***** OFFICIAL IOWA vs. Penn State Game Thread *****

Well Nathan Stanley is both Michigan’s and Ped U’s most valuable player! I say we let them fight for him next week.
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This is the second game we were simply out coached ... PSU is good. Michigan is good. But both of those teams made adjustments and had game plans we couldn’t match. Our D is legit. Our O is atrocious and has been exposed back-to-back weeks. I don’t know what’s going on with the line play ... and our QB does not have the composure of a guy whose been in the program for 5 years. These two losses absolutely unmasked the difference of a 10 win team or a 7 win team... We are the 7 win team ... I absolutely expected us to come out firing on offense ... but it was simply an extension of last week.

Oh well... time to tune out of social media and watch Netflix... :)
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Penn State was shitting themselves on that last snap. 3 years in a row they have skanked out o a win.

Things will turn.
No they won’t. We’re all freshman and sophomores and recruiting lights out. We’ll win next year too. Like we always do.
Um, he was leading with his shoulder. No targeting.

Did #87 score before his knee went down? I think he did, what say you?

Officiating was G-d awful in this game. Putrid.
Can't lead with the shoulder up high either, dumb ass. Regardless, his helmet made contact. Targeting
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This is the second game we were simply out coached ... PSU is good. Michigan is good. But both of those teams made adjustments and had game plans we couldn’t match. Our D is legit. Our O is atrocious and has been exposed back-to-back weeks. I don’t know what’s going on with the line play ... and our QB does not have the composure of a guy whose been in the program for 5 years. These two losses absolutely unmasked the difference of a 10 win team or a 7 win team... We are the 7 win team ... I absolutely expected us to come out firing on offense ... but it was simply an extension of last week.

Oh well... time to tune out of social media and watch Netflix... :)
Bingo , we never make adjustments. Same stupid shit year after year.
CAN. NOT. WAIT to go back to Iowa City and rip your hearts out of your chests and show them to you again during wrestling season. I never hated Iowa until this week. **** all you pig ****ers and your hilarious pedo jokes. You had a whole officiating crew trying to hand you the game and still could not beat us!!!!!
U still are Pedo State, must be so proud.
We need new blood at coaching. Ferentz keeps hiring idiot offensive coordinators.
Give Parker a shot, I'll guarantee you the offense won't be any worse than it is.
Not on the players, it's on Kirk and wonder boy Brian.
They are the worst offensive minds I've ever watched.
Um, he was leading with his shoulder. No targeting.

Did #87 score before his knee went down? I think he did, what say you?

Officiating was G-d awful in this game. Putrid.
There was helmet to helmet contact. He could have tackled his mid-section taking all doubt away from targeting call.
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Chew on that you foul mouthed, inbred, pathetic excuse for human beings for all your leveraging of child abuse for laughs and supposed holier than thou posturing. PSU’s value to society will always exceed anything that’s ever come out of Iowa.

That’s real life, but as far as the far less important football field, even with the refs trying to do everything they could to cheat for you, Franklin still owns Ferentz. 6-0, now crawl back into your holes, glad we don’t have to deal with you low life’s any more.

Alright folks, at just about this time tomorrow we hope to be celebrating an Imminent Hawkeye victory over the nitanny lions. I'm still on the fence on what to expect from this team come tomorrow evening. Stanzi gave an inspiring speech, the team is coming off a tough loss and we are getting more injured players back. How will this team respond? Do they have the kind of guts and composure of great teams of the past that beat good psu teams?
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Yes because I support a team that doesn't molest 10 year olds in a football team locker room shower.
What is up with all this pedo shit? Do you pig ****ers activity cheer for child rape to make yourselves feel better about living in that shit hole know as Iowa?
So now that all the "special season" nonsense is dead and buried, what does this team do with the second half of the schedule?
My pre-season thoughts were this would be a 7 or 8 win type year. I'm still there as I think outside of getting their heads kicked in when they go to Madison there isn't anyone special in the rest of the B1G West. But can they win one at minny? Do they stumble at jnw?
Where does a good defense with some holes and a sub par offense take them?
Minny is a home game at Kinnick.
Chew on that you foul mouthed, inbred, pathetic excuse for human beings for all your leveraging of child abuse for laughs and supposed holier than thou posturing. PSU’s value to society .

Yeah its always good to know how groups cover up kid rape so we don't let it happen again.
Chew on that you foul mouthed, inbred, pathetic excuse for human beings for all your leveraging of child abuse for laughs and supposed holier than thou posturing. PSU’s value to society will always exceed anything that’s ever come out of Iowa.

That’s real life, but as far as the far less important football field, even with the refs trying to do everything they could to cheat for you, Franklin still owns Ferentz. 6-0, now crawl back into your holes, glad we don’t have to deal with you low life’s any more.
I'm sorry to break this to you...but Joe knew.

Go hawks
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Nope not great. But the guy has taken a beating from asshats like you because he must have stole your girlfriend or something. The whole offense has been bad. Bad playcalling, fumbles, poor protection, interceptions, penalties and so forth. Why is it so hard to admit that he is not the only problem? You are pointing him out as the difference between a good and bad team and it simply is not true.

See this is exactly what I mean. Some Iowa fans have to defend Nate at all costs. For whatever reason and I don't get it. It's all about minimizing ("why is it so hard to admit that he is not the only problem" you mean like when I said the oline was not good?) and deflecting (calling me an asshat)

Isn't of admitting he is a below average QB. If he just makes throws that not me, NATIONAL people, have called simple, middle school level throws we win more games. But, no I only bash him because I'm an "asshat" and "he must have stole your girlfiend."

I bash him because he makes bad decisions, he doesn't learn from mistakes and is holding a talented team back from winning.
You have your mind made up, nothing I say will change your mind. Nate does make bad decisions, bad throws and bad reads at times. So does every other QB in the country. When you mix in bad RB play, bad receiver play and bad OLine play, a rational fan doesn't pick the guy he doesn't like and spend an entire two weeks posting about how awful the guy is. They would look at the whole picture. You are very specific and seem to have a bone to pick with a kid who is doing the best he can in a not so great situation and not making excuses or blaming his teammates. He is trying to lead this team through adversity and doing it while getting pounded for two weeks straight. Maybe I am tired of guys like you who probably have no idea what it is like to play high level football and the work that goes into it, making blanket statements about a guy that is much better than you make it sound. Rant finished....
Where do we get there quarterbacks? James Madison and North Dakota state have better qbs every freaking year than we do. Wtf????
What is up with all this pedo shit? Do you pig ****ers activity cheer for child rape to make yourselves feel better about living in that shit hole know as Iowa?
No just relaying confirmed reports of Penn State malicious behavior.
You have your mind made up, nothing I say will change your mind. Nate does make bad decisions, bad throws and bad reads at times. So does every other QB in the country.

Stopped reading there. If you think other QB constantly miss middle school throws and make this many bad reads...well you don't watch football.

It's just excuse Nate, excuse Nate, excuse Nate.

You're damn straight I have my mind made up. I have 40 games! 40! of evidence. How the hell long am I supposed to wait to determine Nate isn't a good player?
Guards can’t block, LB’s can’t cover, and we lack depth. We pretty much knew all of this before the season began. I thought we’d be
8-4 before the season and not much has changed. The middle of the D line has been better then I expected.

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