hence my post. And if Maryland beats LSU..the big 10 will knock out 2 league members.Unfortunately, the BIG Ten is going to take at least one loss because MSU and Minnesota play.
Good win for Iowa! Cinci is a good team.Cool! We get to play Sunday!
I won’t feel bad for Cincy. I won’t. Ok I feel kind of bad. Nobody to hate really.
Yeah, that's tough. Not ideal clock management for sure.Understandable, he only had to sit there for 4 minutes.
They probably thought the same about Cook to be fair. Garza/Wieskamp/Bohannon won this one for IowaCumberland wasn’t nearly as impressive as I expected.
I feel bad , I picked Iowa to lose in all my brackets
I didn't see the game, they didn't act like thugs?I won’t feel bad for Cincy. I won’t. Ok I feel kind of bad. Nobody to hate really.