***Official Caitlin/Fever/Kate/Meg Games Mega Thread***

It’s just a poorly constructed roster that’s poorly coached. A double whammy.

Let’s say they win 18 games and sneak into the playoffs as an 8 seed. Doesn’t change things. Gotta be bold and aggressive. Build around Clark and Boston with specialty shooters and tough physical interior players. Trade Mitchell and Smith and Samuelson. Keep Hull for defense.
Yep. Just Zero talent outside the top 4 players. I don't care what their record is, there is twice as much talent (in number of good players) on that Dallas roster then on Indiana's. Remember Howard has missed most of the season also, and she was big tonight.
Well, the good news is they surely can’t shoot 59% from the floor in the second half can they

It’s just a poorly constructed roster that’s poorly coached. A double whammy.

Let’s say they win 18 games and sneak into the playoffs as an 8 seed. Doesn’t change things. Gotta be bold and aggressive. Build around Clark and Boston with specialty shooters and tough physical interior players. Trade Mitchell and Smith and Samuelson. Keep Hull for defense.
Hull for defense? The only thing she does worse than defense is her horrific shooting.

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Joe must have seen how the Fever lost tonight

This game is on Nalyssa Smith whose brain works in slow motion. From the opening double dribble on the steal to the multiple times she got blocked cleanly from going up too early. And the fever not fouling hard to prevent layups reminds me of the Iowa men.
I’ve been saying all year Smith is killing this team. She has no idea how to play.
Hull for defense? The only thing she does worse than defense is her horrific shooting.

Hull would be fine if she was being used in the right role. She's a 12-15 minute bench player that can give solid D against a team's 2nd unit, get some transition layups, backdoor cuts, etc. Asking more than that is unfortunately where Indiana is at roster wise
I'm so happy Caitlin broke the assist record but disappointed the Fever lost. Yet again, they drop a game to a team they should be able to defeat. The team desperately needs a coaching change. Sides is in way over her head. The sooner ownership recognizes the need for change the better off the entire organization will be. I hope it happens sooner rather than later.
Lolol.. this board is SO stupid, AND bipolar. Girl has an absolutely historic game, and guys are going to ride her shit because she tries to hard to make something happen on a team with about three good players, and NO bench whatsoever. She has to want to pull her freakin hair out after these games. The fact that they've won 11 games is astounding. Outside of CC, Boston, and MAYBE Mitchell, with Smith as a reserve role player, and Temi if she could actually play, there isn't another decent player on this whole roster.
I agree with all that. It was still a dumb play. She made hundreds of great ones, many of which I pointed out in this thread.

Not ragging on her at all. Just being objective and observing.
I'm so happy Caitlin broke the assist record but disappointed the Fever lost. Yet again, they drop a game to a team they should be able to defeat. The team desperately needs a coaching change. Sides is in way over her head. The sooner ownership recognizes the need for change the better off the entire organization will be. I hope it happens sooner rather than later.
A new coach and some better players are in order
Can someone explain how the Fever are giving up so many damn layups and other easy inside shots? Is it one player who sucks at D or is it a team D problem?
I said this earlier but they're below average at defending positions 1-4. They're obviously going to keep CC and likely Mitchell so that leaves the other 2 spots where they need an upgrade. Smith is the only one under contract with trade value for next year (Mitchell is a free agent). Not a strong free agent class for 3's unfortunately. Aerial Powers from Atlanta is probably the best defender available.
What exactly does Samuelson bring?

28 mins. 3 Pts. 4 rebs, 3 ast
Oh! And let's talk defense. She is a foul magnet.

Seems like a lot of 'em in this f'ed up league are bogus, but she's gotta do better. Down low they just plow into her ... whistle. Up top she contests the three and the shooter lands awkwardly ... whistle. Maddening.
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