols that have been created to combat diseases over the last 100 years or so. It's still going on today in labs around the world amidst this risk/benefit debate. Fauci is retired so you're going to have to find another boogeyman.
I mean.... Why believe all those nerds who spent decades in school and decades more performing scientific experiments on vaccines, when this guy with a shit 5 day beard and a homemade sign made out of cardboard, a stick, some tape, and a lot of "I did my own research"said those nerds are wrong?

Solid argument, Elon.
Fauci was spreading misinformation and calling it science then gaslighting people including doctors who called it bullshit.

I think there are still people who think Fauci was doing anything other than covering his own ass in 2020.

Masks - Bullshit
Distancing - Bullshit
Lockdowns - Bullshit
But it's not BS and this is where the cons are idiots on this. Did the government say some things to avoid panic in the public? They certainly did. Did they come up with some plans that weren't factually correct or weren't completely figured out? They sure did. Do they deserve criticism-100%. There are lots of things the government could have done differently.

You idiots think that masks, distancing, and lock downs didn't work. Why do you think there was a sudden drop in all the other the other respiratory illnesses we usually see? They virtually disappeared during lock downs. Kids didn't get RSV infection, flu way down, etc. They frigging work. There are all sorts of signs like super spreader events at games, weddings, work conferences, etc. I work in healthcare and masking resulted in the first time I've never gotten a cold over 2 winters. You can't argue that they aren't effective.

Your camp wanted to give an anti-parasite drug with no effectiveness for respiratory illnesses. Your leader wanted to push bleach in your veins. I will not accept any science review from your side which takes a giant crap on expertise. You have got your "research" I am sure to prove me wrong.

You can levy legitimate criticism that these policies had too great of an impact on social and economic issues and weren't worth it. However, you can't safely argue they didn't work. When used effectively they worked at a population level. The problem is the population wasn't willing to remain diligent.
Fauci wrote an article in February, 2020 saying covid was akin to severe flu, then later warned of its catastrophic potential.
Guess what it's like now.....the flu. Guess what, the flu is pretty deadly for a lot of people in some years.
He stated that Trump never once balked at his advice; followed Tony’s advice like a good little lap dog.

He mocked the idea of wearing face masks, then a couple months later actually called for double masking: “…it just makes sense”

He and his team made up the 6 ft rule.
Yes, because the best thing to do is get really close to someone with a respiratory illness. Every time a family member gets sick we make sure to hug and rub noses.

He and his team never based the masking of children on any research.
Because kids have never been a source of spread for respiratory illnesses.
He warned of the potential dangers of immune enhancement with mRNA vaccines then immediately reversed course after the election and said their mandating was certainly valid.

Idiot and/or liar.
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I mean.... Why believe all those nerds who spent decades in school and decades more performing scientific experiments on vaccines, when this guy with a shit 5 day beard and a homemade sign made out of cardboard, a stick, some tape, and a lot of "I did my own research"said those nerds are wrong?

Solid argument, Elon.
I completely laugh. What these idiots don't know is what is going all over the world. In Iowa City, 20 years ago, I worked in a lab that was manipulating virus to inject rna and dna into cells to use "gene therapy" and cause genetic changes in humans. I don't know if they would call it "gain of function" research or not. Imagine the outcry if people found out we were infecting people with a virus to change their DNA. However, that science is now being used to treat sickle cell patients.

Not a leftist, but I'll sleep better at night knowing I chose to follow the side of a medically trained professional during a global pandemic of epic proportions than a the side of a guy who admitted he downplayed the severity of it and suggested we put light and bleach in the body as a solution.

But whatever, I don't care, follow who you want, it's your right as an American to be ignorant, just like those who mocked warnings given and then died of COVID (see HermanCainAward subReddit)

I am pretty sure you and your family members don't head down to your nearest congressional office when you need medical advice or have aches and pains, you just have your heads so far up your political a$$ that you will set aside logic and common sense just to support your party.
you are retarded
But it's not BS and this is where the cons are idiots on this. Did the government say some things to avoid panic in the public? They certainly did. Did they come up with some plans that weren't factually correct or weren't completely figured out? They sure did. Do they deserve criticism-100%. There are lots of things the government could have done differently.

You idiots think that masks, distancing, and lock downs didn't work. Why do you think there was a sudden drop in all the other the other respiratory illnesses we usually see? They virtually disappeared during lock downs. Kids didn't get RSV infection, flu way down, etc. They frigging work. There are all sorts of signs like super spreader events at games, weddings, work conferences, etc. I work in healthcare and masking resulted in the first time I've never gotten a cold over 2 winters. You can't argue that they aren't effective.

Your camp wanted to give an anti-parasite drug with no effectiveness for respiratory illnesses. Your leader wanted to push bleach in your veins. I will not accept any science review from your side which takes a giant crap on expertise. You have got your "research" I am sure to prove me wrong.

You can levy legitimate criticism that these policies had too great of an impact on social and economic issues and weren't worth it. However, you can't safely argue they didn't work. When used effectively they worked at a population level. The problem is the population wasn't willing to remain diligent.
“Your camp wanted to give an anti-parasite drug with no effectiveness for respiratory illnesses.”

And your camp (which Trump was in) wanted to - and did - give a rushed, intramuscular injection to hundreds of millions for a mucosal respiratory illness even though they’re KNOWN to be useless. Or, in your words, they have no effectiveness for respiratory illnesses.

Intramuscularly injected vaccines CANNOT induce immunity in the mucosal tissues of the airways, which is the site of the SARS-Cov-2 entry. (emphasis mine).

While intramuscular and subcutaneously delivered vaccines elicit systemic immune responses, they generally fail to induce mucosal immunity, which provides the first barrier against pathogens infiltrating at the mucosal surface.

(And from 2023): Past unsuccessful attempts to elicit solid protection against mucosal respiratory viruses and to control the deadly outbreaks and pandemics they cause have been a scientific and public health failure that must be urgently addressed. (Fauci et al)
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Didn't like how your insensitive Covid thread was turning out, so you deleted it?
Laughing at other's misfortune ended up seeming like a bad idea?
Yep. I asked him why he deleted it as well. I don’t think he realized how much people were fvcked over by all the covid BS.
It was pretty sickening seeing other people then laughing about their misfortunes because their lives weren’t messed with.
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Because he made Trump look like a ****ing idiot by disagreeing with him. That was the death knell for Fauci with Trump and his minions. Remember when Trump said that Covid would miraculously disappear in the Spring/Summer hoping this wouldn't drag out and harm his reelection chances? Fauci said no on national Tv and said he saw cases and deaths rising dramatically. He was pretty much spot on with his prediction. As much as the right criticizes him, Fauci was right way more often than he was wrong. He also predicted early on that Covid wouldn't ever go away and that it would likely transition into a less virulent endemic form of the disease which is exactly what happened.
No, Fauci was and is exactly like Joe's place, and lies continuously in the face of evidence to the contrary.
You folks look at things as black and white when the world is so much more complicated than that. New viruses arise. Precautions are established. Lessons are learned. Vaccines are developed. Viruses mutate. Lessons need to be relearned. New precautions are established. Vaccine effectiveness waivers. When it comes to public health and especially a novel virus, there are very few things that bring 100% certainty and yet you can be so sure that lives weren't saved due to the restrictions and mandates and vaccines. You ignore that timeline and continuum of changes as if everything today is as it was when the virus first arrived. Why is that Nostradamus?
"Black and white"

Where was that shit when it was "you are killing Grandma" and "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated"

If you guys want to say that we acted with the best knowledge we had, sure, but when they went to " you are killing grandma" that made it past "this is the best advice we have"

It's actually laughable how ****ing tough you pussies talked when you thought the Jab was the greatest thing in the world and now you limp dicks are back to "it was the best information we had".

Much LOL

Fauci, and many others should be in prison.
But it's not BS and this is where the cons are idiots on this. Did the government say some things to avoid panic in the public? They certainly did. Did they come up with some plans that weren't factually correct or weren't completely figured out? They sure did. Do they deserve criticism-100%. There are lots of things the government could have done differently.

You idiots think that masks, distancing, and lock downs didn't work. Why do you think there was a sudden drop in all the other the other respiratory illnesses we usually see? They virtually disappeared during lock downs. Kids didn't get RSV infection, flu way down, etc. They frigging work. There are all sorts of signs like super spreader events at games, weddings, work conferences, etc. I work in healthcare and masking resulted in the first time I've never gotten a cold over 2 winters. You can't argue that they aren't effective.

Your camp wanted to give an anti-parasite drug with no effectiveness for respiratory illnesses. Your leader wanted to push bleach in your veins. I will not accept any science review from your side which takes a giant crap on expertise. You have got your "research" I am sure to prove me wrong.

You can levy legitimate criticism that these policies had too great of an impact on social and economic issues and weren't worth it. However, you can't safely argue they didn't work. When used effectively they worked at a population level. The problem is the population wasn't willing to remain diligent.
I guess we should lock down all the time is we want to avoid respiratory virus deaths, right?

Fauci knew what was going on as soon as it happened. He funded the research for at least 5 years in NC and then Wuhan. Oh, and he wrote in February 2020 to the NEJM that it wasn't anything to be concerned about. Trump bought into everything Fauci told him, and was too stupid to know Fauci was playing him.
We all remember Fauci shaking his head in disbelief on stage as Trump addressed the nation during Covid.

The Radical Right still harbors hate against anyone who didn't agree with that President.
Dr. Birx was adored because she was too cowardly to stand up to DJT.

It's clear these hearings are nothing but revenge.
And? Do you believe he's alone in this assessment? How many epidemiologists and biologists around the world felt/feel the same way as Fauci do you think? This is carried out broadly around the world and LOF/GOF has been used to develop many vaccines and protocols that have been created to combat diseases over the last 100 years or so. It's still going on today in labs around the world amidst this risk/benefit debate. Fauci is retired so you're going to have to find another boogeyman.
You are missing the point. The point is that Fauci knew all along the virus was engineered. He knew all along that Obama banned it in the US, so he moved the research to China. He knew in February 2020 there was going to be a vaccine developed. He tried to cover everything up because hundreds of thousands were going to die, and everyone was going to get sick. He knew the Wuhan lab wasn't ready for level 4 testing. Then Fauci started lying about little things, like masking and social distancing. EVERYONE relied on his advice, and his concern was making sure his role was covered up.
"Black and white"

Where was that shit when it was "you are killing Grandma" and "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated"

If you guys want to say that we acted with the best knowledge we had, sure, but when they went to " you are killing grandma" that made it past "this is the best advice we have"

It's actually laughable how ****ing tough you pussies talked when you thought the Jab was the greatest thing in the world and now you limp dicks are back to "it was the best information we had".

Much LOL

Fauci, and many others should be in prison.
Don’t forget how they kept threatening that everyone that didn’t get the virus was going to die. Talk about a death threat.
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"Black and white"

Where was that shit when it was "you are killing Grandma" and "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated"

If you guys want to say that we acted with the best knowledge we had, sure, but when they went to " you are killing grandma" that made it past "this is the best advice we have"

It's actually laughable how ****ing tough you pussies talked when you thought the Jab was the greatest thing in the world and now you limp dicks are back to "it was the best information we had".

Much LOL

Fauci, and many others should be in prison.
You're a moron and prove it consistently.